Tuesday, June 26, 2012


By Juan Montoya
We have named a street after him, a boat ramp on the way to Padre Island, and his family has received the highest honors a nation gives its slain warriors, including a call from the commander-in-chief and that of his boss, the secretary of Homeland Security.
And, without even knowing for sure, we're confident that his family has received the financial benefits usually afforded to the survivors of one of its slain agents.
But apparently, that isn't enough for the family and the attorneys representing the survivors of Jaime Zapata, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent killed in Mexico and have filed a $25 million wrongful death claim against the U.S. government.
Other cities and towns around Texas and the rest of the country have also honored the memory of the young agent.
His family says officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) knew that the men who bought the guns used in Zapata's murder were buying weapons bound for Mexico, but did nothing to stop them.
Zapata, of Brownsville, was serving as U.S. adviser in Mexico when he and Agent Victor Avila were gunned down on a highway in Mexico between Mexico City and San Luis Potosi by members of Los Zetas drug cartel. Avila survived and has joined the case.
Zapata’s parents and Avila retained attorneys to pursue claims against the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the FBI “arising out of their wrongdoing.”The attorneys are Benigno “Trey” Martinez of Martinez, Barrera & Martinez of Brownsville; Raymond L. Thomas of Kittleman, Thomas & Gonzales of McAllen; and Magdalena A. Villalobos of the Rad Law Firm of Fort Worth. Jaime Zapata was killed February 2011 in a roadside attack.
In the lawsuit, the family maintain that a Texas-based operation similar to Operation Fast and Furious is responsible for allowing the weapons that killed Zapata and injured Avila to get into the hands of known killers.
That gun sale plan, known as Operation Fast and Furious has been widely criticized by lawmakers.
Those of us who have served in the military or other law-enforcement occupations with the government know that once you pin on the badge and take the oath, you voluntarily enter a world where danger is at every turn. Bad guys all around the world see you as the representative of their worse enemy. It comes with the territory.
Certain political factions in the U.S. have made it nearly impossible to halt the sale of assault weapons at gun shows with the minimal identification on the part of the purchaser. The Fast and Furious programs were undertaken by the government to try to track the illegal "gunwalking" of these weapons to cartels and organized crime groups in Mexico.
Zapata and Avila knew this. In fact, news reports indicate that Zapata had actually participated in operations that detected such sales. In fact, he described such an operation in an ICE Report of Investigation (ROI) from August 2010 describing 80 weapons seized in an arms smuggling interdiction between Phoenix, Arizona and San Antonio, Texas. 
Of these weapons, the majority (approximately 50) were noted to have come from Operation Fast and Furious in Arizona, purchased by Uriel Patino and Jacob Chambers. The ROI was written and signed by Zapata. In other words, when he agreed to wok in Mexico, he knew what he was getting into.
For his family now to sue the federal government equates to a U.S. soldier suing the government for the Taliban killing Americans using weapons originally provided clandestinely to the mujahdeen to fight the Russians.
What's next from these lawyers? Will they find Mexican victims killed with these weapons and sue the government again?
We wish the Zapata family the best in their quest to get money from the government. But there is a gnawing sense among some of us that this is more of a lawyers' ambulance-chasing effort than any crusade to right a wrong or to honor the memory of someone who died in service of his country.


Anonymous said...

Well said makes sense good Job Juanito

Anonymous said...

Shut your piehole Juanito. Jaime Zapata did not go to Mexico to be killed by drug traffickers to who the US government purposely and carelessly sold weapons. The lawyers are suing the US government because the US government should be held liable for Zapata's untimely death due to the government's negligence, malfeasance and lack of forethought about the consequences of purposely selling weapons to Mexican drug traffickers. Duh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, Jaime Zapata's parents must indeed have some hard facts concerning the Goverment's involvement in his killing. Because I am not at the stage where I can believe that his family have suddenly turned shamelessly money insatiable. I know that they are a proud family and truly hope that they have not lost that.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The Zapata family have dishonored the memory of their son for greed of money. And who do they hire? Attorney Trey Martinez and his father the mayor of Brownsville Tony Martinez. Guess who is Armando Villalobos' campaign treasurer? Yes that is right Trey Martinez. Guess who voted to name a city street after Jaime Zapta? Yes that is right Tony Martinez. They have cheapened the death of this American hero. What's next. Let's sue the United States government for the death of each soldier who has died in Iraq? What were you thinking Trey and Tony? I don't want to ever hear Tony Martinez address the veterans on Veterans Day. Bola de CABRONES you have never served your country and now you sue it.

Anonymous said...

Juan I've always admired your investigative prowess in local community affairs but you are so wrong in this article. Rather than go though an extensive diatribe refuting your points and the series of events that led to gun running operation I suggest you read
Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up by Katie Pavlich and Emily Durante. Hopefully after you've read though this work you can get your facts straight. It's not about the money. It's about getting some answer from DOJ for the Zapata and Brian Terry families.

Anonymous said...

(family have suddenly turned shamelessly money insatiable.)

Jake, if $25,000,000. doesn't give you a hint, nothing will.


Dagoberto Barrera (US Citizen with papers to prove it) said...

(have filed a $25 million wrongful death claim against the U.S. govern)

It beats collecting change off the expressway. And I should know about that one, ja,ja,ja.

Anonymous said...

you have hit all new low Montoya...

Anonymous said...

My prays go out to the family of Agent Zapata for their lost.

I am sorry to say that the agent knew the risk associated with his job as an Adviser stationed in a hostile country like Mexico with the Cartel Drug Wars. I am CONCERNED why the agent was not given the resourses or tools to defend thenselves in the event of a hostile confrontation with these factions.

As a young former military Adviser once stationed in several hostile unrest countries. I know the feeling of the uncertainty of who is who because everybody dressed the same way down to bearing the same type of weapons. Normally, U.S. made weapons. At leased we were armed...to defend ourselves. Now as a law enforcement officer who sword by taking an oath of office I now enter a different world of the unexpected danagers of the job. We were not forced to take on this type of job but volunteerly accepted to do the job and to assume all the resonsibilties of the danagers associated with the job. We can never be prepared enought for the unexpected but the unexpected is always there... when and where is the question?

I do want the family of the fallen agent to be rightfully conpensated for their lost of their love one. But, what I do not agree with is the greed of the attorneys looking to make or line their pockets with moneys on the recent mental state heart-broken, and hard times of the family. I don't think the attorneys care one way or another about the family but only see only dollars signs. This is just another example of a money making deal amond the same circle of attorneys. If the attorneys really cared about the family, the attorneys should take on the cause pro bono! That's fair...isn't?

Again, I pray for the family for a fast recovery and closure.

Anonymous said...

Good point Juanito. I hope the money makes the loss of their son/husband/brother/father alot easier.

Anonymous said...

(Again, I pray for the family for a fast recovery and closure)

Con todos esos millones, cuando no.


Anonymous said...

To each his own I say.

Whatever makes them feel better even though the blood money can never fill that big hole in their hearts.

Money WILL make many lawyers rich.

Anonymous said...

I am someone very familiar with tactical law enforcement situations. Jaime Zapata is dead for 1 reasion and 1 reasion only. HE stupidly opened the doors of a perfectly safe bullet proof vehicle. Jaime Zapata is NO Hero. HE almost got his partner killed. Why has no one reported on this fact? US Federal agents have no business in mexico. Seal our US borders NOW and let the mexicans kill each other. It is the only thing they are good at.

Gloria Guerra said...

Leyes y acuerdos

La reglamentación mexicana prohíbe que los extranjeros estén armados.

Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos

Artículo 27. A los extranjeros sólo se les podrá autorizar la portación de armas cuando acrediten su calidad de inmigrados, salvo el caso del permiso de licencia temporal para turistas con fines deportivos.

Parte del Acuerdo de Segob, SRE y PGR de 1992

2.2. Los agentes no tendrán ningún tipo de inmunidad de jurisdicción en caso de violación de leyes o disposiciones legales aplicables...

3.1. Las actividades de los agentes se limitarán a servir de enlace para intercambio de información con las autoridades mexicanas.

6.2 Los agentes deberán evitar involucrarse deliberadamente en situaciones de enfrentamientos armados, persecución y detención por cualquier medio de presuntos delincuentes, y otras situaciones que impliquen un riesgo físico previsible, sujetándose a los criterios que determinen para tales efectos la Segob y la PGR.

Estas son las leyes Mexicanas y el resto se los dejo a su discrecion.

Gloria Guerra said...

Posesión y Portación de armas
Disposiciones preliminares
Artículo 7
La posesión de toda arma de fuego deberá manifestarse a la Secretaría de la Defensa
Nacional, para el efecto de su inscripción en el Registro Federal de Armas.
Artículo 8
No se permitirá la posesión ni portación de las armas prohibidas por la Ley ni de las
reservadas para el uso exclusivo del Ejército, Armada y Fuerza Aérea, salvo los casos de
excepción señalados en esta Ley.

Se los dejo a su discrecion.

Gloria Guerra said...

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16 de febrero.- Los agentes estadunidenses Jaime Zapata y Víctor Ávila, quienes fueron atacados por presuntos narcotraficantes el 15 de febrero de 2011 en San Luis Potosí, estaban armados en el momento de la agresión, lo cual va contra las leyes mexicanas, informó ayer el periódico The Washington Post.

El rotativo estadunidense publicó un amplio reportaje al cumplirse un año del ataque a Zapata, quien murió, y Ávila, que resultó herido.

Ese periódico cita a fuentes del gobierno conocedoras del caso y que pidieron el anonimato.

De acuerdo con su versión, los agentes portaban armas el día en que fueron emboscados, pero fueron superados por los rifles de sus rivales.

Ayer mismo el diario The Houston Chronicle informó, también con base en fuentes anónimas, que existe un acuerdo informal con México para que agentes estadunidenses que operen temporalmente en territorio mexicanos puedan portar armas cortas.

Zapata y Ávila eran elementos especiales de la Agencia de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés); el primero fue asesinado con un AK-47 de fabricación rumana adquirida en una tienda de Texas, y cuyo ingreso ilegal a México fue permitido como parte de la fallida estrategia de EU para rastrear cárteles.

Anonymous said...

The only one at fault is the dumb ass that rolled down the window of the government provided armoured suv he was riding in, allowing them to stick in a AK-47, and unload a full clip, Oh wait a minute - That was Agent Zapata...

Anonymous said...

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16 de febrero.- Los agentes

Blah, Blah, Blah, you dumb bitch.

Anonymous said...

The only dumb bitch here is you, because this is a real article that was posted for the public to read by the media, if it hurts you, well then you have issues and no one is responsible for it, no one is saying nothing that its not true and this is media talk YOU DUMB ASS!!!

Anonymous said...

(Blah, Blah, Blah)

LOL. Plus, I agree 100% anonymous.


Anonymous said...

No parent should have to bury their child and what Jaime Zapata's parents are going through can only be understood by someone who has lost a son or daughter. Please be more respectful with your comments and if you are going to be calling Jaime Zapata a dumb ass...have the balls to put your name and not hide under anonymous

Anonymous said...

Agents Zapata and avila did not follow proper procedure and also did not use common sense and had no presence of mind to act as required under the circumstances.
They failed to recognize the danger which comes with accepting a law enforcement assignment in a foreign country. American tax payers (you and me) should not have to pay millions of dollars for their negligent behavior. This was a very unfortunate incident but Agents Zapata and Avila are no heros. If they had survived the incident their reckless actions would merit a repriment from their superiors.

Anonymous said...

(Agents Zapata and avila did not follow proper procedure)

What with AG Eric Holder and operation Fast and Furious constantly in the news lately, some attorney must have sat the Zapatas down and flat out told them that they would be extremely stupid not to sue like it was going out of style. And then the said, "did you say $25,000,000? Hmmm, indeed."

Gloria Guerra said...

Thank you so much!!!! Very well said!!! These agents did not follow propper procedures while doing their job, the Mexican law was violated and this is what the Mexican Government talks about!!! and if they were doing things right from the begginning Mr Zapata would have never gotten killed, and just a little common sense, IF IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ME, I would had never stopped my vehicle and rolled the window down to strangers and more if I knew I was in a dangerous area!!! I would have risked it all at the moment and never stopped the vehicle, even if the vehicle was going to be all damaged, but I would have tried to save my life and my partners NO MATTER WHAT!!!! and more if I had the right Ilegal tools with me as Zapata and his partner had with them at the moment.

Gloria Guerra said...

La unica razon que el Gobierno Americano hiso un gran escandalo y que hubo mucho movimiento, fue por que no le quedaba otra opcion al Presidente Obama!!! Fue un gesto de respeto x parte del Gobierno Americano para con la famalia del Sr Zapata, por que bino mucha gente del FBI y de la Casa Blanca de Washington en Jets privados y avion del Gobierno y solo por que el Sr. Zapata era un servidor del Gobierno Americano, fijense que si a sido cualquier otra persona, ni en los tristes periodicos hubiera salido, y la verdad que no fueron ningunos heroes de EU, por que un heroe lucha por salvar su vida y la de sus companeros, un heroe dice: tu me friegas pero 2 o 3 se van a la tumba con migo, estos agentes lo que hicieron fue decirle a los Zetas, aqui estoy, soy Agente del ICE y los ando rastreando...MATENME!!!! Y DE PILON A MI COMPANERO TAMBIEN. Esos NO son HEROES PARA NADIE.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that any of you blogging on this particular issue have ever strapped on a gun and taken an oath to serve and protect our borders. Our agents and other law enforcement and soldiers put their lives on the line so that every one of us can sit in our comfortable homes, turn on our electronic devices and bitch and blog. My husband does this e
I seriously doubt that any of you blogging have ever strapped on a gun and taken an oath to protect our borders from drugs and violence. When the wolf is at the door, our brave agents, officers and soldiers of all branches, are the ones that are there to protect us all so that we can sit in our comfortable homes and bitch and blog all day. I can assure any of you that if you lost your loved one and his or her employer was at fault, you would sue too.

Anonymous said...

"IF IT WOULD HAVE BEEN ME, I would had never stopped my vehicle and rolled the window"

What if they would have flashed a few $20s? Comon, be truthful,lol.

Anonymous said...

lol, hell noo!!! what if the money is not real? then I get cheated and killed, nahh... not even their money would have attracted me IN THOSE SIRCUMSTANCES...those people are mean and cold.
