Thursday, June 14, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Those of us who saw Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera's Administrative Assistant Letty Perez giving Erin Hernandez Garcia a personal guided tour of the clerk's office at the judicial wing of the courthouse were wondering where we cold sing up for one, too.
It's no secret that Rivera is lending his considerable political weight to commissioner Ernie Hernandez's little girl in her runoff race against political newcomer Yolanda Teran Begum, but to some of or taste, having your right-hand Gal Friday lead Ernie's daughter meeting the employees of his department was, well, a bit indiscreet.
After all, Perez (married to former constable Abel Perez who once nurtured dreams of being county sheriff) was seen on election day decked out in her Erin T-shirt campaigning at different voting sites during the working day. We're sure that she was using her vacation time, of course.
But the brash intrusion of the county clerk into the political race between Begum and Erin using paid county employees during working hours in public offices to further the political fortunes of a candidate is just a bit much for most people to stomach.
It's almost as bad as the hordes of District Attorney Office employees protesting in front of the federal courthouse in support of their boss Armando Villalobos decked out in their red campaign T-shirts. They, too, we imagine, were probably using their vacation or sick days.
This, we have heard, has already been pointed out to the bigwigs at the county (commissioners, county judge) but to no avail. As the guided tours and meet and greet tours continue for Erin, will anyone do anything about it? Or are the county's resources available to all candidates to campaign?


Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Erin.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you Jo? aren't you embarrassed to be linked to this family and what they stand for? God!!

Anonymous said...

I believe Yolanda Beegum also was given a tour of the county cleks office...

Anonymous said...

Begum got the same tour...let's be fair!

Anonymous said...

She can take all the tours she wants....but most of the people I have talked to say they won't support any of Ernie Hernandez's famile or friends. Ernie has made lots of enemies and it will cost Erin. Ernie Hernandez is corrupt and his family is tainted by his corruption.

Anonymous said...

Begum got the tour from De la Garza and company who are on the fringe of being indicted. Dumb move Yolanda running to Aurora. Smart move Erin for seeking Joes help.

Former county employee said...

And the politics of Cameron County keep on rolling? Was Begum given the same tour? Why were they even given the tour? Montoya, that pic of Erin is "sickening" and only reminds me of Miss Piggy. There has got to be some sort of county violation for Joe Rivera's right hand to be doing this for political favors? Even if both were given the tour, there has to be something wrong with this? This is politicking period? As far as employees campaigning for Armando Villalobos before the election? I very seriously doubt that they had used their compensation time, vacation or much less sick time? That office manager, Michelle Garcia intimadated employees to campaign while whale beaching in Puerto Rico. Rumor is that she is angry at the world now that Mandito didn't get in the run off or much less get elected. Now, she is sucking up to Luis Saenz in the hopes of retaining her job? I know that Luis Saenz has enough sense not to retain her and get rid of the dead weight and ass kissers if he can pull off the run off? Cameron County is the cesspool of the State right now and this type of reporting only adds to that cesspool.

I'm with Erin said...

Three is only one person in the Begum campaign that is can write as proficiently in English as this. Name calling is juvenile.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Feeling the pressure are you "A"?

Anonymous said...

No one is forcing you to read this , if you can't appreciate JMon's reporting, don't click on the link.

Anonymous said...

Three is only one person in the Begum campaign that is can write as proficiently in English as this.

hmmm, "A" is supposed to be Alex? LOL

12:43 PM is from the County you dumbass, not the Begum campaign. Only county staff would know who Michelle Garcia is or where she spent her vacation, or how she is since Villalobos lost. Jesus. how did you pass high school someone take the english comp tests for you is this Roberto .. lol

hey dumbass, lol said...

No, it is not Roberto. When writing in English, all languages and nationalities for that matter are written with the first letter in upper case.
Ex. English, not english.

Anonymous said...

Ok Juan, tell the truth, whose picture results in more comments, Erin H. Garcia or Yolanda Begum?

Anonymous said...

juan its that a joe riveras 1990 picture cuz if you would take a picture today he looks like a monster, and by the way ernie learned the political tricks from joe rivera so i didnt surprise me that joe is supporting erin or maybe joe wants a big raise in the upcoming county new budget right. Joe is like hermina becerra no la brika sin huarache. southmost kid

Anonymous said...

Whoever,gets in for DA...I hope they FIRE Jason moody's ass....

Inquiring Mind wants to know.. said...

By reading the posts posted mostly by "Anonymous" we get that there are people who takes sides based on profound dislike of certain individuals. Have you taken the time to compare the qualifications of these two women; or are you solely the type of voter who would put your civil liberties at the hand on one person because you hate the other and whom she is associated with. Seems to me like that is the problem with Cameron County. If more stress was put on who was more qualified that who is more liked or less hated, things might be different. Think about this.... Keep it clean and Peace to you all!

Anonymous said...

Define "qualified"

Judge Abel Limas and Ray Marchan both have law degrees. Does that make them qualified to be judges? NO!
what a fucking mess the legal system in Brownsville the corrupt run for judge to get "loans" and do favors for their corrupt friends and family.

No mas. My vote is for Begum

Anonymous said...

Haha haha Erin is beating a dead horse, she is very Impressed with herself because she has a law degree from the worst law school in the country despite the fact that she has not been able to do anything as an attorney,

Anonymous said...

Erin is the only qualified person to be Justice of the Peace, all of the other Justices of the peace in the rest of the county, state and country are not, only her, she is a proud graduate of Texas Southern University

Anonymous said...

La puse en mi restaurant Y me asusto a las cucarachas y a Los clientes

Anonymous said...

Simple we r TIRED THAT LEACHES like Ernie, Ernie Y Norma the cow Cadriel Hernandez.
