Monday, July 9, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Now we have learned that last year, The American Israel Education Foundation, based in Washington, took Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos on a jaunt to the Holy Land as part of its efforts to influence congressional members and those it considers to be shoo-ins for a congressional seat.
The AIEF is a charitable organization affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobby.
At the time that it invited Villalobos and his wife to the all-expenses paid trip, he was widely considered the leading contender for the Democratic nomination for the newly-created Congressional District 34.
Mando never shared any of his vacation trip with anyone locally, but if practice holds true, he probably wore a yarmulke when he entered some of the Jewish holy places. He probably also ate matzos or bagels and cream. Whether he hung out with the Hasidim or visited a kibbutz may never be known. Nonetheless, we're sure he tasted some of the Israeli dishes and looked over the occupied real estate as part of the Hispanic contingent that was hand-picked by the AIEF as part of its effor to influence the political outlook of current and potential congressional members.
And if visiting the places where Jesus walked wasn't being in the majors, his acceptance of tickets to the World Series to the Texas Rangers sure was.
We wonder if when he and the wife looked over the the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the Old City he ever thought that one day he would also be the target of a crucifixion back home, albeit a legal and political one.


Anonymous said...

Come on juan, why don't you mention that Joe Rivera has been getting game tickets like that for years from the same vendor - plus other perks.

Southmost kid said...

armando and joe rivera went to the world series que padre, wonder how many out of 30 years that joe rivera has been in office has he really filed a list of all those gifts he has be given since he has been in office? Or just mentiones a few or some of them. Otro Rata de dos patas. Time to go Joe you look like a monster, next time use a recent photo of yourself for your campaign posters and not from one from the 1980's Fuera con hinojosa para Austin texas Yea.

Anonymous said...

Why is is newsworthy that some local politico gets things under the table?

Finding a local office holder who was not accepting stuff under the table, now that would be NEWS!

Anonymous said...

Bad as... picture! I like it.

Anonymous said...

So, wheres the PETER WAS RIGHT article

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera and other elected official who have played their roles in "smoozing" and "boozing" with elected officials are part of the culture of judicial and political misconduct as is Villalobos and others. The culture of corruption in Cameron County is so inbedded and voters continue to vote for that culture, that we can only expect the federal dragnet to expand. I am waiting for the day that Aurora de la Garza's name pops up for indictment. She rides to work (some days) on her broom and she stirs her big pot to see who is contributing to her...and then she makes a decision on which court a case will go to. Aurora de la Garza is at the heart of this investigation and she was a major player in this jucicial corruption.

Anonymous said...

Pura caca at the county whorehouse with all these elected officals time to flush the toilet and clean house starting with aurora and joe, tony y, ben euresti etc etc etc

Anonymous said...

Ya no es the court house, ahora se llama la casa de las putas

Anonymous said...

Free tickets, trips and God knows what else? All for favors in the long run! What about his Las Vegas trips with Abel Gomez and others including certain attorneys? All favors when they got in trouble or had someone that got in trouble?

Anonymous said...

women? in vegas? o way right mando?
