Wednesday, July 11, 2012


By Juan Montoya
An ongoing probe into whether at least one Willacy County official, a Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) trooper and at least one married federal employee in Cameron County used a gay sex smartphone application to arrange dates and rendezvous with other like-minded men may well be the latest scandal that rocks the Rio Grande Valley.
The three men have been implicated in the continuing probe of the online transmission of their photos online on an iPad cruising app called Grindr.
Reportedly, the DPS trooper is pictured in his uniform outside his trooper motorcade, Cavazos in his personal vehicle, and the federal employee shirtless in one of several photos he posted.
 Cavazos was elected to office in 2006 and was a close political ally of former Willacy County Judge and now convicted sex offender Elsiero Barnhart. At the time of Barnhart's conviction, the case made national news since it was the first case to ever be moved out of the Willacy County and the first reported sexual assault by an elected official. Cavazos still lives with his grandmother in Willacy County, while the federal employee is married.
In his posting on Grindr, he states standing before a presidential seal: "BTM, Young, educated and very successful. I don't like fems and discretion is a must. Currently married and looking for dates, friends.".
The transmission of revealing photos of former Puerto Rican Senator Roberto Arango who represented San Juan in the New Progressive party and was the chairman of the Republican party for the San Juan Congressional District resulted in his resignation in Aug. 2011.
Although the DPS trooper and the federal employee have not been publicly identified, images leaked in the social media indicates that the elected official who used the iPad app to solicit same-sex partners was Willacy County Treasurer Ruben Cavazos. In the case of the Cavazos, a full-face photo identifying him merely as Ruben appears on the screen. Others who have seen more photos say that in the application, say Cavazos appears in more than one pose.
On 2011 a Washington Post online section reported that nude photos which appeared to depict Puerto Rican Senator Arango showed up on the Grindr app, which targets gay and bisexual users.
 Arango at the time didn't even deny that the photos were real: "You know I've been losing weight. As I shed that weight, I've been taking pictures. I don't remember taking this particular picture but I'm not going to say I didn't take it. I'd tell you if I remembered taking the picture, but I don't."Ironically, Arango was a proponent of Resolution 99, which was a bill which would ban efforts to allow same-sex marriage in Puerto Rico.
The iPhone is a hotbed for location-based social networks, which tap into the phone's geolocation features to help users find nearby friends and strangers that they might like to meet. Grindr (iTunes Link) was one of the first iPhone applications geared towards gay and bisexual men.
The Washington Post reported that while privacy is an issue for all location based social networks," it is of the utmost importance on gay networks. Without proper security measures, bigots could easily download such applications and use them to pinpoint targets for hateful slurs and potentially even violence. 
Grindr deals with these issues by obscuring a user's absolute location by default. Rather than plotting each user on the map, Grindr displays how far away they are (distances can range from a few feet to miles away).
The application presents users with a list of nearby strangers, arranged in a grid of photos (you can click on a photo to see their personal profile). From here, users can strike up a real-time chat. If they decide they like their new acquaintance, they can they optionally choose to reveal their exact location."


Anonymous said...

So, why is this newsworthy? Did they do anything illegal? Is this posted just to out someone?

Anonymous said...

srsly...who gives a fuck?

Anonymous said...

Damnnnnn!!! Im telling you guys....this people are getting worse and worse, and the worst is that they have to be always taking nude photos of them selves... well at least there is some guys that do have a GREAT BODY and muscular, but like this ass hole being fat and greasy???? isnt he embarresed to post pictures of him naked and ugly? for others to see?

Anonymous said...

awwww how we can say that this is Mr. Piggy!!! and did you people knew that this man posed in a g-string? well he did and hes not embarresed by it. he sings the song...IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT...

Anonymous said...

wtf this is so dumb really, shame on you for even posting this, the person posting is obviously a member of that site and obviously took the time to even download the app, whats the difference between you and these people, thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? its there life ,no one is being nosey enough to go and find your dirty little secrets, everyone in willacy county are dirty crooks and should worry about the dirt they're buried underneath, that's right if it was someone else it wouldnt be such a big deal, everyone has something hidden, and these are good people and targeting them doesnt make it right but I guess that is how everyone in this forsaken town geta around, so what if someone is fat, skinny, hot bod whatever, it does not give anyone the right to judge, its okay for ya'll to talk but when its you in their shoes all hell breaks lose, just stating my opinion. Leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

You're pathetic, calling this a scandal. Being gay/bisexual is not a scandal!

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is the purpose of this post? Are you now going to start publishing every county, state, and federal employee who has a profile on a dating site? Online dating is a billion dollar industry so good luck with that. BTW your writing style needs some tweaking you babble quite a bit and aren't too clear on who in particular you are referring too! Let's see if the you will approve this! A narrow minded person can dish out the negative do to a lack of character, which seems to be the case.

Anonymous said...

For all you people talking shit! For 1 Fuck off! Dont you think that you should be minding your business! 3 we hear about these things all the time get the fuck over it! 4 you should always consider the lives of the people that are effected by this BULL SHIT story! People we all tend to forget, but, ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE!

Anonymous said...

who cares, about who these people are regardless of their title, people are intitled to be who they want to be, stop judging and talking about these straight or gay guys, married or single, nobody is perfect, what people need to do is look on the mirror and ask themselves (who am I to judge,)these guys have feeling too just likE anybody that is straight,and they are also human, just like everyone else,all the times when somebody hates a person this is what happens, they start to spread shit about the person they hate to hurt them, so quick and easy to talk and put a tittle on others and what do u call the evil people that wants to hurt another, so come one rumors, drama, = Raymondville, when will it ever end. Think about it stop trying to hurt people, just to have a good name or publicity, cuz remember nobody is perfect and their is something called KARMA, so stop and think about all the harm ur doing to friends and family of these guys that are being talked about, while only the people that like to gossip and don't have a life are happy and having fun, live and let live......

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself for writing this! You call this news?? I think you are pissed and trying to get back at someone!! Why hurt others? How did you even find out about this?? Maybe your a member or the site as well! Don't go bashing others for pleasure! God will judge you one day for doing this to his sons here on earth! You have no right to judge anyone by who they see or what they do. It's their business so back off! You are pathetic! Do something with your life and leave others alone:) karma will get you when you least expect it!

Anonymous said...

Que feo todo esto.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh really? now it's hurting alot of people? but why? all you people just enjoy putting down others that you don't like, and since now this happens to be a person you do like, it bothers everyone? well to bad, you guys live with it and deal with it as many others have also gone through the same shit and even worse with all you bloggers comments, and many of you did not care of the other people and how bad it was going to affect family members and themselves, so shut the fuck up and don't you people even bring God into all this shit, because you people speaking and getting all offensive about the post, are THE WORST ONES WE HAVE HERE IN THE VALLEY. Y ademas se escuchan bien mamones y falsos.
