By Alex Begum
The lawsuit filed in San Antonio against the Begum Law Firm was filed by a bitter and disgruntled fired employee. The lawsuit is couched in terms of a wrongful termination lawsuit.
The lawsuit was not by any client or by any person claiming that he/she had been in any way improperly solicited. There are no allegations contained in the petition that any member of the law firm attempted to solicit a client.

The disgruntled employee has a long criminal past including multiple theft charges and assault charges. The employee worked for the Begum Law Firm for less than 4 months before being fired. While working at the Begum Law Firm she was written up on multiple occasions and was finally fired for incompetence.
After her firing, the Texas Workforce Commission contacted Alexander Begum and requested that he cooperate in a fraud investigation against the employee.
The employee had apparently been fraudulently collecting federal unemployment benefits during her period of employment with the Begum Law Group. As a result of the cooperation by Alexander Begum, the employee was charged with fraud, denied unemployment benefits, and ultimately forced to repay the fraudulent benefits she obtained.
Eight months after her firing, she goes to a lawyer in SA and alleges that a lawyer working for the Begum Law Group (NOT ALEX BEGUM HIMSELF) had directed her to go sign up a client at a clinic in SA. Allegations in a petition are not facts! They are simply allegations.
The lawyer in SA David Adkisson, (employed with the Begum Law Group) who she made these accusations against was the former San Antonio Bar President, the former president of the SA trial lawyers and a triple board certified civil trial lawyer with an impeccable ethical record with the Texas State Bar. He has been licensed for more than 30 years and has never had a bar grievance filed against him or been accused of these ludicrous accusations. The allegations made by this disgruntled employee are frivolous and without merit.
We seriously intend to defend against these frivolous allegations.
Typical "pig of the family" being like the father pig? Erin, you little c u next tuesday, leave it for the voters? You must be really scared to be pulling these tactics? You're like that "crook" Abel Gomez!
Alex has been very successful. He does things right. Some are jealous.
Typical "pig of the family" being like the father pig? Erin,
Hey you leave hima alone, you are just jelous of him becuase many know he's very good and HANDSOME!!! HE HAS CLASS AND MONEY AND VERY GOOD WORK ETHICS.
Begum aggressively represented me in an accident I had a year and a half ago. He got me a $350,900.00 in my pocket. The police officer had blamed me for the accident. Mr. Begum got some kind of expert to show it was not my fault. Afterwards, my mother in law got into a rear ender. I sent her to Mr. begun, he turned down the case because he said there was not a big enough case.. He did suggest we file the case in small court ourselves. He have us a copy of the form we needed to file.
We need good folks in office.
The Hernandez family needs to go away.....
The Begum Law Firm has offices in lots of Texas cities. They have over 65 employees. Where does someone like Erin Hernandez who has never accomplished anything get off attacking this man.
He has done allot of good for our community. He sues insurance companies who deny benefits to people.
He represented my cousin. An insurance company did not want to cover his cancer treatments because they said it was experimental. He went to Mr. begum, in less than 30 days he was able to get the treatment he needed.
Alex is very striking in person, and usually has something interesting or funny to say. His mom is smart and beautiful, and honest. A family with all the right stuff. This vote is for Begum!
Aren't Erin's campaign workers going around telling everyone they need to elect Erin because her law practice can help them with their legal cases? A.k.a. BARRATRY. odd she would point that finger at Alex Begum when he isn't running for any political position. SHE IS.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black ! as usual, whenever a Hernandez is involved.
Mr. Begum is so handsome and intelligent, we need people like him to work for our city, no como los nacos y gentusa ratera que tenemos en estos momentos, que solo le quitan el dinero a la gente y no les ayudan en nada, este abogado es muy bueno y mis respetos para el, ya quisieran muchos tener los conocimientos legales que este senor tiene, los que hablan mal de este senor es por que le tienen envidia, y ademas este abogado no esta muerto de hambre como algunos que puedo mencionar...por ejemplo...Peter Zavaletta es un don nadie y muerto de hambre y medio rarito, el otro se llama Sossi (el abogado de la ciudad) un total bueno para nada eh incompetente en el area de su trabajo y por esta razon la ciudad esta en tan malas condiciones, el juez Ben Neece...hay no lo pescaron con droga en su casa, y lo mas naco de este fue que heran kilos de hierva/zacate verde, toda via hubiera sido la Blanca Nieves, jaja pero noooo. Ustedes dejen a este senor trabajar por que el es muy bueno y no es corrupto.
Mr. Gomez if you are running for office and you are calling people pig of a family. What can we looking forward if you win, calling people names what kind of offical are you going to be?
Can we get a "mulligan" (a do over) for this election. Can we get a new group of candidates...some who might actually help the community. We have a daughter of a local politico corrupter (who unfortunately looks like a clone of her corrupt father) stating that she is blessed by a law degree and knows best. We have the relative of a lawyer who barely speaks English, who sees the JP position as a "education" device. If she feels so much for education, run for BISD against Otis Power and the other PIGS who have been elected there. I want a new candidate!!!!!
I want a new candidate!!!!!
Then why didn't you run? Pendejo.
Please people Yolanda was raised in Matamoros. Ask there how she talked down to them if they had no money. The only reason she went to cameron park was to get people to feel sorry for her and give her their vote. She is NO different that Erin. Unfortunately in the democrate JP race we have no reputable candidates. Sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Begum all the way .......I am 30 have not voted since Bill Clinton, but I will vote again because Brownsvill needs someone like Begum........
Hernandez is a bunch of bologneeeee.
Great! Why don' you run
Please people Yolanda was raised in Matamoros.
July 22, 2012 12:05 AM
Haver???? que tiene de malo que la Sra Yolanda haiga crecido en Matamoros? Ya quisieran muchos ver estudiado y crecido en Matamoros!! Esta Sra. deperdido tiene moral y educacion y es humanitaria con muchos de ustedes, en Matamoros hay las mejores escuelas academicas y universidades excelentes donde se preparan los estudiantes mucho mejor que aqui en los EU, ademas no hay tanta drogadiccion ni violaciones ni corrupcion como aqui en los EU, la Sra esta bien preparada academicamente y merece estar en el lugar donde ella se encuentra en estos momentos, y los que hablan mal de ella es por que le tienen envidia y se sientes menos que ella.
Yolanda no tiene malicia, es puro amor. Al contrario con todo lo que dicen los Hernandez!!! Se escuchan pateticos cuando se ponen a decir que Yolanda se pone mucho maquillaje, y luego? Tan siquiera no anda toda fachosa y fondonga como su contrincante Erin. Para tener clase y educacion no se necesita haber ido a la escuela de leyes. Es darte a querer con la gente, ser amable y bondadosa. Apoco Linda Salazar es abogada? No verdad, pero que tal la quiere el pueblo!!! La quieren mucho!!! Esperemos que gane la Sra. Yolanda Begum!
Alex Begum needs to get rid of his secretaries. I went to his office and they are very rude. I heard one lie to a client on the telephone stating she was the only one available and that she would call the person back when in fact there were 3 other secretaries present. Even one secretary was using foul language! Horrible supporting staff.
Why is it that Mexican People always believe everyone envies them?
I know Alex Begum to be a well educated and polite young man who is a very good attorney. If you don't support Ms. Begum that is your right to do so but attacking the character of this gentlemen lawyer is mean spirited and uncalled for.
Yolanda Begum was born in Matamoros but was raised in Nuevo Laredo, we went to school together,grammar school and secundaria y prepa colegio America, she has never lived in Matamoros.
Why is it that Mexican People always believe everyone envies them?
July 22, 2012 11:27 PM
Bueno pues por que es una gran realidad, muchos de los Tex-Mex del valle de Texas no son nada mas que unos envidiosos y analphabetos!! Cada ves que una persona sube de pocision es por su esfuerzo y dedicacion a su trabajo y estudios academicos, pero no falta un ENVIDIOSO muerto de hambre que se valen de juegos sucios para destruir a una persona que esta al paso de tener el exito en sus manos y lamentablemente destruyen la imagen, la carrera y su vida social por comentarios y acusaciones tales como las que muchisimos de ustedes aqui en Brownsville estan han hecho, la Sra es una ejemplar para muchos ciudadanos apesar de que ella es mujer, y les a demostrado a muchos hombres y mujeres que ella es digna de respeto y de palabra. Mujeres como esta Sra son muy pocas. Por favor analizen bien sus criticas y que tengan fundamentos.
Ademas el Colegio America es uno de los mejores Colegios que Mexico tiene para preparar academicamente a los estudiantes, es un colegio muy prestigiado por su excelencia en educacion y lo digo por que yo estudie en el Instituto America de la Ciudad de Leon Guanajuato,Gto. claro que las personas que no saben de colegios privados es por que nunca han tenido la oportunidad de estudiar ni de codearse con la crema y nata de lo mejor. La Sra Yolanda esta muy bien preparada academicamente.
Vote for Raul Lopez in November 2012 for Justice of The Peace 2-2
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