Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Profile Picture
By Alex Begum

When you fight with a pig you both get dirty - but the pig likes it!

It wasn't enough that Yolanda Begum's signs have been stolen and vandalized, it wasn't enough for her opponents to spread false rumors about her education, it wasn't enough for her opponents to make fun of a proud American's accent who immigrated and thrived and lived the American dream in our County, now they have verbally and physically accosted her while trying to do a good deed for folks in need.

While we certainly expected some dirty tactics and ugly political fodder, this is simply low class and reprehensible behavior.

We deserve and should expect more from those seeking public office. If those running for office throw out all ethical boundaries and decency while attempting to win, what kind of behavior can we expect from this type of individual he/she they were to win????

My mother is running to give back! To serve the community, not take from its constituents! She is running to improve people's lives, to bring much needed decency and character to public office. This election is not a stepping stone for my mother, she could care less about seeking further political office. No one in our family has ever sought political office. We have never lived off public coffers or in any way asked for anything from any city, county or state government. Yolanda Begum is not a career politician, she is a decent, humble, honest and ethical member of our community who decided she could make a difference.

It is sad that good folks are forced to endure the dirty side of a world they have never been a part too, in an effort to make a positive change. I guess it's the new rite of passage.....



Anonymous said...

Mrs. Begum looks like an honest,and sincere lady. Good always wins over evil. She will win the race, let the pigs muddle in their pig pen.

Anonymous said...

Any campaign involving the Hernandez Klan is like dealing with the Kardenas Klan.....lots of low blows and mudslinging. Ernic Hernandez is oblivious of and unwilling to accept any community spirit. They are self-centered and self-serving. A pig fight with them is comfortable....its in their environment.

Anonymous said...

This is not a popularity contest or running for prom queen, this is politics. Love it or leave it.

Anonymous said...

To the this is not a popularity contest

That is precisely what we are talking about Erin, this is the Hernandez philosophy, dirty, mean, no class, have you ever heard Javier Hernandez, Cookie Covarrubias, Israel or even Raul Lopez behaving like you with each other? no, only the Hernandezes picked their enemy early on in the race, this is why people don't like you, and you are so used to this tactics that you think it is normal.

Anonymous said...

No one said change is easy. It takes a special person such as Yolanda Begum to stand strong against intimidation, to change the pattern of judicial corruption at the Cameron County Courthouse. Our history of corrupt judges elected by corrupt election practices needs to change.

Everyone knows Ernie will never be re elected he is desperate to sneak his daughter in to a JP job before he gets thrown out of office. If we the people continue to vote for these types we have no one to blame but ourselves when people get no justice, when Brownsville remains crooked and backward.

Anonymous said...

A shout out to Alex]and Yolanda Begum. This is the cess pool the deocRATA party has become, from b HUSSEIN obama to the hernandezes. Good decent people like you all are switching to the Republican Party throughout the country. Don't believe me google it. Maybe it's time to switch to a more decent party!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Am thankful a decent, intelligent family like the Begums have stepped forward to put an honorable woman Mrs. Begum to run for JP. The Begums were not naive about their opponents stooping to the lowest levels; having been informed early on to expect this behavior seen in previous elections involving the Hernandez. Alex Begum deserves a Son of the Year award for not backing down, his love and courage to stand with his mom in the midst of property damage, theft of signs and threats from his mom's opponent.

Running for office is an American tradition and right. Our democracy is based on the idea that smart and honest people should be able to run without threats and without election fraud tainting the results. What the Begum's are going through; harassment lasting for months on account of stepping forward to run for JP, is something no decent family should have to endure. This is why many good and qualified people refuse to run for office. Crooked candidates depend on threats and intimidation to scare good people out of the race. I pray that the Begums win this.
