Monday, July 9, 2012


By Juan Montoya
In answer to a commenter on a previous post, yes, we have confirmed that Sylvia Atkinson is out as Assistant Superintendent Human Resources for the Brownsville Independent School District Human Resources director and has now been made the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, the position filled before by Mary Jo Monfils.
There has been no formal announcement by Superintendent Carl Montoya (no relation to the writer), but we have confirmed the change through our sources. We don't know whether Monfils is taking over another post or whether she has opted for the golden parachute.
However, while Atkinson was said to have dominated the HR position and ultimately decided who would end up feasting where in the $500 million Gravy Train, now her new role as Curriculum and Instruction means that not only will she yield considerable power over what gets taught where, but principals at the elementary, middle and high schools can look forward to having her look over their shoulders.
Atkinson yields considerable political muscle with the BISD board as well. When rumors surrounding the employment by BISD of her brother – deposed Brownsville City Commissioner Charlie Atkinson – as a coach at the district, board members denied that such a move was in the works. Only later, when Charlie emerged from the shadows as an assistant coach at Faulk Middle School on a program that allowed someone to be hired on a probationary certificate pending his certification, did the BISD administration acknowledge that he was on board.
The perfunctory lawsuit from at least one certified coach who was not hired followed. How many more are in the wings in Sylvia's wake?
Meanwhile, we hear that Rachel Ayala, who retired in 2011 after 45 years in the district as area assistant superintendent for Educational Services, was said to have picked up a candidate's election package. She is said to be considering a run for the board against Catalina Presas-Garcia, former chairperson of the board and now head of the budget committee.
Ayala left the district after working there as a teacher, elementary and middle school principal and assistant superintendent. Ayala, the longtime area assistant superintendent for the Porter cluster of schools, left after she was last reassigned to head the district’s programs for students with dyslexia.
Now, as she is apparently getting ready to run against Presas-Garcia, people wonder whether someone
who has spent the last 45 years and hasn't raised her a finger to change the way in which the system was operating (compadrismo, favoritism, nepotism) can convince the voters she can lead the district in the new direction the board majority and voters have chosen.


Anonymous said...

Contrary to the rummor mill running rampant, Mrs. Ayala WILL NOT BE RUNNING FOR THE BOARD. She is enjoying her retirement and plans to continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone provide any evidence that Sylvia is in anyway qualified to head Curriculum and Instruction? Shouldn't this important position be filled by someone who has a background in curriculum and instruction?

As for Ayala running for the board...the prospect of having to deal with her vindictive, know-it-all, meddling behavior should frighten everyone. Nothing positive could come from her election.

Anonymous said...

Any former Student, Parent, Faculty or other, who have worked under Mrs Ayala's leadership will confirm to the type of leader that she is, granted that they did they're work either in the classroom, at the school as well as taking responsibility of their children's education. Mrs Ayala is strict, hard but FAIR from the staff that attend to the campus' lawn all the way to the administration that she has lead, she has held EVERYONE accounted for their work and their actions, everyone knows that. She was not easy to work for, this is true, since she required perfection from her staff, but all was done BY THE BOOK in order to help and educate the students of Brownsville, that is how BISD should be run...And by the way,,,,would not a person who is or has been in the educational field, with 45 years of experience be a better choice to run a districts EDUCATION? Instead there are people that have absolutely NOTHING to do with education on our School Board....Just look into some of these board member's credentials!!!...So if she does run then all who are NOT doing the job that they were elected and are suppose to do, WATCH OUT!!!...Mrs Ayala is coming FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia learned the hard way about what happens when she fights with her bff Christy.

Anonymous said...

To even insinuate that Rachel Ayala was a part of the compradismo that is the BISD mark is silly, and to say that this current group is in some way cleaning things up is plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

go get 'em ayala!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Rachel Ayala!!!!!!!!!!! Given what they need. Someone with a Brain! :)

Anonymous said...

Who is now in charge of HR and would you please also find out if Berta Pena has been moved and if Sharon and Mary Jo retired. Is Sylvia still going to be running the show from the CI position? What does bff mean? I am at a loss.

Anonymous said...

Blogger # 3 is either Rachel herself or one of her daughters. Rachel made life as misable as she could if she did not like you personally and it did not have to do with professionalism. But between Cata and her, I would certainly vote for Rachel. Chiquita pero picosa!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

After all the destruction carried out by SA over the past several months, what sparked this move? She must have stepped on some very big toes! I'd like to know who called this shot. What goes around comes around????

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Ayala was tough because she expected employees to do their jobs, ulltimately for the children in this district. Isn't that what we want in a school board memeber, someone who will be tough? Yes, I concur with previous blogger, "go get"em Ayala."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She is not running.

Anonymous said...

I thought Sylvia was Cristinas carpet muncher.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Ayala is a very vindictive individual. She is a meddler and only cared about her daughters' careers. Here's a note to you Rachel, you hurt their careers more than you helped them! If she doesn't like you, regardless how effective you are, she goes after you. Ironic how the biggest bullies in Brownsville are in the same article. Best thing that could happen for Brownsville is if these two would get out of the way and allow BI SD employees to do their jobs.

Anonymous said...

What daisy are you picking? She loves me, she loves me not? She loves me; she loves me not? If she has picked up a package from the main office, why does the BH not ask for a new release or rather better call Rachel and find out.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Atkinson and her comadre Adela Garza caused havoc at LFCISD. Both were removed for incompetence and the rest is history, like they say. Adela caused the breakup of UTB/TSC and the loss of 600 jobs and Hurricane Sylvia totally screwed BISD. When do we learn?

Anonymous said...

She may not be running, but I am

Anonymous said...

Couldn't Mrs. Ayala have picked up the packet for someone else who is planning to run? I'm not aware on how the system works. Please inform me.

-Citizen Anon

Anonymous said...

To all the people that badmouth Dr. A is because they are JEALOUS!

She has a Doctor degree.
She is smart.
She is very disciplined.

Se pusieron caros losCelotes?

Anonymous said...

Please let the issue rest with Mrs. Ayala and her family. SHE IS NOT RUNNING. Whether you like her or not, why the vulgaraties? What does it accomplish? Why drag her family in to the fray? It is for that reason that she is not running. All this based on rumor and innuendo.

Anonymous said...

She has a Doctor degree,She is very disciplined,Se pusieron caros losCelotes?

Lol, nahhh because with money you and I can buy all that shit toguether in one whole package!!! Do you even know how many years it takes to become a real doctor? can you tell us what is she doing in the city instead of being in the medical field making those big bucks as a doctor? you only fool your self baby not us.

Anonymous said...

Remember that money makes you baby, what ever you want to be MONEY CAN BUY. I AM SO BLESSED :)

Anonymous said...

SA has a doctorate in education, not medicine. Criticize her for whatever, but she makes some big bucks. BIG BUCK$!

Anonymous said...

Making big bucks or not, we all know she is still a piece of shit. Do u honestly believe she is a happy individual? Her whole family is for shit n their day will come. I'm sure Charlie will go down when the audit at the sports park gets done. Whatever happen to the the brother who got in trouble in Mercedes for sexual harassment? Also her sister Tolman got run out of Rivera for being a lazy piece of shit. Her day will come. Again, all Atkinson r lazy arrogant mofos whose time will come...

Anonymous said...

1:44pm-Your envy shows toward Dr. Atkinson and her family. Poor you

Anonymous said...

To the one PM, Maybe and Maybe not, why would she pick up a packet in the first place (rumor control maybe).

Anyone can pick up a packet for anyone. So,,,Please inform me!

The Other Citizen Anon

Anonymous said...

I picked up a packet, but I am not running! Ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

That is the best new ever. Get that vindictive person, Sylvia Atkinson out of the human resource dept. Hey everyone, she has been kicked out of every district because of her want to be power. Put her down where she belongs, but yes you are right who to say she knows about curriculum. Please district, do your research.... as far as the wicked witch of the west ayala, she is going to get all her little cronies back in again like what a b dr.oscar cantu, look out for this person too!!
