Wednesday, June 13, 2012


By Juan Montoya
We have long held the opinion that the weakest link in the U.S. Government's case in the Abel Limas scandal is none other than their star witness: Abel Limas himself.
So far, our pinion has not changed. In fact, it has found fertile ground in local public opinion. No one believes what Limas is saying now.
Meanwhile, the government did itself no favors to elicit the charge from Limas that Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos offered him money to dissuade him from launching a judicial inquiry into the disappearance of convicted murderer Amit Livingston who failed to turn himself in to prison after Lima granted his defense a motion to allow him 60 days to get his affairs in order before serving his 20-plus year sentence.
Come again?
Limas granted the motion to allow Livingston to walk out of the courthouse after a murder conviction knowing full well that a $500,000 cash bond posted by the convicted man's family would be split in a  parallel civil lawsuit the victim's family filed against the defendant. Villalobos and Charles Mattingly (now a GOP candidate for DA) say they protested against letting Livingston go in Limas' chambers, pitting their word against Limas and the man's defense attorney.
Now Limas, claiming he knew nothing about the way the $500,000 was going to be split between the family and the defense attorneys (Eddie Lucio, Villalobos' former law partner) is saying that Villalobos gave him money to stop him from launching the inquiry.
Now, given the testimony Limas gave where he remembers even a $100 gambling chip local attorney Michael Young "loaned" him in a trip to Las Vegas, how believable is it that he didn't know about the $500,000? Or how much Villalobos is supposed to have given him to purchase his silence and not launch an inquiry?
This much we now know. Limas lied to the government until confronted with so much evidence to the contrary that he switched stories until he satisfied his interrogators. He lied about acts he said he took that he never did. So where does the lies end and the truth begin in his recollection of events?
We already know that he was a liar and a cheat on the bench. We already know that he has struck a plea agreement with the government to snitch on all and any individual that they might be interested in in order to protect his wife (which the defense can't locate) and his son.
And this is the guy we're supposed to believe?


Anonymous said...

We don't need to believe him. Thankfully, his phones were wiretapped and then he wore a wire for the feds. Thus, I don't think Limas' "word" is all that important now...the recordings will largely speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

So if You answer questions under oath at the stand you are singing? And if you plea the fifth you are hiding something? Jmon says he is lying and that Limas did not take what he says he did? So you are saying Limas is innocent.

People: " Limas is guilty he is taking bribes" "He need to take responsibility and admit he did wrong" " he needs to come clean and say who bribed him"

* Limas pleas guilty

People: "oh he says he is guilty to save his family" "he is a liar he never took bribes from so and so" " he saying all that to please the govt"

*Limas says who has asked him for favors and "offer" money

People: " oh, he is singing" " those names are not true, they are honorable people" " Marchan is innocent"

So this all concludes to ALL being innocent, and the government is the one forcing them to lie?

Anonymous said...

@ jmon.... What an instigator! The wife has been located and if you know a little about law, you can EVIDENTLY see she is NOT protected! I won't tell you how, go figure it out.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting to see luis saenz name mention cuz he's as CroOkeD as limas villalobos just read case of manuel velez saenz was special prosecutor and sentence was reverse could be for prosecutorial misconduct

Anonymous said...

Limas can be believed. His plea deal with the Feds is conditioned on him testifying fully and truthfully. Limas lies and he adds decades to his sentence.

Anonymous said...

Saenz? No. I'm waiting for Masso's name. He and his family support eight-liner establishments. It has been repeatedly stated by law enforcement that a majority of monies made at these establishments fund organized crime. A DA supporting eight-liner establishments supports organized crime.

Anonymous said...

@ June 13, 2012 4:29 PM


Anonymous said...

(We don't need to believe him. Thankfully)

LOL! Dude, the FBI believes him. And they are the ones Limas is very jovially (obviously) dealing with.

Gunthy Renker

Former DA employee said...

Abel Limas has for purpose of this blog, the perfect witness. He has nothing to hide anymore? He did nothing that none of us would have done to protect a family member. He was easy to bribe since everyone knew and including those who have been convicted or indicted that he had a gambling problem. Greed makes people do "stupid" things since it is so easy to think that you could not get caught. It always takes one to start off the investigation just like this one. With his testimony, it should not be hard to convict Marchan and I suspect that Armando Villalobos will enter a pleas now that Limas has testified that he bribed him also. I am sure that there is more to this and Oscar De La Fuente will be the star witness in the future and the down fall of AV!

Anonymous said...

Able Limas seems to be in charge now in Cameron County and is dropping dimes on all those he didn't like or wouldn't bribe him. Let's hope he gives it up on Aurora de la Garza soon. She is the "wicked witch" of the judicial corruption in Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Elia Cornejo Lopez is another witch of the judicial system. Don't trust her at all.

Anonymous said...

the need to check the limas and el gallito connection. el gallito had his sexual misconduct dismissed by limas . how much did he pay?

Anonymous said...

Villalobos might have to plea bargain. He has way too much baggage.

putiflais said...

I wonder if he'll ever mention Neto Gamez & Ben Euresti, those 2 are responsible for alot of unethical behavior within the court house walls.

Anonymous said...

OMG gilberto hinojosa's name was mentioned in cross examination OMG this cannot be gilberto is as honest and truthful as a $3 dollar bill. Honest gilbert OMG

Anonymous said...

OMG gilberto hinojosa's name was mentioned in cross examination OMG this cannot be gilberto is as honest and truthful as a $3 dollar bill. Honest gilbert OMG

R.I.P. Democraps what will you do if Gilbert Hinojoso new "historic" first Hispanic statewide Democrap Chairman indicted 6 month after being elected!!

Anonymous said...

Nice Try Erasmo Castro trying to throw Saenz in there when you know Masso is ALL tied up with organized 8 liner illegal gambling and that causes crime. Who do you think is bank rolling his campaign and paying your fat ass and your stupid whore of a sister?

Anonymous said...

LOL, this fat MF looks like the crooked cop named cecilia, eeewwww all fat, greasy and ugly and disgusting looking, ohhh by the way, we have all heard she also likes pussy just like this asshole likes money eeeewwwwwww
