Wednesday, June 20, 2012


By Juan Montoya
For years now, former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Ruben Cortez has been flying under the radar.
Cortez, the son of Justice of the Peace Linda Salazar, husband of a BISD elementary school principal, business partner of local attorney Rick Zayas in a lucrative jail commissary contract, and possessing only a high school equivalency education, wants to be one of 15 members of the Texas School Board of Education.
After the public furor that erupted over the fact that commissary contract that was awarded without bidding and that his cousin was the chief deputy for the sheriff awarding the contract, there was a call for proposals. Cortez and his partner were again awarded the contract that nets them more than $650,000 a year by a committee made up of county employees.
Above all, he is counting on his political contacts to try to beat Celeste Zepeda Sanchez, a San Benito CISD trustee and city commissioner with a Master's degree and more than 35 years in education in the July 31 runoff. His slogan? How about "Keeping Politics out of the Classroom."
 How's that for chutzpah?
So far, he has been able to bamboozle the Texas State Teachers Association, the Association of Brownsville Educators (AOBE) under his crony George Borrego, the Brownsville Unity Council, the Rio Grande Valley Central Labor Council, the mayor of Mercedes, the schools boards of major school boards like those at La Villa, Santa Maria, PSJA, and Monte Alto.
Still, Cortez's charm has been lost on more discerning eyes, like those of the editorial board of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times who gave Celeste Sanchez its endorsement calling her the best qualified for the position. In the May 29 election, he trialed far behind Sanchez in the voting. Now he is scurrying to pull votes from his hat (and those of his paid politiqueras) to try to overcome his deficit.
It's interesting that in none of his qualifications does he list his education. Instead, he fills up the space with the committees and boards to which he got himself appointed while he was with the BISD.  
 We're sure that Cortez didn't tell those attending his weekend pachanaga at the appropriately named "La Cucaracha Bar" that he is currently named in two major lawsuits as a result of his actions while on the BISD board. One other has already been settled in federal court and the district had to renumerate lost income to the plaintiff and award his attorneys their fees.
In the others, he is till pending on civil rights violations like retaliation, rigging insurance bids in favor of his friends, and engaging in conspiracies to subvert the grievance process to fire a superintendent and a chief financial officer who didn't do his bidding.
Read what former Superintendent Hector Gonzales says about Pretty Boy Ruben Cortez in his amended motion before a state district court:
– February 2007: (Ruben) Cortez visited Gonzales and told him he did not want insurance provider Healthsmart as the new insurance carrier for the district. He told Gonzales that he and the other (co-conspirators) wanted Mutual of Omaha, or any other firm in which Johnny Cavazos would be the agent. Gonzales said he would not participate in this conspiracy.
– March 2007: Cortez approached Gonzales again on the same issue and insisted that Gonzales only recommend one of Cavazos' insurance firms for the upcoming insurance contract. Again, Gonzales refused to join the conspiracy.
– Dec. 2007 to February 2008: (Rolando) Aguilar Cortez, and (Joe) Colunga met with Gonzales to discuss their "concerns" regarding the upcoming health insurance contract. They made it clear that they did not want Healthsmart, but one of Cavazos' companies.
– Also May 2008: Cortez went to Gonzales and instructed him to promote his wife to principal of Benavides Elementary. Cortez threatened Gonzales that "if he wanted to remain at BISD as superintendent, he should make it happen. Gonzales said he could not oblige such a request. Cortez responded "we will see what happens."
– Sept. 16, 2008: CFO Antonio Juarez recommended AAG/Berkley for the Stop-Loss Insurance contract which was not adopted by the board at that meeting. Afterwards, Cortez visited Gonzales in his office and told him he did not like the recommendation and didn't like "being lied to." Gonzales said he would have Tony Resendez, counsel with Walsh, Anderson, Gallegos, Brown and Schultze to look into the matter. Resendez recommended the matter be handled administratively with a warning to Juarez that perhaps he did "not communicate effectively" to the board.
– Immediately after the Sept. 23, 2008 board meeting: Gonzales and board members attended CUBE convention in Las Vegas and Cortez approached Gonzales and told him the current board did not extend his contract because they were going to "hold him hostage." He also said his job "was on the line" and that the superintendent needed to "prove that he would do as they directed" and to "start proving himself by firing Rendon because that would make Colunga very happy."
Further, Cortez said there was going to "be a change" and that Gonzales needed to "play ball with his side" or be fired. He also said that once Zayas was elected, they would have the majority vote and that they wanted the current insurance policy cancelled and a new insurance policy to be awarded to Cavazos.
Cortez also told Gonzales they wanted Rendon fired and his contract terminated immediately. Further, Cortez warned that Gonzales "needs to listen to him because they will be in control and all he has to do is do what they tell him to do" because "this was the way Brownsville operated."
– Oct. 21: Cortez requested a consent item on the agenda related to "apparent misinformation" directed toward board members on insurance contract. Another "superintendent evaluation" was placed on agenda but no action was taken. Aguilar. Cortez, and Colunga all met with Gonzales separately after the meeting regarding Juarez. Each conveyed to Gonzales that they wanted him to fire Juarez for "lying" to them regarding the Stop-Loss insurance contract they wanted to go to Cavazos. They all wanted Gonzales to fire him and then give a recommendation to Cavazos' company.
When Gonzales didn't fire Juarez, but instead reassigned him to a grant administrator position, Cortez's reaction was immediate.
– Upon discovering the reassignment, trustees Aguilar, and Cortez went to Gonzales' office outraged. They both screamed "Why didn't you fire Tony? Why didn't you just terminate him?"
– In the days and months following this episode: The BISD majority and its co-conspirators tried to procure false grievances against Gonzales in a further attempt to discredit, discriminate against, and terminate him.
– Sept. 18, 2009: Because of his refusal to stop and/or silence efforts to uncover and expose illegal and other improper activity of the conspiracy, Gonzales was terminated. He further charges in his petition that the conspirators – including Cortez – "manipulated and created evidence, coerced and intimidated witnesses, gave false testimony, and falsified records to make it appear that the Special Services Department was in a financial mess and in an organizational shambles. Further, the conspirators controlled, corrupted, and manipulated the entire grievance and appeal procedure such that the outcomes of specific and selected cases at the conspirators' choosing, were pre-determined."
This is not all. Cortez was also in the majority sued by former Special Needs Department Director Art Rendon, who stated in a sworn deposition in his case (Southern District of Texas 1:10-cv-00198) that:
"58. On or about June, 2008, Ruben Cortez, a sitting board member on BISD, contacted Plaintiff directly via telephone. He instructed Plaintiff to hire his sister, Linda Aguilar, for summer school employment as a Special Education teacher.
59. Plaintiff informed Mr. Cortez that BISD had hiring policies in place and instructed him that the hiring application for the summer of 2008 had already been accepted and processed.
60. Cortez sent Plaintiff his sister's application and insisted Plaintiff call her immediately and giver her a job. Plaintiff set up a meeting between Cortez's sister Linda, Ana Lerma, who was a Special Education supervisor, and Dr. Lee Garcia, Assistant Director for Special Services. At the meeting, Ruben Cortez's orders were followed, and Linda Aguilar was given a job for the summer of 2008.
And this is the guy who is running under the slogan of "Keeping Politics out of the Classroom?"


Anonymous said...

CONCHUDO? That's big assed, huh jmon?

A. Bell

Anonymous said...

"CONCHUDO? That's big assed, huh jmon?"

Not really, it more or less translates to "lazy person that takes advantage of others. Orr in Spanish "un holgazan, sinverquenza, flojo, aprovechado.

Anonymous said...

i look forward to bearly graduating highschool and leading cameron county ignorants.. jaja

Anonymous said...

So Montoya why do you dislike Cortez so much. It is all about money for you. Think maybe if Cortez paid you for advertizing here on your blog you would lay off him. Just wondering what drives you blog stories.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So Montoya why do you dislike Cortez so much. It is all about money for you. Think maybe if Cortez paid you for advertizing here on your blog you would lay off him. Just wondering what drives you blog stories.

June 21, 2012 12:33 AM

This is obviously you Rubensito,....yes money drives us all,..,.even you, rat.

Former county employee said...

Montoya, doesn't JP Linda Salazar have family working for her in office? Also, one or two of her employees have the concession within the courthouse. They have had for years. Big scam there for the food is horrible! That seems like a big time "conflict of interest" if you ask me? That concession needs to be bidded out or have someone else vie for it. This kind of insider assistance is what Cameron County is going through right now with this Limas investigation!

Anonymous said...

Cortez wife is part of a running club called PVC....."puras viejas chingonas". Ruben paid for the shirts they wear and they have "vote for cortez" on the backs....they wear them everywhere and post pics on facebook with them...funny!!

Gloria Guerra said...

jajajaja lo de las T shirts me da mucha risa, osea? k con usar unas simples playeritas k Cortez pago y k dicen vote for cortez ya las hacen fregonas? jajaaja es obvio k toda via no saben lo k es ser fregon en la vida y con el publico y ser una figura publica con poder, en otras palabras se lleva mas k el uso de unas playeritas X, todo se mueve y gira alrededor de dinero PARA LOS K SI SABEN, y para los k no saben..pues se conforman con usar simples playeritas de 5 dlls cada una jaja para mi eso no es ser fregon, para mi eso es k les estan viendo la cara a los k no saben nada de politica y k son pollitas en el ambiente. Por favor..Documentense mas en el area de la politica, por k la verdad dan pena.

Anonymous said...

Recuerden que Cortez stands for::
JAJAJA todo esto le queda muy bien al tal Cortez, esto es completa descripcion del tal Cortez!!! jajaja k mas quieren? la palabra C lo dijo todo :)
