Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The transition teams of Texas Southmost College (TSC) and the University of Texas System (UT System) met on June 25, 2012, to discuss the important business of real property, facilities, furniture, fixtures and equipment.
At that meeting, Dr. Lily F. Tercero, President of TSC, expressed that “the TSC Board of Trustees is committed to ensuring the successful completion of the transition process and looks forward to having two very prestigious educational institutions in our community.”
She stated that “TSC embraces the concept of an educational village, as proposed by the UT System.” According to Dr. Tercero, “It is a financially viable and student-friendly concept that would entail the sharing of certain student-related services.” Additionally, this collaboration would allow TSC and UTB students continued access to existing facilities.
Dr. Tercero did point out that, “At first glance, some operations might be viewed as viable candidates for consolidation or may appear to be redundant, but in actuality, it may be necessary to keep these operations separate for various reasons. For example, the mission of the community college is different from that of a university. Each institution has been purposely designed to serve different populations and different community needs. As a result, service needs and program offerings at both institutions differ, as do reporting requirements at the local, state and federal levels.”
According to Dr. Tercero, “Although the UT System has expressed interest in purchasing certain buildings and land, TSC sincerely believes their proposed concept and educational space requirements can be fully accomplished by leasing rather than selling TSC property.” “It is too early to determine the level of growth that will occur at TSC and UTB; therefore, the TSC Board of Trustees believes that it is fiscally prudent and in the best interest of the College District and UTB to retain the flexibility of a leasing program at this time.” While the Board of Trustees is committed to ensuring the long-term viability of TSC, it is also strongly committed to assisting UTB as it moves to becoming operationally independent from the partnership. “TSC is ready to work with UTB to ensure that it has the space it needs to implement its academic program as both institutions move to becoming operationally independent in fall 2013,” she stated.
TSC was initially established in 1926 and entered into a partnership with the University of Texas at Brownsville in 1991. In early 2011, the UT System Board of Regents and the TSC Board of Trustees voted to terminate the partnership. TSC is scheduled to become operationally independent by fall 2013 and separately accredited by August 31, 2015.


Anonymous said...

Can you print what it says? It is blurry and not legible.

Anonymous said...

TSC had better get a big cash deposit up front. UTB has not been good about paying its rent.

UTB has said it will build before it will rent, so let's see how this game of chicken works out.

Anonymous said...

To the Board of Trustees of TSC:

read my lips.... do the right thing and show the voters you will not again "fuk over" the taxpayers agin like the board and juliet did in the 90's.....

show us the asking prices, show us the property being offered for sale . . . .

show us the details. . . . identify the real estate parties involved . . . name the attorneys . . . who stand to make millions from the sale to UT . . .

put the infomation . . . on line to show you Board Members of TSC . . . . are different than the Board of juliet .....

educational village ... special services . . unique deal with UT and TSC if BULLSHIT ! !
BULLSHIT ! ! . . . in other words get ready for a grand old
rear - end job again . . .

Trustee Trey Mendez . . . where are you when the voters need you . . .

or is this Board already sold to the bankers, sold to the real estate brokers . . . sold to UT.

Oh yea, NOW LET'S RENAME THE BUILDINGS: after the new board of trustees after the grand shaft is given to the pendejo taxpayers . . .

and dont forget to honor senator lucio who has a gun to your head with special legislation id you don't go along with juliet and ut !

Anonymous said...

@June 26, 2012 3:32 PM

Brother, you need to get off that "medical" weed you been smoking. There is no shame in asking for help.

Nevertheless, thanks for contributing.

Anonymous said...

@June 26, 2012 3:32 PM

Can you not read, TSC said that they are not selling!

Anonymous said...

Most people were ready to give UT all of the buildings with nothing in return except a long term tax bill, now those people want to blaim the TSC board for continuing to defend our interests against the powerful invaders that want to pillage our community? Why are you so ready to bend over for almighty UT??

Anonymous said...

Game over man, Game over!

Anonymous said...

" water under the bridge" but

Clemens juror: "Key witness in case wasn't credible . . . .NOT GUILTY"

Clemens juror: "Key witness in case wasn't credible . . . NOT GUILTY"

Clemens juror: "Key witness in case wasn't credible . . . NOT GUILTY"

Clemens juror: "Key witness in case wasn't credible. . . . NOT GUILTY"
