Once again, Texas Republicans showed leadership on the issue of immigration reform.
This past Friday night, in Fort Worth, Texas, the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) took a historic step toward finding solutions for our nation’s broken immigration policies.
Since Monday, members of the Platform Committee heard testimony from a wide variety of people on the issues of border security and immigration reform.

On most nights, members worked all night until all who wanted to speak were able to do so. The result is a new plank in the platform of the party called “The Texas Solution”.
The concept behind this solution is to provide a practical set of guiding conservative principles to define potential solutions to these issues. It then puts the burden of details on the legislators at the state and federal level to create and implement real solutions.
The Texas Solution points out the failure of the federal government to
live up to one of its primary constitutional duties – defending the borders of this nation.
It recognizes that mass deportation is not an equitable, nor practical solution to decades of the government’s ignoring the enforcement of immigration law. Nor is amnesty a reasonable or acceptable solution. This is an important step for the party as we continue to reach out to conservative Hispanics across Texas. Prior versions of the platform were used by Democrats to create a false impression that Republicans were both anti-immigrant and anti-Hispanic. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The plank calls for the federal government to secure the border. It calls for a practical approach to applying technology and manpower to ending the lawlessness that exists along our borders. It demands safety and security for all Americans living along the border and across Texas.
The plank calls on the government to create an effective and secure guest worker program and an update for long outdated Social Security card. The guest worker program should be created in a way that will be self-funding. It would require criminal background checks of all applicants. Applicants ap
plying who have prior immigration offenses would be required to pay a fine. Applicants, and their employers, would have to prove they can provide adequate health insurance. They would not be entitled to any form of public entitlement programs.
In order for the program to work properly, applicants would be issued a biometric identification card that would track all address changes in addition to criminal and civil court appearances. They would also only be allowed to work for employers who properly classify them as employees and who will withhold taxes and match social security taxes.
For several years, people across Texas have been working hard to

bring the conservative message of the Republican Party to conservative Hispanics around the state, particularly in South Texas where the Republican Party is expanding rapidly. People like Aaron Peña and J.M. Lozano have shown the way through their brave decision to switch to the Republican Party. Candidates like Adela Garza, running for Congress in the newly created 34 District and Miriam Martinez running for the Texas Legislature are proving voters in South Texas with a real choice in elections in South Texas.
This plank in the platform reflects a consensus of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. These people came together and expressed frustration about the status quo where nothing is being done to move a solution forward. Texas, once again, leads the way and brings forward a true solution to the long standing problems of border security and illegal immigration.
Thank you to the hard work of individuals such as Norman Adams, Art Martinez de Vara, Brad Bailey, and Nelson Spear for working so tirelessly to get this plank passed!
South Texas, especially Cameron county, desperately needs a viable Republican party that can win elections, mostly because we are in dire need of a two party system. Any Conservative candidate soon figures out that they have to switch to the Democrat party to win. And that is unfortunate. In a two party system, corruption may happen but not as easily and overtly as it has in recent months (i.e., the Conrado Cantu and Limas cases to name a few).
The plan has some real merits, but I would want to some firm measures taken to assure that families would not be broken up, where such families in Texas are made of legal residents/citizens and illegal family members. A policy whereby familes are destroyed won't fly.
I doubt if you will ever see a real two party system down here because;
1. A very large portion of the population is received some sort of Federal Goverment money and the Democrats keep that machine well oiled.
2. Hispanics have found a home in the Democrat party as their power base.
3. The vast majority of the Republicans are Gringos.
4. Due to the massive racism down here, Gringos don't get elected to squat.
Add the numbers us and you will see why things will not change.
These folks talk a lot about immigration but have no idea what yhey are talking about or what they want. Just making noice to make they they really care.
The immigration problem is very easy to solve. There is legal immigration done through the existing legal channels and there is illegal immigration which is done other then legal thus "illegal" and against the law. There is no mistery or confusion about these two concepts. No se agan los tontos.
Sounds like a blueprint for creating an institutionalized sub-class of people. Gross, but expected from the party of Limbaugh & ignorance.
For Anon of June 12, 2012 5:46 PM says: "...I doubt if you will ever see a real two party system down here..." So are you saying with the MASSIVE CORRUPTION that we're witnessing everyday from the democrat side Hispanics here are TOO STUPID AND DUMB to figure it out DEMOCRATS CULTURE OF CORRUPTION LEAD TO DISASTROUS OUTCOMES AND PERPETUAL POVERTY?
The massive corruption is not because they are Democrats. It is that the corrupt people just happen to be democrats.
The corruption, mordida, and compadre system is part of the Mexican culture that have spilled over to this side of the river. I think everybody knows this, we just don't want to say it out loud.
It doesn't matter which party is in control, as long as the culture of corruption is accepted as normal. People run for office down here to help their family and friends and to punish their enemies. Until that changes who cares what party they belong to.
Price is a pendejo.
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