Friday, June 15, 2012


By Juan Hurtado III
Commander, VFW Post 2035 CDR
Dear Comrades and Fellow VFW Post 2035 Members,
It is an honor and privilege to greet you, some perhaps for the first time, via e-mail. This year, 2012, marks my 20th anniversary as a member of the VFW, and I must say that the time has gone by fast. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support, and to congratulate the newly elected officers.
As you may be aware, we have some bumps on the road ahead of us, and that is why I want to ask all members to unite, so that we can work together and make our post stronger than ever before. Currently, only a handful of officers and key members actively participate and keep the post running on a day-to-day basis. I ask ALL members to attend our regular meetings and to consider volunteering to support fundraisers, memorial events and especially the honor guard.
I also feel strongly that in order for us to come together we must communicate better. In today's world, it should not be so hard. Most everyone has a cell phone and a computer, making it easier for us to stay in constant contact instead of possibly seeing each other only once a month. 
If you would like to be placed on an e-mail address book, or on a cell phone text list, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at or via cell phone at 956-466-6887. Please join us in our mission to unite and help veterans in need.
We are currently trying to rent out our kitchen, so we can once again have food service to canteen customers. I therefore encourage you to visit us and patronize our canteen.
In closing, let’s unite, attend, and participate so that we can be the best VFW Post in the state of Texas!
Thank you


Anonymous said...

A Big Thank you to all the Veterans (past and present)for serving our Country.

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day!

Anonymous said...

Commander Hurtado is the best thing that happened to the VFW.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the VFW, especially Post 2035 off E. Price in Brownsville, does not deserve community support. While individual veterans deserve respect for serving their country, it is the opinion of this veteran that the VFW as a whole is a corrupt and meaningless organization hiding behind the honor of veterans. Behind the walls where the old drunks live is fake leadership, bullying and cronyism. Stay away from this place and do not support it. You will only be padding the pockets of crooks.
