The selection of Orlando Rodriguez as the new City of Brownsville Police Chief after months-long hoopla turned out to be kind of a letdown of sorts.
We opted to keep the same kind of administration at the PD that allowed for Commander William Ingram, a 35-year veteran of the department, to retire after his nude picture burst on the Internet.
Rodriguez at the time said that since Ingram was in the process of retiring anyway the retirement makes the issue moot and no charges are contemplated.
“He is leaving on Friday,” Rodriguez said. “We have no employee to deal with."
You've got to admit, that was a "neat" way to deal with the non-problem.
Then there was the incident at Cummings Middle School still under investigation and the subject of several multimillion dollar lawsuits where a teenager was shot by two officers using heavy-caliber assault rifles. Remember that it turned out the kid had a pellet gun and had not even fired at the cops before they took him down?
If you remember, also, it wasn't until six or severn hours after they took down the kid that Rodriguez revealed that the gun wasn't real, as online blogs and social media had already informed its viewers.
If you remember, also, it wasn't until six or severn hours after they took down the kid that Rodriguez revealed that the gun wasn't real, as online blogs and social media had already informed its viewers.
“That was Orlando’s trial by fire,” Longoria said. “He was the voice of Brownsville. He explained it to the community; he put the community at ease. By that simple gesture … I said there’s our guy.”
Rodriguez's sterling performance under fire was illustrated when we learned that he was dealing courageously with so much stress that he had to be treated at a local hospital. But perhaps there was something behind Longoria's praise of the chief. After all, it was his brother Everardo who was one of the trigger-happy cops who shot the kid. Of course, that had nothing to do with it, did it?
Like we said, we got the police chief we want and deserve.
Desafortunadamente, tenemos puro mugrero en el departamento de policia,ese es el ejemplo que los LIDERES estan dando a el resto de los funcionarios del mismo departamento, que lastima, que desperdicio de tiempo y de Taxas para los Ciudadanos de esta region, lo cobarde, lo sinverguenza y lo estupido no se les va a quitar asta que la ley castigue formalmente este tipo de comportamientos dentro de dichos departamentos, los funcionarios siguen con su mal comportamiento por que NADIE a tenido los pantalones para IMPONER ORDEN, NI DICIPLINA, NI RESPETO para dicho departamento Y sobre todo para el UNIFORME/BACHA que portan, y esto pasa por que los que tienen el mando han escogido puros conocidos y familiares de ellos mismos, el ser funcionario de ley no es trabajo para todos, pues eso se refleja en su comportamiento y diciplina y respeto para el publico y mismo departamento. Y el mentado Orlando Rodriguez??? Quien le dijo a ese que el es un LIDER? el baboso no sabe ni limpiarse la cola y quiere ser Chief, pelado baboso y pendejo!!! Tantos que han aplicado para ser chief y que TIENEN altos estudios academicos no los contratan por que saben que saltarian muchisimos y ademas implementarian el respeto y diciplina y los mugrosos de aqui quieren seguir dandole buelo a la hilacha como asta ahorita!!! bola de loosers y pendejos.
LOL!!! He and his subordinates owe me. Pinches putos.
El Wensley de Las Prietas.
Ohhh my Lord!!!!! What is the police batch doing on that anglo's dick??? is that the respect police have for their department??? that is very embarrasing and down to the mud for our city od Beownsville, but yes we agree, this is what the the public wanted and this is what we are stuck with now!!! (Bunch of trash and MF's)
FUCK YOU SUBSTITUTE CHIEF!!! you are a one good for nothing MF!! you have no leadership in you, just look at you, your uniform does not even look sharp!!! and your biggest mistake was that YOU DID NOT PUNISH COMM. INGRAM for what he did, that was one of your best opportunities to have implemented punishment and dicipline to this Commander for un propper behaviour while on duty, and everyone could have seen the punishment for his bad behaviour, that was your opportunity to show the City and the public and all the BPD that you had the balls to take over the department and that Ingram was going to pay for his actions, but as we all saw, you have no balls, no authority, no leadership, no nothing, just start packing your bags because you will be out of that department before you know it bitch!!! We want a real chief that will lead us while on duty and that we can respect, not a stupid scum bag like you.
I was better off with carlos Garcia when he was our chief!!
1) In the event you do not know, Brownsville is in Cameron County; not Hidalgo County.
2) Rick's brother is Everardo....not Evaristo.
3) You were not present during the Cumming's were not placed in that situation...
It would be nice if such an experienced journalist such as yourself would get things right and remain
unbiased in your reporting.
J. King
Son los mismos, like the taco stand
I disagree with your point of view Mr. Montoya. You continue to criticise our police department for shooting an armed suspect. Granted hours later we came to find out the gun was a pellet gun. But, nonetheless a pellet gun can and will kill a person. Let us not forget the unfotunate lady that was murdered with a pellet gun back in the late nineties. Like it was mentioned before we have the option of making opinions after the incidents have happened. Believe me, Mr. Montoya it is way different when you have a weapon pointed at you. You have a split second to decide whether to fire or not. If you do not it might be you who is dead and not the perpertrator. It is nice to criticise and not be there and way different being there. In the Ingram case they might have let him go but the offended person might file charges against him. Ingram is a civilian now so anything can happen with him. Remember it was not Mr. Rodriguez sole decision not to bring action against Ingram there are other persons involved in that decision. So Mr. Montoya ease off on your criticism of Mr. Rodriguez and allow him to do his job. Maybe you should don the Brownsville Police Department uniform, place a gun belt around your waist and go out and protect the citizens of Brownsville and have someone point a weapon at you whether it be a pellet gun or a "real" gun by that Mr. Montoya I refer to the ones that go boom! Because that would be the last thing you would hear if you hesitate in law enforcement Mr. Montoya!
What is it with the city hiring worthless Chiefs. Isn't this one married to a commissioners sister? What about the worst idiot for a Chief ever? Lenny Perez ... what ties does he have to the Commission besides being Longorias wedding padrino ???? The Fire Chief has costs the citizens unknown thousands in legal fees for pure ignorance and the City looks the other way!
Shut your pie hole, Gloria.....go ruin a marriage...
You know Juanio, it is pretty clear that the person insulting Chief Rodriguez and Commander Ingram is the same women that makes it her goal to ruin police officer's careers. The woman in question in Ingram's case is the same black widow who went after Commander Rodriquez. She is a black snake in the grass who tries to appear harmless, but is deadly. One day she will have to answer for her actions and when that day comes she needs to remember that she made her own bed and will have to lie in it. Ingram made a mistake, he is paying for his mistake. He has an excellent family support unit that will help him through his mistake. But the Black Widow can not, I repeat can not handle that fact, so she get You, Juanio to reopen the wound. Remember Juanio what goes around, comes around. How do you feel when the people that dislike you tell your family was a loser, drunk you are? You and your family do not deserve that and neither does Ingram's family. Think about it.........
All of you who are so readily to destroy the image of Brownsville are also the ones who have criticized the the police department for the shooting of Jaime Gonzalez.This boy was no hero he might have a good person at times but he sure wasn't when he took the gun to school.Come on people from Brownsville don't be blinded. If he had gotten away with it the next time might have been a massacre then it would the officers fault anyway. Who ever feels that it was OK for the 15 year old to beat up someone the same morning he took a gun to school pointed it at someone, then you are the ones who need a reality check. Nothing would have happened if he had gone to school like a normal student.
LOL! And,agree.
Relax people, Gloria just came back from her vacations to L.A., she does not care about any one here in the city or what happens here in the city, she is very happy, she is living her life very good and moving on, one thing you always have to remember, she will not waiste her time with any of this BS, there is no one else more important to her than her family and her belongings her father gave her, so don't think you people from the city are the center of her attraction in her world, because if she sees something, she will turn her head away as if she did not see anything, so don't waiste your time talking about our precious and beloved woman, we owe so much to her and we will be with her all the time. Good luck people and smile, life is to short to waiste it in this manner.
August 5, 2012 11:20 PM
Esta tiene que ser una PUTA ARDIDA de la policia, cada quien se busca lo que tiene, aqui todos son responsables de sus actos y si estan pagando o no, o si los estan apollando o no, ES MUY PEDO DE CADA QUIEN!!! a nadie le importa si viven o mueren, o si sufren o estan contentos, O lo que hacen o dejan de hacer, cada quien que viva su vida como quieran, a nadie le importa si la familia apolla a Ingram o no, ya que el es un cero a la izquierda para mucha gente, ya Ingram quedo en el olvido para mucha todos y aceptenlo, y Juanito solo hace su trabajo, por eso la gente no se deben portar mal para que nadie hable mal de ellos, la mujer ya ni los pela, ni en el mundo los hace y mucho menos le importa lo que pasa con la gente en la ciudad O en la policia, claro que la noticia se expandio en todos los medios por muchas razones, pero ella es de mucho caracter y lo supero al 100% al igual que Ingram lo debe hacer tambien. A nadie le importa nada y pues como el asunto paso dentro de las instalaciones de la policia pues para todos fue muy sorprendente y fue la noticia del 2012!!!
The naked truth
Who on earth is Gloria? Is that the name of the home destroyer???
just like the courthouse play dumb and keep your mouth shut
Welcome to Brownsville!
Year round, aqui hay CACA!
matamos ninos inocentes y nos exponemos, ensenamos y mostramos al mundo, al pueblo, al estado, al gobernador, pito, huevos y decimos...
On the boarder by the sea, aqui nadie sabe nada.
Sera cierto? Yo no se nada....
Indicte the County,City and Commissioners.
Better yet, remove the 1400+ inmates from the County Jail in Olmito and throw in all the Convict Criminal Assaultants, Extortionists, Authoritarian Robot Police Force of Brownsville Puro Dick Department.
Welcome to Brownsville!
The Fuck Squad!
Ricardo Moreno?
jajajaja.....como me dan risa los pendejos, tiene que ser un pendejo que quiere quedar bien con el ex deprabado sexual del comandante Ingram de tanto que lo defienden y abogan por el!!! para empesar, ni que fuera la gran cagada, el estupido la cago y ahora esta pagando las consecuencias y ni modo, y para los que tanto lo defienden..vallanse mucho a la verga...por que Ingram no es nada ni nadie y no vale ni un centavo partido a la mitad!!! y si los medios de comunicacion le hechan es por que se lo merece por pendejo!! el servicio que dio a al publico no lo hiso gratis por que bien que se le pagaba un sueldo, lo botaron por pendejo y ahora ni modo, hagan pedo cuando se trate de una persona con dinero o influyente, no como estos pendejos que despues de ver sido lo que fueron, no tienen ni en que caer y se muertos!! pero falta un lambe huevos o mama vergas que hande metiendo su cuchara donde no le llaman. y para el Orlando Rodriguez ese es otro inutil y pendejo y feo sin clase ni categoria, que el haiga sido padrino de otro inutil no lo hace influyente ni poderoso, acuerdense que solo los poderosos son LOS QUE TIENEN DINERO!! jajaja como dice el dicho: DIME CUANTO TIENES Y TE DIRE CUANTO VALES!!!
August 8, 2012 10:26 AM
lol, very true, muestran pitos, y mas de la cuenta.
Can someone show us what's behind the badge of this anglo ex cop? well since he was sending pictures to everyone of him naked and being INSIDE BPD, we don't think there should be a problem for this blog to show all women and men of how this old anglo looks like COMPLETELY NAKED AND WITH OUT THE BADGE COVERING HIM!!! its ONLY going to be a one time thing!!! :)
Shut Cummings down! Worthless teachers....worthless Administration....hatcher, ude, dean of's a joke. Only person who tried to clean up the mess was moved because it was easier to move her than the 20 plus worthless teachers....oh well BISD you get what you deserve.
Ummmm look awsome all naked in public!!!! I want to see behind the badge...I wonder how it looks or what size it is?? ummm I bet it's delicious and I bet the girls enjoyed you also. U should have posted the picture of you with your cop hat, your belt and gun ALL SEXY AND NAKED. AND YOU KNOW WHATS MORE FUNNY??? That the chief is in the same blog with you, except he is fully dressed :-/....I wonder if chief will ever take naked pictures of himself on top of his desk at office of BPD?? would he ever do it? would he look as good and sexy like the anglo? I dont think so, and I bet he doesnt even shave down there, well thats what somebody said. :-( I WANT TO SEE THE CHIEF NAKED NOW!!! ITS HIS TURN NOW!!! Ingram did the chief can do it also. we will keep it as a secret.
Oh.....and you are so rich and righteous.....right Gloria? You are surely way better than everyone else.....
Joe T.
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