Saturday, July 14, 2012


By Yolanda Begum
Candidate, JP 2-2
The new pushcards being given out by my opponent Erin Hernandez Garcia make it appear as if I have something to be ashamed of (a non-flattering photo), and that I am not qualified to represent you, the voter.
She and her supporters (mainly her mother Norma and father Ernie Hernandez) are saying that having a law degree is the only thing that qualifies you to be a Justice of the Peace.
Even if we put aside the fact that the Texas Legislature created these courts with the specific provision that no legal degree is required to hold them, I believe that the character and values one learns being a mother, a teacher, a successful business woman, and a civic leader are not necessarily learned in a classroom.
In my lifetime I have learned to account for my business, manage personnel, raise my children to be successful professionals, and to give of myself to my community. Like most parents, I have struggled to guide my children to be good citizens, respect their neighbor, and contribute to the greater good.
It hasn't all been all peaches and cream. I have lost sleep over a wayward child, business setbacks, and debilitating disease that took my husband and sisters and afflicted me as well. Overcoming those adversities not only made me a survivor, but also taught me understanding and compassion toward others that only life can give you.
I pledge to you that I will treat everyone with dignity and respect, will protect the integrity of the public's office, and will impart justice equally to all.
What are we looking for in a Justice of the Peace anyway? Political influence? To become a cog in the works of the empire Ernie Hernandez is attempting to build in Cameron County?
 I think you will agree with me that that is not what we want.
(As an example of the harassment my campaign has endured, the photo at right shows both my opponent Erin and her mother Norma and their paid politiqueras attempting to intimidate my supporters by taking their pictures as we spoke with residents of the Brownsville Housing Authority's high-rise on St. Charles). 
There is a common-sense reason that the Legislature created this court with the specific provision that no legal degree is required. The lawmakers wanted people who could be fair to folks who did not hire lawyers. A law degree does not bring with it life experiences, wisdom, compassion, integrity, honor and good ethics. If all it took to have these qualities was a law degree, why are there so many many lawyers and judges with law degrees currently convicted or under federal indictment in Cameron County?
Don't get me wrong. One can never get enough education. But one does not need a PhD to be a good Justice of the Peace. But you do need the basics such as a high school diploma, some college and specific training such as anger management and domestic violence resolution skills. I also bring a successful business record., a business and accounting degree, and a lifetime of experience in the liberal arts.
But nothing can replace a real life experience.
My family was by no means wealthy, but we learned to do with what we had and not live off others. One of my brothers is a prominent doctor, another is a lawyer, and my sisters had careers ranging from biochemistry, directing human resources, and interior decorating.
I married the late Mike Begum, a pioneer downtown Brownsville retailer who immigrated as a refugee to Brownsville in the early 1950’s from communist Russia, and we jointly operated and managed numerous women and children’s retail stores in the Valley. After he died, I branched out to operate other small business interests including starting a restaurant, property management, an art studio, and a beverage company.
A lifetime of struggle and facing adversity has given me an appreciation of life and the values of compassion and respect for ethical integrity, which in turn has nurtured a healthy dose of compassion for my fellow human beings.
Just as many of you, I am no stranger to life's adversities. I have survived cancer and underwent thee years of chemotherapy, radiation, and endless cancer surgeries. Two of my younger sisters were not so fortunate and died after long-fought battles with the disease. That made me more determined to help other people and have devoted my time to charities, business organizations, civic organizations, teaching children on probation, and teaching women cancer victims strategies for surviving.
Forget politics, we all want a better place to live.
Before me, no one in my family has ever run for public office. We are not a career politicians looking to use the position as a spring board for further political aspirations.
Rather, as a mother, a teacher, a successful business woman, and a civic leader, I want to bring positive change and address issues such as truancy so that our youth do not become a burden to our community. I offer you integrity, respect, accountability, honesty and my wealth of life experience dedicated to our community.
I would consider an honor and a privilege (as well as a serious responsibility to do well by your trust) if you would allow me to serve you once again as Justice of the Peace 2-2 in the coming runoff election.


Anonymous said...

Yolanda Begum has my family and my friends votes.

Anonymous said...

My family will also be voting for Yolanda Begum in 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

damn she's really stupid

Michael Cowen said...

Yolanda is a good woman, and will make a good Justice of the Peace.

Anonymous said...

Very moving commentary Yolanda. I am glad that people like you will sacrifice their time and share their wisdom and experience. Best of luck to you.

Chuck Cornell

Anonymous said...

You are going to win, good over Evil always wins.

Anonymous said...

Ernie Hernandez has polluted the public pool and his family has learned how to play the political game from Ernie. So, Erin will not not my vote. Just Say No to Erin.

Anonymous said...

Mine Too! I Don't vote for Big Fat Dirty Playing Pigs!!

Anonymous said...

Well done. Never met her but am impresssed.
I have met the hernandezes. Not so much....

Anonymous said...

To be honest with you, I respect Yolanda for having the guts to stand up to the Hernandez group. I read this article and it immediately catches my vote. BUT,I stop and think of the many time I have fallen for this type of a story, only to find out later that it was all a whitewash to get my vote and to hell with me later. If only politician were real statesman, who cared and worked for the people. Most are out to line their pockets, so is it too much to ask Yolanda to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, prove that all politicians are not a bunch of youknowhats!!!!! Vote Begum!

Anonymous said...

Ms.Begum looks like a drag queen in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Begun, you have our VOTE. Finally, someone is standing up to the Hernandez Bullies. They throw their name/power around and have done nothing for the Brownsville Community. All they do is play dirty politics and of course "keep in all in the family" $$$$$.

Anonymous said...

As long as she doesn't look like a Pig like her opponent.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are you referrin to Erin, Ernie or Norma?

Anonymous said...
damn she's really stupid

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ms.Begum looks like a drag queen in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Looks have nothing to do to make an effective politician. It is the heart inside a person who really wants to help the people of their community, but somewhere along the line, all of this has been forgotten. It all boils down to people not knowing what respect is, for if we all respected each other, many of our problems would be solved in all aspects of life. The family values and the God-fearing Values have gone down the drain.

Anonymous said...

What a classy lady, that Hernandez bitch should be her maid...

Anonymous said...

What a classy lady, that Hernandez bitch should be her maid.

Anonymous said...

Yolanda has my vote!
