Fire burn, and caldron bubble..."
from Macbeth, William Shakespeare
By Juan Montoya
Begum, who at first thought elections were contests where the electorate would freely choose their candidates just like in the movies, instead came face to face with a dollar-greased political machine with operators such as Norma Hernandez, her opponent's mother, who along with politiqueras (ward heelers, political activists, etc., pick one) who stopped at nothing to achieve their ends.
In a well-rehearsed scenario, they descended upon gullible elderly in local day care centers and hauled them off packed in rental vans like rolling campaign buses where they were coerced into voting for their ticket. Inside the vans, they were kept outside the polling places within sight of election judges who obligingly passed the drivers and their aides a handful of ballots to be filled in at their leisure.
In one instance, Norma, who wields the influence of being the wife of a county commissioner like a bludgeon, browbeat Cameron County elections Administrator Roger Ortiz within earshot of other candidates and their assistants. Meek little Ortiz stood there and took it like an obedient little clerk and got a public dressing down for having the unmitigated gall to stand up to Ernie's wife.
How dare he even think of standing in her way when the vans filled with the elderly, the mentally-disabled and the illiterate were hauled in with promises of a chicken plate in return for marking their ballots the way she wanted them to?
Next thing they will think is that they are actually able exercise their free will and select a candidate of their choice. Can you imagine that?
Across the poor barrios of Cameron Park and Southmost, the elderly voters are hunted down and dispossessed of their ballots, thinking that by sealing them they will actually be mailed by the politiqueras who pick them up and obligingly tell them they they will do them the favor of putting on the stamps and dropping them off at the post office gratis.
On more than one occasion, those ballots never make it to the post office until they have been steamed opened and the votes changed to suit the politiqueras who picked them up. Then they are mailed to be counted by the elections office and the wishes of the electorate are negated in favor of the cheater.
On other occasions, illiterate voters actually cast mail-in votes after scribbling what looks like their name on the applications for mail-in votes and later on the outside of the ballot envelopes when the politiqueras come and pick them up from them.
Cameron Park is Margarita Ozuna's territory. She know where every elderly registered voter lives. Come election time, she, along with cohorts Ana Perales, Juanita Garcia, Facunda and daughter Beatriz Garcia, descend upon their homes and retrieve the ballots which they receive in the mail. After all, they know where the ballots will come, having "assisted" the targets in their respective adult day care center. In some cases, the voters are led to believe that they are somehow connected to the elections office and what they are doing is perfectly moral and legal.
But don't look for her name on any of the documents associated with the ballot or the mail-in envelopes. You won't find it. Instead, the envelopes will bear the name of someone else (usually one Juan Rodriguez or another male name) to hide her role in illegally harvesting that vote.
But don't look for her name on any of the documents associated with the ballot or the mail-in envelopes. You won't find it. Instead, the envelopes will bear the name of someone else (usually one Juan Rodriguez or another male name) to hide her role in illegally harvesting that vote.
But that's not all. Across the panorama of the city's southeast side (La Southmost, La 421, La Doce), one can find her trail into the humble homes of the elderly.
"Vino la señora Dora a levantar las boletas," they say using one of her many aliases.
The Las Prietas (West Side) neighborhood is Herminia Becerra's turf. Entire blocks vote by mail from her Ground Zero home on Western Blvd.
She will tell you that the people seek her out and that she helps them out with their legal problems with the sheriff, the constables, the justices of the peace, the cops, etc. Their vote, she says, is a kind of quid pro quo for all the favors she performs at no cost.
"Yo no quiero dinero, le digo a los candidatos," she says. "A mi no me des dinero. Yo domas les pido material para distribuir."
But if anyone has made the mail-in vote and walk-in early vote an industry, it is Norma Hernandez. In fact, she is so adept at controlling that vote that she feels she is entitled to it because of her investment in time to nurture the trust and confidence of the voters.
Between these three (and another dozen operatives), they have been able to rule the political roost and thumb their noses at a supposedly democratic system of political representation. The sad part about it is that the very people who are supposed to keep the playing field level are themselves elected though this process and feel hog-tied and helpless to right this wrong.
Law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and court clerks all use the system to stay in office. And where are the federal knights in shining armor who claim they are here to ferret out corruption at every level of civilian life?
Until someone does something, the Wicked Sisters will continue to give us toil and trouble at the elections cauldron.
Or from Edgar Allen Poe...."Corruption, corruption everywhere and no on with huevos to fight fo honesty and ethical government". All the elected officials hunker down behing the current system. We lack positive leaership to fight corruption. Elected officials, even the county judge, refuse to fight the system in place.....or even speak out against it. Roger Ortiz is a puppet for the forces of corruption. As we see with Dan Sanchez, he is willing to kiss the ass of corruption to serve himself. Our officials serve themselves, not the community.
Or from my mother: Lo tienen azorillado. Es tan bueno que no sirve para nada.
The problem is not only roger but every elected official who got elected this way , that is why our county is so poor, people in power for 30 years are bound to be corrupt, and our judges, district attorney and democrattic party chair are a disgrace,
Voter fraud all the way to the DemoRATA party chair!!!!!
grat picture of all 3...Herminia is gonna love your little photoshop of her...
We need to throw them plus quite a few more in the caldron, then I'll be happy.
Or from my Dad, "Es cabron y duerme tarde."
Juan telling it like it is and NO ONE and I mean No one of the elected officials on the elections committee, joe rivera, tony yzaguiree, sylvia, carlos cascos or the republican chair will do anything about it because hey thats the way its been for the last 25-30 years under the democRATA rule, just ask gilbert hinojosa.
Se le va a llegar el dia a la beccera se crea la muy chingona pero a la mera hora hora corre para dallas, san antonio y norma hernandez le paga el viaje
Its hard to believe that Erin "Miss Piggy" Hernandez, Ernie "the white speck on chicken shit" Hernandez, Abel "black cloud" Gomez and Carlos "got my ass kicked" Masso risked illegal voting practices while the Feds are doing "round-up" in CC for illegal activities conducted by elected officials and attorneys? You got to have a pair of big ones to do that? Maybe, that will be the next round-up after the Feds are done with the justice system and other attorneys? I look at that fucked up picture of Abel Gomez and it reminds me of that other crooked cop in Conrado Cantu! It's coming Abel, prepare yourself!
Esta respuesta se la mando a Anonymous, que pone sus postes vulgares. estaran horible esas viejas y estaran guangas, pero te lo apuesto hijo o hija de una guayaba que si se daria conocer la que te pario y te creo, esa si que se sacara un premio en tener un enbesile como tu. JAJAJAJA
Its hard to believe that Erin "Miss Piggy" Hernandez, Ernie "the white speck on chicken shit" Hernandez, Abel "black cloud" Gomez and Carlos "got my ass kicked" Masso risked illegal voting practices while the Feds are doing "round-up" in CC for illegal activities conducted by elected officials and attorneys?
>Because they use the politiqueras many years, and Ernie got away with election fraud once, they must think they are invincible...
Gracias Juan Montoya y los partidarios de Yolanda Begum por expresar su odio hacia las familias Hernandez y García así como aquellas sierta Politiqueras. (por cierto, me encanta la foto , tienes talento e imaginación). Pero por qué no cambiar a la melodía un poco. Sería usted tan amable de tomar un descanso del odio y desacredítelos, y concéntrese para iluminarnos por qué usted apoyo a Begum. Por favor, de darnos en sus propia palabras su cuento informativo de la Sra. Begum. Usted parece estar bien informado y si no me equivoco usted siente que ella es una persona mejor. Estoy interesado en aprender más sobre ella. De acuerdo que usted y todos sus sonidos de la Sra. Begum la pinta como lo más honesto candidata. Lastima que los constituyentes del Condado de Cameron no tuvieron sus conocimientos sobre todas las cosas positivas de la Sra. Begum antes de las elecciones. ¿Hmmm...pero Por qué no deberías haber escrito cosas positivas de Begum, ya los se, Por qué escribir cosas positivas de Begum venden poco espacio en blogs Y las cosas desagradables de los politicos contrincantes y venden mas. Gracias por su atencion.
August 24, 2012 11:50 PM
jajaja buen trabajo Juanito...tu sigue escribiendo cosas desagradables de todos los politicos, por que alli es donde esta el dinero!!! (El las noticias del dia) :) ademas nadie queremos escuchar quien trata de convertirse en Santo Religioso de las Iglesias, Todos queremos saver quienes son los POLITICOS MALINCHES de la Ciudad de Brownsville para saver de quien cuidarnos!!! Tu no hagas caso Juanito y siguele con tus admirables reportes!!! Tu haces muy buen trabajo!!!!
Hay que barbaros.....pobres viejitas, las deben de respetar por su edad y por toda la buena labor que estan haciendo, veanlas, estan bien
Only thing i cant beleive is the truth, erin and gomez won, using the same politqueras right and Masso lost? what the heck? some monkey business here Masso, te chingaron brother. Luis saenz was speechless when he was interviewed on the run off election night, couldnt say a word, kodak moment. luis te chinagaste a masso, you stole the elction right from under their feet.
Folks no matter what happens the cameron county elected offcials will NOT DO A DAMN THING. becasue if they do, then next time they will not get re-elected. i am talking about joe rivera, tony yzaguirre and sylvia perez, these 3 m3m3bers of the elections board. They dont want change.
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