Less than three two months ago – even as the Mexican government was revealing evidence linking him to discredited former Tamaulipas Gov. Tomas Yarrington Rubalcava – the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College School of Business was honoring Sergio Ramon Arguelles Gutierrez, known as the "King of the Maquilas," in Matamotors.
Arguelles was identified by ouor intrepid academics as one fo that city's most prominent businessmen with extensive business and real estate holdings in Brownsville and the Rio Grande Valley, including numerous properties in Rancho Viejo, South Padre Island and McAllen.
He was feted at the

Student Union El Gran Salón along with Ray Hunt Chairman, President and CEO Hunt Consolidated, Inc., businessmen Jo Rae Wagner, of Harlingen, and Rene Capistran, of SpawGlass fame from Brownsville.
According to the news release by the UTB-TSC School of Business, Arguelles, a native of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, attended Texas Southmost College as a young man. He founded his firm, FINSA, 35 years ago to provide Mexico’s emerging maquiladoras w
According to the news release by the UTB-TSC School of Business, Arguelles, a native of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, attended Texas Southmost College as a young man. He founded his firm, FINSA, 35 years ago to provide Mexico’s emerging maquiladoras w
Obviously behind the times and oblivious to the fact that Arguelles' industrial parks have fallen on hard times, the UTB Business School said in their program that:ith the manufacturing facilities and services they needed to grow.
"Sergio and his son, Sergio Argüelles Jr., have led FINSA in the development of 14 Industrial Parks containing 60 million square feet of manufacturing space serving approximately 1,600 firms employing 200,000 people" and had, in a fit of philantropy, "created FINSA Foundation which provides scholarships to children and young adults in various cities in Mexico."
However, the Mexican media and PGR are not as charitable as UTB-TSC.
Various news accounts say that the elder Arguelles is known in narcopolitico circles as "El Cucaracho," and that his $4 million purchase of Ranco Viejo, where he lives now, was made with proceeds from questionable sources.
That didn't seem to bother too many people on this side of the river since among the sponsors listed on the program were none other than Brownsville's Public Utility Board, the Brownsville Economic Development Corporation (BEDC), Ambiotech, Burton, McCumber and Cortez, Cardenas Development, Fred Rusteberg's International Bank of Commerce (listed in a DEA complaint as one of the banks that funneled millions in drug profits from Matam
However, the Mexican media and PGR are not as charitable as UTB-TSC.
Various news accounts say that the elder Arguelles is known in narcopolitico circles as "El Cucaracho," and that his $4 million purchase of Ranco Viejo, where he lives now, was made with proceeds from questionable sources.
That didn't seem to bother too many people on this side of the river since among the sponsors listed on the program were none other than Brownsville's Public Utility Board, the Brownsville Economic Development Corporation (BEDC), Ambiotech, Burton, McCumber and Cortez, Cardenas Development, Fred Rusteberg's International Bank of Commerce (listed in a DEA complaint as one of the banks that funneled millions in drug profits from Matam
oros to San Antonio), FINSA, and Gobar Systems, among others.
The invocation was delivered by the Rev. Armand Matthew and the greeting and introduction of honorees was given by UTB-TSC President Juliet Garcia.
The invocation was delivered by the Rev. Armand Matthew and the greeting and introduction of honorees was given by UTB-TSC President Juliet Garcia.
Now, as the Meicana nd U.S. dragnet gets wider, writers in the Mexican media say that the real financial brain behind Yarrington's amassing of wealth through his protection of the

drug cartels was none other than Arguelles, which has many city businessmen who did business with Arguelles looking nervously over their shoulders.
How vast was Yarrington's corruption?
During a hearing on a divorce petition filed by Sonia De Pau Garcia by SIEDO (Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada), she revealed that her husband, Tomas de Jesus Cano Martinez, who is now on the run in the United States, was a straw man for the holdings of the corrupt governor.
When De Pau filed for divorce against her fugitive husband, she demanded 50 percent of his holdings, which the authorities say is really Yarrington's.
Among those are:
Culebra y Cantera Parkway
Materiales y Construcciones Villa de Aguayo y Gigfer
Two gas stations in Guemez and in Victoria, Tamaulipas
Inmobiliaria Sanat Maria Dolores
Grupo GMS Construction Company
MCVA Construction and concessions
Ecptourism hotels El Paraiso, Real del Monte, Posada de Amanecer located in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico
Inalto Construction Company
Rivera Furniture Factory
Executive Airlines of Mexico
Tequilera Tamatan
Commercial Forum Center of Tampico
Xperta Consulting
Cano and Gracia Financial Group
Commercial Forum Center in Tampico
Pesquera Investments
Royalty Homes
Lakeway 2
Premier Group International Holdings
SPI Palace Subdivision Condominium Development
SPI Ling and Martin Townhome Project (Note: Most of these are in the Brownsville and South Padre Island areas)
Other properties listed under Fernando Cano MArtinez but which investigators say are really Yarrington's are:
An island in the Laguna Tamiagua called "Juan A. Ramirez"
A ranch in the Sierra de Martinez in Soto la Marina
Various homes in Matamoros
A ranch "El Tinieblo" in Sanatander, Tamaulipas
The Panuco Newspaper company which publishes "La Razon," in Tampico
El Expreso also published by Panuco Newspapers with editions in Victoria, Mante and Matamoros
Mi Radio Broadcasting Group with radio stations in Nuevo Laredo, Miguel Aleman, Reynosa, Camargo, Matamoros, Tampico and in Veracruz
Capital Cable "The New Image" as well as various enterprises in Barcelona, Spain
The government issued at least 150 identification orders seeking to attribute the financial backing to Yarrington and his associates.
With that kind of reach, it's little wonder that the financial brain behind Yarrington's enterprises was feted at the UTB Business School.
Julieta is so wounded from the UTB-TSC divorce that she is willing to seek help from any sources....and the evil sources in Mexico seem to have all the cash. Along with Freddy Rusteburg and IBC (The International Bank of Corruption)...Juliet goes with the flow.
Will they be offering a fast track degree plan with a major in money laundering?
The flow? Shit runs downhill and payday is on Friday.
Corruption and wrong doing pierces to the heart and soul of our world down here. It is so bad, that anybody who has accumulated any influence and wealth are suspect. Education, public service, politics, legal community and business all soil their hands with and for dirty money.
Is there a truly honest and moral person left standing? There just seems to be two kinds of people, those who have already sold their souls, and those who are waiting for a better price.
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