Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Unless they're lighting up at home, Brownsville smokers may soon have to walk a mile to find a place where they can smoke a cigarette in peace; the Brownsville City Commission today passed the first reading of the Smoke Ban. The City Commissioners will be voting on the Ordinance during their next meeting on July 17th, 2012 and if Ordinance 2012-1556 passes, then the Smoke Ban would be taken into effect 60 days after their vote. Among the public places where smoking will not be allowed:

 Sec. 54-173. Prohibition of Smoking in Enclosed Public Places Smoking shall be prohibited in all enclosed public places within the City of Brownsville, including but not limited to, the following places: [for full list click here]
A. Aquariums, galleries, libraries, and museums.
B. Areas available to and customarily used by the general public in businesses and non-profit
entities patronized by the public, including but not limited to, banks, laundromats, professional offices, and retail service establishments.
C. Bars.
D. Bingo facilities.
E. Child care and adult day care facilities.
F. Convention facilities.
G. Educational facilities, both public and private.

H. Elevators.
I. Gaming facilities.
J. Health care facilities.
K. Hotels and motels.
L. Lobbies, hallways, and other common areas in apartment buildings, condominiums, trailer
parks, retirement facilities, nursing homes, and other multiple-unit residential facilities.
M. Polling places.
N. Private clubs when being used for a function to which the general public is invited.
O. Public transportation vehicles, including buses and taxicabs, under the authority of the City of
Brownsville, and ticket, boarding, and waiting areas of public transportation facilities, including
bus, train, and airport facilities.
P. Restaurants.
Q. Restrooms, lobbies, reception areas, hallways, and other common-use areas.
R. Retail stores.
S. Rooms, chambers, places of meeting or public assembly, including school buildings, under the
control of an agency, board, commission, committee or council of the City of Brownsville or a
political subdivision of the State, to the extent the place is subject to the jurisdiction of the City
of Brownsville.
T. Service lines.
U. Shopping malls.
V. Sports arenas, including enclosed places in outdoor arenas.
W. Theaters and other facilities primarily used for exhibiting motion pictures, stage dramas,
lectures, musical recitals, or other similar performances.
X. Municipal City Buildings


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that people may not step out of a public building to smoke outside? I am referring to the "maquinitas" where people go out and smoke and come back into the non-smoking area smelling like a burning cigarette. You really think that Brownsville will pass this ordinance? No one has a strong backbone to stand up for the right thing around here.

Anonymous said...

Uffff, I hate the smell of smoke, when people smoke they stink and its all ugly, if people want to die they should go smoke far away from people that dont smoke, the smell of cigarrette gives it a bad image to all.

Anonymous said...

Smokers are literally committing suicide. And they obviously want to take there rest of us with them. They should be rounded up and publicly hanged.

El de Las Prietas

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech. And freedom to smoke.

Anonymous said...

(Freedom of speech. And freedom to smoke.)

You meant freedom to kill, huh?

Anonymous said...

Do you know that Alcohol and Tabacco are poisons that that packed/bottled, sold, taxed and consumed.

Freedom to die at a slow pace

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a bit of a backwater sometimes, and I'd venture to say that most other places have already banned smoking in public areas. Medical evidence shows the risk of second hand smoke to others, and the extra cost smoking adds to the health care system. This is a wise and overdue decision.

Anonymous said...

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!!

Robert C said...

Bola de pendejetes! I am a non smoker and hate smoke. However, I don't believe that just because of my beliefs we should Enforce non smoker beliefs on smokers. I think the current rule is more than adequate. These pendejetes never cease to amaze me! They are trying to now enforce categories: C. Bars, D. Bingo facilities, I. Gaming facilities, K. Hotels Motels (outside), L. Condos, trailers (also outside), N. private clubs (really), S. just stupidly vague!, T. Service lines (outside?), U. Outside also? V. Outdoor arenas ( should be able to designate areas), W. also allows our city leaders to cherry pick as does some of the others what particular event they would like to sanction.
Once again I am a NON SMOKER THAT'S DESPISES SMOKE, However this seems IGNORANT AND ELITIST for the city to implement this. Can we all say goodbye to tax revenue that will be lost to our loser sister city Harlingen.

Anonymous said...

Under Gowen's watch the BCIC is now having to audit her own votes on money she approved to throw away on the Sprts Park the last few years. Also, why is United Brownsville still getting thousands of our tax dollars? These commies want to regulate smokers on a patio but can't keep their own budget or spending under control. Great.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the non smoking ordinance Ms Zamora deserves kudos for her progressive thinking. She also deserves a better paying job. Maybe when Mr Bill Younge retires she should apply but I am sure her integrity will not allow her to. Thats why I think she is a great commissioner...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish we could teach some economics classes not only to our city leaders but our constituents too. I sometimes don't like the sound of "we have the stupidest people in the United States living in Cameron County" comments on the Maclovioomalley show, but he's right! Idiots that have zero business acumen and support items on our agenda that make no sense in this economy will continue to hold us down! I'd support this idea in a prospering economy, but it makes less than negative since right now. This is why investors run to Hidalgo county to invest instead of investing in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

FROM DIRTYSUIT BLOG"As we all remember some months ago, two major PO from BPD were busted in the act of selling and holding 100 pounds of cocaine, and when sent to trial, their charges were "miracously" dropped by prominent Judge Nietszche that even allowed them to open the first medical marijuana shop in the Vallley. The DA is denying that any investigation of any sort is being performed by the Federal Goverment or BPD, stating that the accusatios are ridiculous, and that the video in cuestion has since been deleted from Youtube. The Brownsville Monitor has proof of the video and is intending to post it on their Facebook page this 4th of July Holiday, in fact, it posted a poll in the famous social media site, encouraging residents to vote for the video to be made public, where you can clearly witness promiment Cameron County officials buying packets of marijuana and enjoying some cocaine under the guise of detailing their new model cars."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I agree with the non smoking ordinance Ms Zamora deserves kudos for her progressive thinking. She also deserves a better paying job. Maybe when Mr Bill Younge retires she should apply but I am sure her integrity will not allow her to. Thats why I think she is a great commissioner...July 2012"

Anonymous said...

Por favor... tanto pedo que hacen por que la gente FUMA NICOTINA/CIGARROS en la via publica o sercas de otras personas, ya dejense de pendejadas por que mientras se sigan vendiendo cigarros en todo el mundo no hay nada k nadie pueda hacer al respecto para evitar que fumen en muchos lugares, es mejor que de vez en cuando la gente fume cigarros de nicotina, a que la gente fume droga!! ahh y esos son los mas peligrosos...Mejor deberian enfocarse en combatir tanto traficantillo pedorro poquitero Y DEJEN K LA GENTE FUMEN EN PAZ Y TRANQUILAMENTE. ya dejense de tantas RIDICULESES

Anonymous said...

ahhhh esos chingados malditos policias, bola de corruptos, bola de sinverguenzas, bola de putos por que donde quiera se andan sacando la verga los desgraciados, y eso de que ellos mismos venden droga y cosas por el estilo, bueno pues eso si es verdad por que yo conosco varios que a eso se dedican por debajo del agua para ganar unos dolaritos extras y vivir muy bien, despues en el momento apropiado como siempre un dia se publicara a todo el publico esas pruebas, solo estoy esperando la oportunidad y el momento, bola de perros desgraciados.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Bill Young and what does he do for the city.

Anonymous said...

what does Bill Young do for the city? well.... nothing, he just scratches his balls and dick all the time from that venerial disease he got for screwing around!!! thats a shame...but thats all he does, wont stop the itching and you people make sure that you desinfect your hands after shaking hands with him. :\

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Mellissa? Really, freaking idiots that live amongst us! Ok idiot when the city can't provide basic services like: pick up trash, maintain your transit system, maintain roads, provide law enforcement , fire department, etc. don't be groaning. We need business leaders leading the city, not people who are attorneys, or do PR or whatever she does to make her $9 or $10 bucks an hour (maybe) leading our city and county.
Wake up folks, if we don't take the path of the great Othal Brand (business mogul) who led McAllen out of their dismall 3rd notch city in the valley to #1 we might as well incorporate into part of Tamaulipas. Even the nationals that see our local politicians as a joke are bewildered by our PRI type politiquera system. GET OFF YPUR ASS AND VOTE! Masso=bad, Gomez=bad, Hernandez=bad, all our city commissioners=bad except Longoria. Cascos=bad but better than Wood. We are sooooo screwed we vote for the lesser of 2 evils ALL THE TIME HERE.

Anonymous said...

yesssss lets all incorporate into part of Tamaulipas with the PRI, I rather have the PRI than these MF good for nothing pieces of shit. The PRI might be corrupted to an extent but they make sure to get things done and show people that they are working.

Anonymous said...

Banning smoking for the health benefit of the smoker and second hand smoke effect is a bunch of BS. If Brownsville is so interested in health then all fast foods, convinience store trash eats, as well as raspa and aguas should be banned as well. The costs and deaths due to unhealthy eating (fat people with diabetis, stroke, hearth sttacks, etc.) are far more than that of moking. I'm not a smoker but I think this smoking ban thing is just an easy way for our lazy city leaders to make like they really care.

Anonymous said...

All the people that agree that this is BS need to vote these dumbasses out when they are up for re-election. Folks we need to begin acting like a real city and pay our mayor. This is the only way to get anyone qualified to run for office. The only way to keep them from raping and stealing from us in the future,

Anonymous said...

This is why this bastards are so freaking happy to work for the city, cuz they steal, rape, cheat, screw around and you name it, they get to do all the illegal stuff that us regular citizens can not do. The mayor is to freaking old and he freaking scares me just by the look in his face, we need new young people to work for the city, not old hags and manosos with no fresh ideas to make a change in our city and community.
