Sunday, July 8, 2012


By Juan Montoya

Despite the fact that Erin Hernandez Garcia and her camp of followers backed off the xenophobic criticisms of her opponent Yolanda Begum for having a Spanish accent (who doesn't?) their mantra of belittling her for the fact that she doesn't have a law degree continues.
Regardless of the fact that it has been pointed out elsewhere that out of 9 Justice of the Peace positions in the county eight are filled by non-lawyers, this, apparently, is the slim hook that Erin and her daddy Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez are counting on to help her overcome her 500-vote deficit in the July 31 runoff election against businesswoman and community activist Begum.
However, as the countoff to the election approaches (early voting starts July 23), we have taken a closer look (and  listen) to the Erin Hernandez pitch and were appalled at her total lack of skills and langugae presentation when she tries to speak in Spanish to potential voters.
Erin starts off endearing herself to the listeners talking about her native roots, her eight-year marriage, her attending law school, etc., and promises them that she will "bounce around in English and Spanish" in her presentation.
Well, bounce around she does, albeit embrarassing herself before her listeners and thoroughly mangling her articles and nouns in the process. It makes one wonder whether she ever took Spanish classes in school or has ever lived among local speakers.
As she gears up the rhetoric about where we are headed as a community and a state and needing to raise the bar, she says "we need to elect people to positions that they are qualified for."
She is, of course, referring to her law degree and her claim that it takes a lawyer to fill the position because, "anyway you look at it a Justice of the Peace court is a courtroom and it is s problem. It is a place where people corte, cuando tienen...una problema legal."
"No es necesario ser abogado pare esa posicion porque el estado no lo necesita," she struggles on. "El razon es que..."
A charitable translation of what Erin is apparently trying to say is that she while she considers her opponent unqualified for JP, she acknowledges that the State of Texas does not require candidates or JPs to possess a law degree. But she lays out her rationale in terms of if your car breaks down you take it to a mechanic, if your child gets sick to seek a pediatrist, if your pet is ill you take it to a vet, etc."
Actually, a longtime Houston JP disagrees with Erin and her supporters. Quoted in a local blog, she said that:
"Being a lawyer actually is a hindrance. It creates a conflict of interest. Let's say a woman comes into your court as a victim of domestic abuse. You might say privately, as a lawyer, 'I can help you.' But as a JP we're not allowed to give legal advice. We offer rulings, settle disputes, but we don't give legal advice. Maybe fatherly or motherly advice, from our life experience, but not legal advice. About the only place being a lawyer might help would be in evicting people from their homes, but those rules are not difficult to learn."
That message would probably be lost on the Hernandez crowd, but what was not lost on the Spanish listeners who heard Erin make her pitch in their predominant language were phrases like: "Si la persona presentan a su causo....solucionar la problema...el posicion...los calificaciones..., ad nauseum..." 
We had mentioned before that out of nine JPs in the county, eight are non-lawyers. Bennie Ochoa, Linda Salazar, Julian Sanchez, David Garza, Manuel Flores, Sally Gonzalez, Juan Mendoza, and Adam Gonzalez – all sitting JPs – are not lawyers. And, unlike Erin, they all speak intelligible Spanish to serve their predominantly Spanish-speaking populations.
Would Erin and her supporters tell them that they are not qualified and that voters need to "raise the bar" and be replaced with lawyers?
On the other hand, former 404th District Court Judge Abel Limas (convicted), Jim Solis (convicted), Ray Marchan (convicted), Joe Valle (convicted) DA Armando Villalobos (indicted), Mark Rosenthal (indicted), are lawyers.
This is not even taking into consideration all those lawyers who were implicated with Limas in his corruption case (State Rep. Rene Oliveira, Charles Willette, Michael Young, Joe De la Fuente, former Brownsville Mayor Eddie Treviño, etc.).
So does simply having a law degree insure us that they raised the bar to the heights that Erin and her supporters would have the voters of JP 2-2 district do?


Anonymous said...

Pinche retrato de la marana, me suesta! The real side of "Miss Piggy" has come out showing that she maintains her fat physic by eating at Whataburger.

Anonymous said...

(by eating at Whataburger.)

Those apple pies will get you.

Anonymous said...

jajajaaj damn!!!! is that Mrs Piggy? fuck shes so fucking ugly and gross!! who in the hell would post pictures of her fat and ugly face and body on this web? damn you guys get this bitch out of this page, SHES A FUCKING INSULT TO THE COMMUNITY!!! jajajaja now this shit does pisses me off

Anonymous said...

Erin is very impressed with herself for graduating last i n her class from Thurgood Marshall, the worst law school in the US of A. she always refers to Begum as not qualified, and it is very ironic because when she applied to many Law Schools the answer was "you are not qualified", she had to settle to the only one that has no minimum of qualifications, and when she applied for jobs, she was told she was not qualified, because as a graduate from Thurgood Marshall they usually are not qualified. the reality is, her peers have no respect for her as an attorney, she is not even considered mediocre. her practice consists of people wanting to do business with the county, conveniently Ernie suggests that his daughter can help with the legal issues. every time I hear her with her pompous demeanor bragging about her brilliant education and then I hear her screaming the worst obscenities to anybody that crosses her for real or perceived indignities, (like liking something in Begum's facebook or like trying to get Denise's truck inside the Valley Veterans affair on the 4th of July) it is hard to see all of this and still campaign for her

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous, July 8, 2012 5:27 PM

Come on, man! Montoya is writing about people who do not speak Spanish correctly and here you come with "marana" when you mean "marrana" and with "suesta" when you man "asusta".

If you are going to insult someone do it right. But, you are right, she is not easy on the eyes.

Mr. Pig, AKA as Puerco, marrano, cerdo, cochino.

Anonymous said...

Erin is going around saying she is more qualified because she is a lawyer. Joke! She suckssssssss as a lawyer. Why else would a person leave law practice to go chase a job that pays $35k a year??

Another Hernandez is the last thing we need with the backdrop of all the corruption we have in the county. She played the vending game with her dad to illegally profit from the county, she defended illegal voter fraud tactics, she violated judicial ethics laws, on and on with this ugly woman.

Please leave our county alone. Find a real job Hernandez family.....

Anonymous said...

Pinche Montoya. Thanks for the free advertisement. Whoever reads this article will know all the qualifications Garcia has.

8 out of 9 just proves how dumb we are. We're electing people with no legal skills to be JUDGES??? Hazme el cagado favor!

Pero a huevo queremos estar jodidos. We vote people in just because the other guy farted and I don't like the smell.

Begum needs to know what the fuck is going on. She's not smart enough to hold a position like this -Plain and simple-.

Pero tu siguele, no hay pedo. You keep writing man. The more people read this article the more they will understand the difference.

Anonymous said...


what a joke

Begum is definitely smarter and better

plimano said...

Who could possibly stay married to that thing for 8 freakin' years? Geez, dude must be legally blind.

Anonymous said...

If Yolanda does not win this race, I WILL join the ranks of ALL the idiot non-voters in Brownsville due to apathy. Erin winning this election would be an atrocity to the political system in South Texas. This coming from someone that has not missed voting in a single election for over 20 years !!!!

Anonymous said...

Pinche vieja naca. I prefer a classy lady over her any day.

Anonymous said...

It is psyche, not psychic.

Anonymous said...

Like anyone cares.

look at the pot calling the kettle black said...

And it is really classy of you to call someone "pinche vieja naca".

Dags Barrera said...

(she is not easy on the eyes.)

Blah, blah!!! I'd do her.

Former county employee said...

Ask anyone in the courthouse, "Miss Piggy" is "hardly" ever there representing somebody? "Miss Piggy" has not even tried a case in court! "Miss Piggy" obviously makes her money from the contract that HER father has with the county! Snake, like HER father but fatter!

i want to know. said...

Why do you consider Ms. Begum to be smarter and better than Erin Hernandez?

Anonymous said...

plimano said...
"Who could possibly stay married to that thing for 8 freakin' years? Geez, dude must be legally blind."

That's ok. Doroteo makes up for it on his city paid-for trips out of town.

Anonymous said...

vote for Raul Lopez in november

Anonymous said...

"Who could possibly stay married to that thing for 8 freakin' years? Geez, dude must be legally blind."

Well.... its all Whataburgers fault, this bitch is so fat and nasty..eeeewwwwww

southmost kid said...

Ernie boss hog hernandez and his daughter, cant make a decent living by themselves have to be on the county payroll. If Erin is claims that she is more qualified because she is an attorney guess that means to me that she is a lousey attorney why run for thi sjp job? right?

Anonymous said...

Erin lookss like a smiling horse happy it got a treat. Fucken ugly ass
And she wants my vote. She belongs in a barn

Anonymous said...

Wow. These are some mean-spirited comments. Shame on all of you for the nasty remarks. It really says a lot about this community. I can see why you are living in the dark ages down here; you don't discuss issues intelligently, you make hurtful personal attacks instead. Sad. My advise, get some education, manners and social graces. Good luck Valleyites.

Anonymous said...

Erin H. Garcia would not want the vote of an ignorant one track troglodyte such as yourself.

is your name Bertha? said...

Hey Anon from 9:58, you crude comments are like a broken record. Are you even a registered voter? Did you graduate high school? GED? Are you even a US citizen? Is your name Bertha?

is your name Bertha? said...

Can any of the Erin H. Garcia bashers on this blog even construct one properly formed sentence in the English language? By the way, lousey in the context you meant to use it is spelled lousy.

Anonymous said...

A mi tampoco me cae bien esta mujer, aunque ni la conozco, lo digo solo por lo que han echo ella y su papa.

Pero por que insultan como si ustedes fueran, perfectos, educados, con clase, exitosos, flaquitos, y guapos? Si son tan perfectos por que no hacen algo ustedes por la comunidad que tanto aman? Quisa el cambio esta en ustedes mismos, dejen de estar de olgasanes y criticones y hagan algo productivo y asombroso, ya que los que menos aportan son los que exigen mas.

Anonymous said...

She belongs in a barn???? Fuck nooo she belongs in a CHIQUERO where all the pigs are at, eating and eating and eating!!! a barn is for the classy animals like horses and calfs, this bitch should be in the areas where all the trash is so she will eat it and clean up all of our shit. YEAAAAA

Anonymous said...

"My advise" should be "My advice". Advise is a verb, advice is a noun, but I totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

You would know about chiqueros wouldn't you? Tell me, where were you educated? Instead of slinging all your shit at everybody , do something constructive and learn how to spell. You do not realize how ignorant your comments are. That is what is so sad.

Anonymous said...

Saves por que nadie puede hacer algo productivo por nuestra communidad? bueno pues por que muchos de estos pendejos han votado por estos animales para que gobiernen nuestra comunidad, y si alguien hace algo productivo por nuestra comunidad uno de estos pendejos se para el pinche cuello y son mamadas por que todo el buen credito de las buenas obras lo quieren estos pendejos, tanta gente buena y joven que hay con ideas magnificas, con ganas de sacar adelante nuestra comunidad y de hacer cambios positivos en nuestra ciudad, pero la misma gente de la ciudad no les dan la oportunidad a los extranos, solo a familiares de ellos, y son los mas pendejos que tenemos trabajando para nuestra ciudad y son los que cobran los buenos checkes!!! now can you say something?

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes this blog more ineffective than allowing repetitive, classless insults to be posted. I guess Juan need all the readers he can get to beat Mean Mr. Brownsville on hits.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tell me, where were you educated? Instead of slinging all your shit at everybody ,

Look you dumb shit, is not a matter of where anyone has been educated, because there is very well educated people in this blog and working for the city, and they are shameless, they no nothing about humanity, they know nothing about honesty, they know nothing about respect, they know nothing about morals, so now my question to you is...WHERE WERE ALL THIS CORRUPTED PEOPLE EDUCATED BEFORE JOINING TO WORK FOR THE CITY? Can you please have a response for everyone? because if it bothers you too much, then go shub your freaking face up in your ass and say NOTHING!! you dumb bitch!! and you sit here talking to us about education and more??? well FUCK YOU!! This is freedom of speach and if people want to speak up, WELL THEN LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK UP YOU FUCKER!!! and before you give any lectures to anyone, you apply them in your own freaking life first.

Anonymous said...

You mean like Aurora's son incidents:
1. The Olmito incident
2. The deferred adjudication on his so called embezzling $$$.
3. The pardon from Limas?
4.aurora collected / pass the hat for bail money.
5. Does Aurora's son now has a job in San Benito/County and does not show up to work instead goes fishing???

Anonymous said...

Tienes razon en que no le dan oportunidad o los demas, son pura familia y amigos....

Estoy de acuerdo contigo, buen punto... Pero me vas a decir que hablando como "pendejos" como dices tu, van a llegar muy lejos. Crees que hablando asi de vulgar y criticando van a consguirian mejorar la comunidad, aunque les dieran la oportunidad de substituir? no creeo, pero bueno.

Anonymous said...

A law license is considered by some lawyers as a license to steal. That is why Erin is trying so hard to get elected to a low paying JP job.

Anonymous said...


dude, take a chill pill said...

Shub? It is shove. Speach? It is speech.
There is very well educated should be , there are well educated. You are very angry. You are so mad, you don't make sense and stray off topic. Your tirade is exactly what I am referring to. You have the right to express your opinion, just as we all do , but must you be so crude?
Instead of ranting and raving and cursing, do yourself and us a favor, use a dictionary and learn how to look up words so that you can spell properly and PLEASE curb your vulgarity and then maybe we'll take you a bit more seriously. I truly hope you calm down, for your own sake.
This election has become very polarized with people insulting each other when we should be sticking to the issues of the race. Have a nice day and God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Respect? A potty mouth like you is talking about respect? Child please!

Anonymous said...

I will talk with respect to people that have EARNED THE RESPECT OF OTHERS!!! because if you did not know, you earn respect, respect is not given to you just because you want to be respected..did you understand me bitch? and you tell me and everyone, how can we talk with respect to ANIMALS AND CORRUPTED PEOPLE that are working for the city right now, that they lie, that they steal, that are screwing around with each other and that are playing WITH THE COMMUNITIES TAX MONEY??? so fuck off and go to hell you bastard, and yes i am very upset, because people like you and city employees fuck with MY COMMUNITY and with our Tax money. is that a good enough reason for you bastard?

God bless you said...

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

No one is voting for Erin. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Ernie, Erin, Norma Cadriel Hernandez, they are all crooks.

Anonymous said...

La Erin se mira bien puerca?

Anonymous said...

LOL ...."physique"

Anonymous said...

She didn't fall for the Austin Cheese idiot for support....

Anonymous said...

that's what I thought you MF. lol
