Tuesday, July 10, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Consider this: In one case a man performing his duty enforcing the immigration enforcement laws of his country feels threatened by a rock thrower half a block away and shoots across the Rio Grande at him.
In another, just a few miles away from the border, a father feels threatened by an unmarked SUV and a suspected trespasser who sits in an unmarked SUV next to his property in the wee hours of dawn and orders his sons to shoot the intruder.
In the first case, the alleged rock thrower dies. In the other case, the suspected intruder survives, and only later does it turn out that he was a Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent on surveillance.
In the following days, a spokesperson for ICE defends the actions of the agent who loitered by  private property and alarmed the shooters, two brothers and their father.
Pedro Alvárez and his sons, Arnold Alvarez, 18 and another son,16, fired at ICE agent Kelton Harrison's vehicle and chased the agent as he sped away. Prosecutors say Harrison had been watching for an anticipated drug deal. His condition is improving. Alvarez and his sons are facing serious criminal charges, including attempted capital murder, after they shot at Harrison and another agent who was parked outside their home in Hargill, along the Texas border.
Relatives of the family shot because they were afraid someone was going to break in their home.
Amparo Ramírez, the family's mother, told a San Antonio newspaper that no attempt was made to notify home owners of surveillance activity.
"They thought it was somebody breaking in," Ramírez said. "The ICE didn't identify itself. The kids explained what they did."
In the case of the Border Patrol agent who shot at the Mexican national across an international border because he felt threatened is defended as justified, and cite one case in Hidalgo county where an agent was injured by a rock thrown by someone across the river. Now the say that there was yet another man who was seen pointing a gun at the agents, not the rock thrower who was shot to death. That man has neither been identified nor found.
The question then becomes: If the agent is justified in shooting at someone throwing rocks from another country across the river because he feared for his life, aren't the actions of the sons defending their property from an identified armed stranger justifiable as well?
Of course, perhaps the ICE honchos knew that the rock thrower had been a first draft pick for the Houston Astros pitching staff and could throw a rock on a straight line more than half a block away with unerring aim we wouldn't be so picky. But if they did and didn't tell us, then we've been kept in the dark.
The trigger happy nature of federal employees and members of the military carrying weapons on the border with nebulous rules of engagement has resulted in several confrontations that have resulted in death. The first well-known incident was the one involving an 18-year-old Hispanic goatherd who stumbled across a squad of armed camouflaged Marines who though he was shooting at them and shot him dead in 1997 near Redford, Texas.
In that case, the Pentagon decided that the soldiers were acting in self-defense and feared for their lives when they shot the teen.
Yet another involved the recent shooting of a rock-thrower in El Paso in 2010. In that case, a Border Patrol agent shot and killed a 15-year-old Mexican boy across the Rio Grande. Investigators said the agent fired after being attacked by people throwing rocks.
Last summer, Border Patrol agents seizing 4,000 pounds of marijuana in March near Roma got into a shootout with drug smugglers. In that incident, it also was not known whether anyone on the Mexican side had been hit. Authorities said Border Patrol agents and Rangers with the Texas Department of Public Safety exchanged about 300 rounds of gunfire with suspected drug smugglers. Officials said the suspects threw rocks at U.S. lawmen in that incident, too.
With the border crawling with armed lawmen and the military and the violence spilling over across the border, it'll only be a matter of time before these type on incidents become commonplace. If someone feels threatened in the Wild West atmosphere created by the militarization of the border so many groups have advocated, what else can we expect?


Anonymous said...

I am amazed how folks who have an anti-goverment bias can twist, misrepresent, distort facts and make comparisons where there is no comparison to be made.

for the record, that kid who was shot in 1997 was less than 18 years old. I think he was about 15. The Pinche Rinches who everybody down here hates, investigated and brought charges against the Marines who killed the kid. The case was tried in a state court in Pecos Texas and the Marines were acquited by the jury.

It didn't matter who was in that SUV the pendejos in Hargill shot up. You can't roll up on an vehicle with your lights off and open fire. Those guys will spend many years in prison where they belong. They were in no immediate danger of being killed or experiencing serious bodily harm.

People are killed and seriously injured every year by these rock throwing drug smugglers. I don't have any problems with La Migra shooting at them.I just wish they spend more time on the firing range so they could hit them.If you want to charge them with something, make it poor marksmanship.

Why is it, everytime a Mexican take a bullet, they are a victim? Most often they are just getting the wages of their conduct.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any problems with La Migra shooting at them.????
answering to the first comment:

Damn...those are very strong fucking words that come from an ass shitless animal, I hope none of ur loved ones will ever get shot and killed, cuz then you will feel what other parents have feeled for loosing their loved ones by being shot by the US Government.
I think they should actually shoot you and get rid of people like you that is taking up our space here in the Valley you MF!!!
No one should ever get killed for trying to come to the US and seek for a better life, I hope some day you will eat your words you bastard.

Anonymous said...

(parents have feeled for loosing their loved ones by being shot by the US Government.)

Let's not forget that the Border Patrol are there as our first line of defense. And if your mother would suddenly bend over and start shooting turds in their direction, and an agent would kill her for doing so, I would also look the other way. Probably yawn while doing so.


Anonymous said...

Schooled, and well done.

Anonymous said...

First of all Montoya get your facts right! You might want to investigate further these incidents. The one shot across the border was not throwing rocks. He was the one with the rifle and he took aim at the agent. End result, he is dead now. The rock thrower survived even though he should also be dead.

I am tired of the community bashing our law enforcement whether local or federal. The community criticized the Police Department for the shooting that occurred earlier this year. You point a gun to the police they will respond in appropriate manner. The federal agents get criticized just for being federal agents. I do know most of the federal agents are local residents of the valley in other words our sons and daughters. We should criticize them when they go bad like the ones that have been reading about in the newspapers lately.

So Mr. Montoya like I said at the start of this comment study the facts first or do proper investigation and then formulate your article.

I am tired of people who sleep very well at night(maybe not the whoring Hernandez I do not think they can sleep peacefully) while our Police Officers and Border Patrol Agents risk their lives every night to protect us and provide us with safety. Then we have people that question the way our law enforcement provides us that safety.

Anonymous said...

A response: I do not believe anybody should be shot for trying to enter the United States to find a better life. That is not what occured in the case at hand. In one case drug smugglers were trying to throw rocks at the BP to cover their retreat. In the second case somebody was aiming a rifle at the BP. These are not peaceful people trying to make a better life in the US.

None of my family has been or every will be shot by law officers, because they are not engaged in criminal activities. If you have criminals in your family, then to bad, so sad for you and them.

If you are going to call people bad names then at least get your facts straight and respond to what was said, and not some emotional knee jerk reaction. Prove that Mexicans can think as well as curse, swear and foam at the mouth.

In case you are as stupid, as your post suggest, let me say once again. Nobody should get shot unless they are doing something that threatens the safety or life of the officers. Then and only then can or should they fire their weapons. If they need to do that, they should take careful aim and shoot them dead center.

Anonymous said...

I think if the Mexicans would stay in their own country and not try to enter the US illegally non of these incidents would happen.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous of July 10, 2012 3:40 PM if you like illegal wet bags so much than you should work to support these mother fu@kers, don't make me pay for these scum of the earth ass holes.

Anonymous said...

The kid in west Texas who was shot by the army was tending his goats and plinking with his 22. It became pretty clear that he did not even know they were there but they felt justified in shooting and killing him. After shooting him they did not call an ambulance, they called the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol called the ambulance. This kid was doing nothing illegal. As I recollect, a grand jury no-billed the soldiers and there was no trial. People should have gone to jail over this and did not. In regards to the recent firing across the border I have many questions but I think there is no way they are ever going to justify shooting at someone for throwing rocks at you across the river. When kids get into rock fights is one now justified in shooting the other? And was it rocks or dirt clods that were being thrown? I'd like to know where you find rocks along the river in Cameron County. I am lost that so many people are willing to let law enforcement off so easy. They should be held to a higher standard but if someone points a gun at them, well, what would you do?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why folks are willing to let the drug and illegal alien smugglers off so easy. They bring rocks with them,to allow them to retreat and run. If they bring a gun and get caught with them they are in big time trouble.

These are not just some kids throwing rocks at La Migra accross the river. They are engaged in criminal activity on this side of the river and the rocks are their weapons of choice used in the commission of their crime.

The river is over a life or death place. If these pendjos want to play, they had better be prepared to lose.

There Mamas can cry over them, but I won't.

Anonymous said...

To earlier post.
I am tired of the community bashing our law enforcement whether local or federal. The community criticized the Police Department for the shooting that occurred earlier this year.

Ok...Can you explain to all of us WHY the police department killed a mentally illed man about 2 yrs ago? inside his home, did not have a weapon in his hand to be threatening any police officers life, and yet CARLOS GARCIA THE CHIEF OF BROWNSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT authorized for the swat team to fire to this mentally ill man, they were all outside and they fired through a window, police killed him and the family sued the city for it, but of course... since this was an issue that pertainned to a poor family it didnt come out on the news and not many people new about this shit, THIS WAS ONE OF THE REASONS CARLOS GARCIA LEFT BPD!!! because he did not want to deal with the problems in the future, so dont you come and say shit and defend the police or government people, how many times HAVE WE SEEN ON VIDEO how the border patrol beats up with brutality Mexican people? many times...and nothing ever happens to them BP, so shut the fuck up and stop defending the MF, cuz its only obvious that you are just like them, so tell me..just because a kid is throwing rocks at the river or BP its an enough reason for them to be killed? you are fucking stupid!! Mexican people are wrong for comming to the US ilegally, but alot of them get killed by US BP and its not right, and the US BP will justify the reason and document what they want, think twice before saying all your non sence and stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

por esta misma razon nuestra ciudad esta en las peores condiciones, (por gente como algunos de ustedes) que no tienen corazon o lo tienen mas negro que el chapopote que hechan en la calle, nos es justo k la migra mate gente solo por que quieren cruzar a los EU, que los atrapen y que los metan a la carcel esta bien y tal vez que pasen anos en la carcel, pero si la gente no trae una arma y ponga en peligro la vida de la migra, yo no veo el por que la migra tienen k dispararles a matarlos, ademas k esten a lado del rio no es malo por que ellos estan en su territorio Mexicano, la migra no tiene por que disparar hacia el territorio Mexicano, EU comete muchas injusticias con los Mexicanos, pero cuando Mexico le mata a EU gente de ellos bien que le duele y hace un pedo mundial, y no se vale, cuando es gente mala y asesinos yo no digo nada, pero cuando son ninos o gente buena y humilde, la migra ni nadie tiene por que lastimarlos, por que no dejan de ser seres humanos y ante los ojos de Dios todos somos iguales, algunos con dinero y otros pobres, pero todos iguales.
Lo siento me puse muy sensible al leer tantos comentarios negativos de nuestra comunidad, por que este es el ejemplo que se les esta dando a nuestros hijos, lleno de odio y coraje y eso no es nada saludable.

Anonymous said...

My spouse patrols the border. We are Mexican and from the Valley. Once they identify the body of the "innocent" rock thrower, they usually find a lengthy history of arrests for illegal crossings, being mules, carrying dope. Think about this. How many rocks lie along the rivers edge? Those Motherfuckers bring them, make piles, and when chased back across, they run towards the piles and throw the BASEBALL sized rocks the length of First base to Second base. So, don't give me that shit "across the river, must be a good shot". Especially, when an officer is trying to wrestle someone and handcuff them. Stop the shit. EVERYONE KNOWS THE DANGERS OF CROSSING. People crossing for a better life do not run BACK ACROSS the border throwing rocks. So, YOU shut the fuck up. Throw a rock at an armed officer? Are they throwing rocks at armed cartel members on the mexican side? Fuck no. My husband has a green light to protect his family and come home to our children.

Anonymous said...

(por esta misma razon nuestra ciudad esta en las peores condiciones, (por gente)

Metetelo por el culo, MOJADO. Just some wise Border Patrol speak.

Anonymous said...

To: July 11, 2012 7.55 PM

Re: Comentarios negativos de nuestra communidad.

There were no negative comments about your "community", unless your community is a community of criminals and bad people. When you identify your community with the actions of the worst, you smear and taint the rest. Identify with the good and not the bad and your community will benefit.

It is sad, that the racial politics and attitudes of this area seem to take position of us versus them. It should be the good vs. the bad, regardless of ethnic or national background. If your sons are filled with hate, look to your own attitudes for the source.

Bad people whether they are Anglo, Hispanic, Border Patrol or whoever should be pointed out as being bad. Bad because of what they did, not because of who they are.

Former law enforcement said...

It pisses me off that the US Government kisses Mexico's ass! BP Agents are well trained and especially for this area which is prone to violence. Why hasn't Mexico brought out about the other guy who pointed the gun? Because they don't care! What about the US citizens that are killed and disappear in their stinking country? They don't lift a finger about that and because they don't care! My family is originally from Mexico and I am proud of their flight from that cesspool to this wonderful country! The US needs to tell Mexico to go and shove up their ass on this one! Produce the gun bearer and let's see what he has to say? Those cowards over on that side manipulate the system to conduct their illegal trade and knowing that those who protect us have their hands tied!

Anonymous said...

(Why hasn't Mexico brought out about the other guy who pointed the gun? Because they don't care!)

Probably employed by the drug cartels. Which is another reason they are being so loud about it. Cartel $$$ are what pay for the President's luxuries, expenses and vacations. They need to taken care of. In anyway possible.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous of July 10, 2012 3:40 PM if you like illegal wet bags so much than you should work to support these mother fu@kers, don't make me pay for these scum of the earth ass holes.

Ok.... entonces despues no se quejen ustedes los Tx-Mx de esta Ciudad por QUE LOS MEXICANOS LES MATAN A USTEDES CIUDADANOS AMERICANOS!!! Lo mismo que ustedes piensan de los Mexicanos, los Mexicanos tambien piensan lo mismo de ustedes, asi es de que adelante, como a nadie le importa un Mexicano...creanme que ustedes tampoco les importan a ellos y que bueno que los Mexicanos se chingan a muchos de los gabachos por mamones y sana babiches, a chingar a su madre todos los pendejos. Hay tienen..tanto pinche pedo que hicieron cuando les mataron a un agente de ICE, ahh pero asi como los americanos disfrutan todo el abuso y discriminacion contra los Mexicanos, me da gusto que los Mexicanos hagan lo mismo CON LOS AMERICANOS, y eso es solo para que todos ustedes vean que a un siendo ellos (wet backs) como ustedes les llaman de sobre nombre y muertos de hambre, son mas trabajadores y chingones en muchas maneras MAS QUE USTEDES LOS CIUDADANOS AMERICANOS MIEDOSOS Y PENDEJOS
PARA MUCHAS COSAS, EL MEXICANO DEPERDIDO se enfrenta SOLO A CHINGASOS, pero el americano pendejo (Tex-Mex)tiene que juntar todo un ejercito para que lo respalden por que no sirven para nada. En bola los americanos son muy bravos, pero haver dense un tirito de frente a frente solos como los Mexicanos, y yo al igual que muchos sabemos que solo los pendejos como ustedes SE RAJAN. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THE MEXICAN PEOPLE.
