Saturday, July 7, 2012


By Juan Montoya
As some Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2035 members tell it, when former commander Luis Lucio and his compadres resigned from their posts, the Texas State Comptroller had filed a report on the organization and discovered that there were taxes due on income that hadn't been reported.
There was also the little matter of "salaries" paid to Lucio and some of his inner circle as payments that hadn't been reported to the IRS as income that is now being demanded by the tax collectors.
And, finally, as the organization struggle to straighten out its payments on the $300,000-plus loan used to build the new post on Veterans Drive, it had to refinance the note because the only payments that were being made were on the interest and penalties and not on the principal.
As a new leadership was elected and took over – under Commander Juan Hurtado III – it must now face rumors of a possible coup by those allied with the former leadership said to be planning a takeover from their new hangouts. Reports indicate that the semi-official headquarters are the Southwinds Lounge and the Boss Club.
One attempt had been staged at a prior meeting by was foiled because the move to oust the new group was not placed on the agenda, as required by the VFW bylaws.
Ostensibly, the changes that broke the camel's back were made at the post and included the prohibition of consumption of BYOB liquor brought in from the outside. After, the changes took place, the usual hangers on who patronized the club went looking for other locales where their plastic containers were allowed. The new VFW leadership said that the insurance required for BYOB was not cost-effective since the liquor drinkers did not consume much other than a few bottles of water and ice for their drinks.
Then, on the VFW website and on Facebook postings, the reason the VFW stopped allowing outside alcohol to be brought in is explained.
"Patrons:A note on the liquor liability. Most mainstream insurers would not insure the VFW Post 2035 due to our high risk BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle/Liquor) policy," it stated. "The risk of liability from patrons dispensing their own... liquor is simply too high to cover and the direct contribution to sales has been small, with many hard liquor drinkers buying only one setup for $2.00 to last hours or even asking for tap water or using ice for their liquor, meanwhile using our electricity, VFW Post 2035 manpower, supplies, space and miscellaneous."
Some members say that the state and national VFW leadership is well aware of the situation facing the Brownsville post and is encouraging the members to move forward. They say that efforts to verify the membership of some veterans should be put aside and continue to serve the veterans on the existing list.
 No one knows what other hurdles are in store for the new VFW leaders, but according to VFW members, the fact that Lucio resigned automatically makes his return as commander impossible under the organization's bylaws.
"It's viewed as if a ship captain left his post," said one. "The rules prohibit his return."
Meanwhile, the veterans are calling on the community for support as the new leadership attempts to set the organization on a sound financial course, a somewhat difficult undertaking in lean economic times.
"We have volunteers coming in and cutting the grass and helping out," said a VFW member. "There is a small core of dedicated, loyal VFW members who are pitching in and helping out. We'll pull though this."


Anonymous said...

Southwinds could be the new VFW/Crescent Moon, THE venue for the common folk.

Anonymous said...







southmost kid said...

that lucio guy sounds like a good politician maybe he ought to run for an elected office, spend more more that is not his with his compadres

Anonymous said...

Son unas comadres, unfortunately, they are worse politiqueros than Cheezmes.

Anonymous said...

(Southwinds could be the new VFW/Crescent Moon, THE venue for the common folk.)

Ban smoking!!! Louie Lucio and his pals need to let it go to the younger vets, dammit. Maybe they can reopen a cantina on 14th street. Southwinds is just a few blocks from my house. Good idea.

Anonymous said...

For many of the Veterans the VFW was their home to come and socialize with other Veterans. It is unfortunate that all this has occurred. Have they lost the main reason for why the Post was created in the first place? The problem needs to corrected as soon as possible.
As for Mr. Lucio’s compadres many of them contributed with donations and items to be raffled so that the post would profit and make payment to the bank. Spouses of this compadres (Veterans) also contributed time and donations so that the Veterans and their friend could come together.

Anonymous said...

Southwinds is a stinkhole.

Anonymous said...

Surely makes me think twice about affiliation with the local VFW. Too bad that the VFW has taken on the persona of local politicians...who use their positions for personal gain. Not what I want to give my hard earned money for. Rather give my money to save animals. Bye, bye VFW.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that this article is so one-sided. Typical politics! Obviously our current leadership “LEAKS” and by the way REAKS of corruption. There is way too much POST “confidential” information being publicized; as organization bylaws state “with intent to embarrass the post.” SHAME, SHAME! WHY does the Rrun Rrun not discuss how Previous Commander Lucio was “set-up” one night as he was minding his own business at the bar and 6 police squad cars appeared to escort him out of the post? And, how the leadership attempted to “set-up” another employee and dismissed them under FALSE allegations. And NOW, the current leadership has bar staff that “lights candles (brujeria) to curse Lucio and his supporters. Veterans are service members who are trained to endure and fight to the end. This battle is not over, and as our American motto states…JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL. Our GOD promises that GOOD things come to those who wait, we are waiting. Candles or not the blood of Jesus will protect us and promise a light at the end of this tunnel. As the typical saying goes, “It is not over ‘till the fat lady sings”. This fat lady is just warming up!

Anonymous said...

(curse Lucio and his supporters)

what? Dude, nobody is reading that. How long did it take you to write it? Waste of fucking time.

Anonymous said...

Is MariBigNalga writing all these, man seh needs attention from her partner. Someone needs to do her a favor, any takers?

Anonymous said...

The rummor was that the old haggs (waitress) were doing outside favor and flavors of all kinds.
Is that the real reason they got fired?

Anonymous said...

And NOW, the current leadership has bar staff that “lights candles
The present bar staff (mostly guys) are more hardworking (they do not sit around smoking on VFW time), they volunteer to clean with amonia to get rid of the old pedoras smell.


This is so Salada, Walada, Irritada, puras amargadas.

Anonymous said...

Who can tell me story of the Brownsville American Legion at Neal Drive? What was the story there?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
For many of the Veterans the VFW was their home to come and socialize with other Veterans. It is unfortunate that all this has occurred. Have they lost the main reason for why the Post was created in the first place? The problem needs to corrected as soon as possible.
That is precisely what the Present Cadre is trying to do; to come clean with the IRS, Texas Comptrollers, Texas Workforce Commission.
Cutting VFW cost and increase Revenues is the name of the game for the survival of the VFW.

Anonymous said...

Southwinds could be the new VFW/Crescent Moon

Dude, NO. Crescent moon was beyond awesome. Southwinds is like an old folks retirement entertainment center. Crescent moon has old people, fucking kickass hippies who play guitar sounds from the 60s. Southwinds just has old people. Get it? If southwinds had it's night at Crescent moon that would be awesome. If they would reopen Crescent moon, that would be way better.

Anonymous said...

some of those old and young hags at the VFW were the only lay I ever get. The young girl was patient with me to get it up.

Anonymous said...

6 police squad cars appeared to escort him out of the post?

Anonymous said...

When you mention fat lady are you talking about MariSELBigASS?

Anonymous said...

I belive the fat lady is '

Anonymous said...

I want to thank Mr. Montoya for reporting on this issue when few other venues seem to be interested. Is the local VFW post, hiding snugly on Veterans Boulevard behind the Hygeia milk plant, another one of Brownsville's dirty little secrets? Empty cocaine baglets found in the restroom and the smell of reefer were certainly not secrets at the VFW. An internet search shows that public disclosure reports, required to be filed with the IRS at certain sales levels, and which would show any salaries paid to officers, are not to be found. Did previous quartermasters and commanders simply forget to file or, worse yet, lie about the real income of the post so as not to have to reveal the source of their pocket change? Resigned and ex-commander Lucio now seems to play the victim, but he has been rumored to have jumped ship before, letting more sober people clean up his mess before he storms back with 50 bribed members to mount his self-proclaimed throne. Will the new gang have the courage and support to stick it out, or will VFW Post 2035 be another casualty in the world of smoky back-room non-profits where it seems like almost anything goes.

Anonymous said...

Ref: “I want to thank Mr. Montoya”, the author of this grateful message seems to assume she knows something that may or may not be true about any bar/nightclub in a border town. I don’t believe the baloney about the IRS either. Next thing you know she’ll add the FBI and the Texas Rangers to the list of investigations. It’s all a part of the same big lie to justify their devious actions to gain control of a perfectly good organization. These evil and disgraceful individuals will stop at nothing until they have their way.

Anonymous said...

"Who can tell me story of the Brownsville American Legion at Neale Drive? What was the story there?"

Good question. Some say to ask old man Rios. He's one of the old guard at the VFW now. Not sure why he's no longer at the Legion.

Anonymous said...

You can believe anything you want, just like I believe there is one newly elected District female that uses such dialog daily. Is it she the one that need to refocus the energy into the Ladies Auxiliaries .

Anonymous said...

Didn't somebody get paid to run the bar back in '08 and '09? The profits and bottles were allegedly walking out the door to the after party while someone was enjoying their cups. The only hope for the post, the mixed liquor license, had to be dropped soon after, but somebody had already jumped ship by then. Anyone hear different?

Anonymous said...

This new cadre justified their actions based on hearsay, you know cheezme. The headquarters for the propaganda machine is Tucans. The head of that department is “the Fat Lady”. The fat lady spews her poison through a list of texts. If you cross them they will destroy you. Beware!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This new cadre justified their actions based on hearsay, you know cheezme. The headquarters for the propaganda machine is Tucans. The head of that department is “the Fat Lady”. The fat lady spews her poison through a list of texts. If you cross them they will destroy you. Beware!
Are you talking about the newly elected very nalgona district auxilary, the one that only uses the donations to travel and travel some more.

I understood the fat hags were meeting at the southwinds.

Anonymous said...

No,you got your haggs nixed up. Not MariBignalgas or the hag that was kicked off the house committee, I mean the "Fat Lady". The one who lays her broon at Tucans.

Anonymous said...

The new VFW is the Southwinds, pobrecitos stepchildren looking for a new home. Starting with the District Auxiliary that will soon be dethroned for doing nothing but travel.

Anonymous said...

I mean the "Fat Lady". The one who lays her broon at Tucans.


Anonymous said...

No I'm talking about your best friend not the chichona but the queen of cheezme. Cheezmolera!

Anonymous said...

You’ve people have been talking about cows but one cow that counts is the one who fed Montoya this wild story.

Anonymous said...

So, we have:
The bitter Ex-Officers (Rivers and his girlfriend), The hags, the one with the Big Udders,the MariBigNalga (soon to be Ex-District Aux), la salada that offered Cleaning (Vacumiing=50. and cleaning for 100.) services outside the parking lot?

The rest were doing tricks and treats to and for customers.

Yes! We forgot Wendolin, well she shares everything (including jorge) with her bff.

Anonymous said...

Wendolin would like to have anonymous to have the balls to tell to her face.

Anonymous said...

The reason she hired only men and got rid of the women was the old heifer didn’t like anyone who looked better than her working there. She hoped to get lucky. That eliminates 100% of the women and about 50% of the men.

Anonymous said...

The VFW is still going with out the VERY OLD CADRE.
Are they missed? Nope!

Anonymous said...

I heard the “Fat Lady” with the broom didn’t like the bar maids because slim would always be sniffing in the wrong places.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did You Know?? The new cadre did it all by themselves. They ran off all the patrons with their stupidities, thinking they could do better.
Did you know that they are doing so well that they close on mondays and close by 9:00 p.m. most of the days.
Did you know that even you go to toucans because otherwise you would be the only ones at the VFW.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is right it’s their stupidity and ignorance that ruined the VFW. They can blame all the people they want but there is only one person to blame. The “Fat Lady”, she should have been banned a long time ago. She and the want-a-be commander, the woman that often stirs the cesspool, in their ignorance and incompetence have destroyed the VFW. Why? People think it was so they can sell it to their neighbors. Or maybe it’s just a lust for power and identity.

Anonymous said...

has anyone seen the vfwcoupblog titked defending the vfw in times of war.. shit check it out

Anonymous said...

Los pendejos pensaron que podian volver cualquir dia, se les arruino la fiesta.

Anonymous said...

the pendejos you are reffering to are they the veterans? The ones that have fought for our country, you are the pendejo/pendeja that has no respect for them or yourself.

Anonymous said...

this is directed to anonymous: you are quite a stupid person. you probably never served in the military, so the actual pendejo is you.

Anonymous said...

Angry Brownsville VFW members recently reported that Lucio farted out a real Brownsville gem when he abandoned his sinking VFW ship, and now they smell the stink. Lucio allegedly couldn't lead a rat down an anchor rope, but nonetheless plenty of self-serving rats seem to have followed the pied piper of Brownsville out of the VFW and into the drink. At least some of them have had the good sense to return and try to work with those who remain to clean up the corruption left by some of the old guard like Rios and Reyes, who didn't pay taxes for the employees, or even on all of the sales, and paid themselves salary instead. Poor Reyes, the puppet of Rios, seen at times walking around with an oxygen tank and heart monitor and driving all over Brownsville to pay bills to justify his alleged $300 a week salary and medical expenses, when all he had to do was set up electonic debits and save himself the gas, and maybe also the heart problems. Oh yeah, old man and puppetmaster Rios was supposedly collecting his own salary for being a non-paid volunteer as well. Then there are the semi-trailers that belonged to the post and that Lucio is rumored to have lived in when he was on the down-and-out and before he started being headmaster at the new VFW. Rumor has it that an old mattress is still inside one of the trailers, maybe waiting for his return? He was said to have recently bragged about how his house was paid off, and he had a new car, and how he didn't need the VFW anymore. Some commander, huh? A real rags to riches story. From living in a trailer to bragging about wealth? C'mon. A champion of hundreds of vets (many recruited by Lucio himself, and many allegedly not even qualified to be members) who long ago saw him for what he is and stopped supporting what used to be his post. Unfortunately, when someone or a group has had a lockhold on something for so long, you almost have to throw it all out and start over, because the hole left behind when the dirt is cleared is just too deep to climb out of. Time is running out for this VFW, rumored to be collapsing financially with miniscule sales even while DJs play almost every night and new sweeps machines try to bring in money to save the place. Good God Brownsville, what a fiasco!

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that it is all rumor. Where is the proof? These incompetents believe in fairytales and Santa Clause after all they are being led by fairies. This is the same noise these loony birds have been singing since they took over the VFW and ruined it. Once again the cheezme hits the fan and is spread all over El Rrun Rrun. Wait isn’t that what rrun rrun means?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lucio helped the VFW by doing 50/50s every week to raise money, and by bringing in all his drinking buddies to help sell more drinks. He was not perfect, but he tried.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don’t think so. I believe it’s the smell left by the “Fat Lady” and slim not to mention the cow patties left by the old heifer. Puchi.

Anonymous said...

I though Miller said there was volunteers’ to cut the grass. The grass around the post is more than four feet high. She better take off her apron and put on her jeans before Saturday. Who would want to rent the hall when it looks like that?

Mike T said...

Hey if the word from a customer not a member not even a veteran but I do like the VFW. I go to the one in Brownsville which is over 20 miles away when the one in Aan Bentio is a lot closer. Man I don't know what's going on but the place is not the same first of all it's a dead nobody there no liquor and man bartenders. The guys are good but I like being served by lady I tip better. San Benito still makes money with letting people bringing liquor I wish we go back to your way

Anonymous said...

Members recently opined that Pied Piper Sucio, Judy Silguero, the old man, and some break-away back-street boys were at it again stirring up insurrection. Papa Sucio looked the other way during years of skimming and tax fraud at a nearby veterans post, but now seems to want everyone to believe that he somehow personally masterminded a recent clean-up act when he really just sat idly by at his barstool throne drinking. Too bad he justifiably got cut out of power in the process, and now wants to get back in so badly that he's looking for anyone to blame for the almost total member apathy and anger now visibly rampant, anger that he helped foster and now hides behind. He is in denial about himself and a veterans club rumored to be heading toward foreclosure for lack of mortgage or any other money, as if the words "foreclosure" or "bankrupt" were not in the dictionary. Well, duh, guess what, when expenses are more than revenues, and when you pay yourself for volunteer work and don't pay taxes to make up the difference, then businesses will go under. It's not rocket science. Then there is dictatoress Merez, who members say tries to run the bar and post from the wings when she is almost useless at being a head mistress who is supposed to be supporting the main organization. It's all very sad, with members reporting higher ups recently visiting the post and leaving shaking their heads and wondering what the hell happened to the place. The loudest complaining members seem to want only buxom bar maids to slobber over, unrealistically cheap booze or free set-ups, no responsibility for the business they are supposed to own, and certainly no interference from the tax authorities or anyone with a rule book. Human nature maybe, but it's not going to keep the doors open much longer. Some members say that it would be nice if the Brownsville Herald did an expose on this tragic mess. The bank must not know which way to turn, said one, with the gamble it took on the loan it gave the post a few years ago. Except for a few months during the recent clean-up, the post has apparently given them nothing but years of mortgage payment headaches. A few stars keep shining through the fog but are outnumbered and stymied by do nothing complainers. Some DJs offer to play for free or at reduced cost, a few souls still try to organize fundraisers, and others volunteer their time or bit of money if they can, but the majority of others seem only to want to take advantage of a near dead or dying business, like vultures over a carcass. When interviewed, some patrons said they still liked the place, and accepted that the corruption of the past was overdue for a clean-up, but in their opinion also wondered how soon the bell would toll for the last time, especially if Sucio couldn't find something better to do with his time.

Anonymous said...

The post was doing well. It was starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel, even though it’s a long tunnel. Remember the recession in the economy that came about the time of the grand opening. It had a lot to do with business at the post. Then you came to save the post, an agelia of mercy. In the four months you and your pet rodent have obtained total control of the post you have done more damage than the economy and all the other members/commanders in the last three and half years. I guess it comes natural to you, like medusa. All your compadres are getting tired of you and your pet rodent. It’s time to go and save someone else. Thanks but no thanks for the help. Besides you’re not even a member.

Anonymous said...

well mr. montoya: can see that you only allow one side of the coin to be exposed. especially when it comes from your friend which happens to be your uña y mugre. you allow the arch angel to comment on people that have done everything to help the veterans. but along came the spider(black widow) and wants to treat everyone like she does the wimp of her husband, that will not even stand up to her. no backbone in that man. what a pity. but the imposter that claims to be a veteran soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. puchi to her. que cree que no le apesta, because all of her is infested. Fuera los impostores.

Anonymous said...

Members recently opined that Pied Piper Sucio, Judy Silguero, the old man, and some break-away back-street boys were at it again stirring up insurrection. Papa Sucio looked the other way during years of skimming and tax fraud at a nearby veterans post, but now seems to want everyone to believe that he somehow personally masterminded a recent clean-up act when he really just sat idly by at his barstool throne drinking. Too bad he justifiably got cut out of power in the process, and now wants to get back in so badly that he's looking for anyone to blame for the almost total member apathy and anger now visibly rampant, anger that he helped foster and now hides behind. He is in denial about himself and a veterans club rumored to be heading toward foreclosure for lack of mortgage or any other money, as if the words "foreclosure" or "bankrupt" were not in the dictionary. Well, duh, guess what, when expenses are more than revenues, and when you pay yourself for volunteer work and don't pay taxes to make up the difference, then businesses will go under. It's not rocket science. Then there is dictatoress Merez, who members say tries to run the bar and post from the wings when she is almost useless at being a head mistress who is supposed to be supporting the main organization. It's all very sad, with members reporting higher ups recently visiting the post and leaving shaking their heads and wondering what the hell happened to the place. The loudest complaining members seem to want only buxom bar maids to slobber over, unrealistically cheap booze or free set-ups, no responsibility for the business they are supposed to own, and certainly no interference from the tax authorities or anyone with a rule book. Human nature maybe, but it's not going to keep the doors open much longer. Some members say that it would be nice if the Brownsville Herald did an expose on this tragic mess. The bank must not know which way to turn, said one, with the gamble it took on the loan it gave the post a few years ago. Except for a few months during the recent clean-up, the post has apparently given them nothing but years of mortgage payment headaches. A few stars keep shining through the fog but are outnumbered and stymied by do nothing complainers. Some DJs offer to play for free or at reduced cost, a few souls still try to organize fundraisers, and others volunteer their time or bit of money if they can, but the majority of others seem only to want to take advantage of a near dead or dying business, like vultures over a carcass. When interviewed, some patrons said they still liked the place, and accepted that the corruption of the past was overdue for a clean-up, but in their opinion also wondered how soon the bell would toll for the last time, especially if Sucio couldn't find something better to do with his time.

Anonymous said...

You live in a fantasy world. As all ways you make no sense. You never do. Commander Lucio is not the problem, you are. You have no proof of the garbage you rant about. You only have the cheezme from an emotionally disturbed “Fat Lady”. You want the Post to fail. Admit it. You don’t have the brains or leadership skills to lead a brownie post. Even the girl scouts don’t want you. For the good of the post, why don’t you creep back into that black hole where you came from and take your pet rodent with you? Let the real veterans, the real patriots control their destiny. They don’t need you or your pet rodent or the “Fat Lady” or slim. With friends like you they would be better off with the devil.

Anonymous said...

I spoke recently with Generalissimo Borracho at the VFW Post in Brownsville, behind the Hygeia milk plant on East Price. The General first had to excuse himself to go pee; he said he had a bad habit of urinating in his pants when he got drunk, and he didn't want to take any chances. The General was dressed up like a South American dictator, with all kinds of jewelry on his hat, which made him look like an odd ball rooster strutting around in a bar area which reeked, and looked, something like a 14th Street saloon. The few patrons sitting around the bar stared mindlessly at a TV and paid the General no mind. The General then pointed proudly to a photo of someone on the wall, possibly himself, perhaps hoping to be asked about some imagined service decades ago. When asked about a ribbon or two, the General said they were mainly just there for show, but he liked the colors. The General seemed to be warming up to our talk and said that the post did not have a real function, as no one could ever agree on anything. Most of the members had long ago given up on the back-room politics and had better things to do with their time, suggested the General. Then he chuckled and continued, saying that the few who remained, well, they had nothing better to do with their time. After more idle chatter with the Generalissimo, my curiosity about VFW Post 2035 was satisfied. I realized that if the post kept guys like the Generalissimo off the streets, then maybe it served a purpose after all.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what happened as I have just started D Jaying at the VFW in July. It appears to me there was bad management (or lack of any) and way too many hands in the cookie jar. From what I'v heard there was no control or proper accounting over sales and no inventory being conducted. It's no wonder the VFW is failing. Being new here I've also heard of sabotage tactics used by the past administrators claiming that the VFW is either closed or is not allowing veterans, both of which are un-true. It's a shame because the VFW is a beautiful bar that should be making money. (Bar rescue?) We can not forget that this is a special place for our veterans and we should encourage them to return. I DJ there on Wednesdays and I have started getting some return customers. I will continue trying to bring in veterans and other customers and hopefully VFW Post 3035 will be saved. I can't do it alone so please help spread the word. Thanks. Rey Y

Anonymous said...

What a pile of crap. Now the post will prosper without the dingbats that were driving it into the ground. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Rey the only hands in the cookie jar were the same ones feeding you that crap. they were the ones dragging the VFW to the ground, and the only way to do it was to get rid of the VFW members. Oh yeah one two maybe three members(not eligible were there) they too were a bunch of crap. the angel of mercy will soon be gone as is her crawling worm of a husband. a few more will follow. justice has prevailed and the veterans are fighting back. this post belongs to the veterans and you keep playing your beautiful music and stay out of vfw issues.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I spoke recently with Generalissimo Borracho at the VFW Post in Brownsville, behind the Hygeia milk plant on East Price. The General first had to excuse himself to go pee; he said he had a bad habit of urinating in his pants when he got drunk, and he didn't want to take any chances. The General was dressed up like a South American dictator, with all kinds of jewelry on his hat, which made him look like an odd ball rooster strutting around in a bar area which reeked, and looked, something like a 14th Street saloon. The few patrons sitting around the bar stared mindlessly at a TV and paid the General no mind. The General then pointed proudly to a photo of someone on the wall, possibly himself, perhaps hoping to be asked about some imagined service decades ago. When asked about a ribbon or two, the General said they were mainly just there for show, but he liked the colors. The General seemed to be warming up to our talk and said that the post did not have a real function, as no one could ever agree on anything. Most of the members had long ago given up on the back-room politics and had better things to do with their time, suggested the General. Then he chuckled and continued, saying that the few who remained, well, they had nothing better to do with their time. After more idle chatter with the Generalissimo, my curiosity about VFW Post 2035 was satisfied. I realized that if the post kept guys like the Generalissimo off the streets, then maybe it served a purpose after all."

Anonymous said...

Question is: Did the Old farts returned with their tail between their feet when they realized they were not welcome anywhere?

Anonymous said...

The old Fart comment from the main old fart, Ms. Uglissimo herself, the one told to hit the road and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out is totally out of touch with reality just like her friend “the Cheezme Queen”, aka “the Fat Lady”. The post customers left because of your unprofessional, unchristian and immature behavior. Other businesses saw a boom in their bottom line and treated them with respect and appreciation. They came back not just because the power to be kicked you out but because they love the post and want to see it prosper. You should just fade away quietly. You have proven to be a great failure and a shame to Brownsville. It took a while for folks to realize what an incompetent you were. The hypocrisy between your rhetoric and you actions finally sunk in to reasonably thinking people. Please go away. Please! Go away!

Mile T said...

Well I am here at the VFW in Brownsville and want to tell you the place is rocking it's back. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Let's see how long you can keep fighting among each other?

Anonymous said...

Now let's flush out imposter Judy Silguero and have El Lucy prove where he got those ribbons. It's just gang warfare at that post. Different faces, same crap. Figuring out how to run a post is above their paygrade.

Anonymous said...

The post has been saved by the marines. The rodent was dispatched and the wicket witch is dead. Slim and the fat lady ran for the hills. The munchkins are coming back. Now the wicked witch is trying to stick her poisonous claws in BISD. Beware BISD. I repeat THE WICKET WITCH IS DEAD so I hope this blog shrivels up like her skinny legs.
