By now we know that ever since the current board on the Texas Southmost College board was campaigning to get into office one of the anchor planks on their platform was that they would not give away any of the land or assets of the 75-year-old community college.
Not real estate, not money, not bank deposits. In short, not anything that this community college that has been nurtured by local taxpayers in this poverty-stricken, high unemployment region for the last 75 years will be "given" away or sold to the UT System, the third-richest institution of higher education in the United States.
UTB President Juliet Garcia's plan to do just that crashed to the ground with a resounding thud that was emphasized by the election of the "no giveaway" candidates who swamped the UTB's president's ticket in past elections.
So why does Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez insist on painting the TSC board as an obstacle to the resurrection of downtown Brownsville because they won't budge on the issue knowing that it was one of the promises they made the electorate who put them in office?

The UT System's decision to move the campus away from the TSC site is ascribed to the "failure to find resolution with the Texas Southmost College trustees over land issues."
His advisers' plan to move UTB downtown "exclude any possibility that TSC will change its stance regarding selling the property."
UTB's plans to get a new campus is necessary because "TSC refused to agree to sell property to the UTB."
And he says that his cadre of out-of-town development gurus are working on how to satisfy any "financial shortfalls UT might confront in locating downtown."
In other words, if the TSC trustees would just go back on their word to the electorate and lie down and roll over for the UTB System, everything would be so easy.
Always the Sunshine Boy, DA Mayor says that the chance that the University of Texas at Brownsville will move then campus downtown, as opposed to UTB building a new main campus somewhere else, has gotten its “foot in the door” in terms of the UT Board of Regents’ willingness to consider it alongside other options.
And guess what? Remember that "rapidly closing window" of the Aug. 22 UT System Regents meeting where the final decision would be made regarding the move downtown? Well, it wasn't such an emergency after all, we now hear.
And guess what? Remember that "rapidly closing window" of the Aug. 22 UT System Regents meeting where the final decision would be made regarding the move downtown? Well, it wasn't such an emergency after all, we now hear.
None less than Brent Brown, the head of the self-appointed community workshop group BCWorkshop now says that perhaps it wasn't such a "drop-dead" deadline as he had said before after all.
Brown had been operating under an "assumption" that the UT Board of Regents would make a final decision regarding downtown at that meeting. However, now Da Mayor says that he believes the regents would "keep everything open" while considering land acquisition.
No effort will be spared, he said, to address UTB's concerns about locating downtown.
We've been to this rodeo before, haven't we?
Remember when Garcia and her academia gunslinger Michael Putegant tried the same line oh, so many times? There seemed to be some sort of mortal deadline at every turn. If the trustees didn't get everyhting they wanted ($200 million in college assets including – but not limited to – real estate, bank deposits, buildings, your dreams, etc.) UTB would [gasp] leave Brownsville.
That was some three or four years ago and guess what? They're still here trying the same old ruses that didn't work for them before. However, now we have Hizzoner Da Mayor trying to twist arms and make the TSC trustees cough up the goods for the UT System.
They should just cut the crap and have the UT System cough up the money as they have done in the other 15 system facilities across the state and forget about strong-arming the local community college taxpayers to continue subsidizing them as they have for the last 20 years.
Bill Hudson didn't buy it. Mary Yturria didn't buy it either. Neither did the rest of the mere mortals who support the college district with their property taxes. Martinez should cut the losses to his diminishing political stock and fold up his dog and pony show as well because no one is buying.
Yet, he seems unperturbed, at least for the consumption of the Brownsville Herald's readers.
“I’m not at all deterred," said Martinez. This has brought a lot of things to light, and I’m liking what I see.”
Juliet Garcia is a self-serving person who has a slash and burn policy when things don't go her way. She and her Kardenas Klan philosopy of taking from the tax payer to promote herself is offensive. She is a meglomaniac with no concern for the public, especially the public dollar. Tony Martinez is alligned with Juliet and gus like Fred Rusteberg, Michael Putegnant, the Kardenas Klan, and all from the "United Brownssville" group who all have done nothing to "unite" this community. It's about them and they assume their agenda is "the" agenda for all. What egomaniacs they are. Juliet is now betting the community will bail her out of a bad situation that she is responsible for. More power to TSC...who she ignored until the new board bit her in her big ass.
jajajajja parece un pendejo vestido asi!!!! le quiere hacer competencia a los charros Texanos!!! el bigote pintado me encanto. jajajjaa
La Julieta se chingo. She keeps leading UT regents astray. Why buy student Dorms and land if the Regents were thinking of relocating. Who in the hell came up with the name CASA BELLA? only Julieta she is a legend in her own mind. She controlled the puppets for a long long time and now TREY don't listen he actually has a brain, Rene hates her and actually cares for students. The others she won't even mess with they won't give her the time of day. It is about fiduciary duty.
The notion that selling real estate equates to 'lie down and roll over' is absurd. TSC will likely be hard pressed for financial resources and selling real estate they do not need could have helped with this. It strikes me that the TSC board is angry that the separation is occurring and are cutting off their nose to spite their face. However, my view is that in the long run this will be better for UTB, as the result will be an entirely new campus. From what I have heard is it almost certain that the UTB campus will be relocating outside of downtown Brownsville.
First of all, Julieta is nothing but a sore puss. Lily Tecero did not budge, and many KUDOS to Lily for not playing julieta's game. As for the mayor, he and his clan of clowns get a life and quit trying to squeeze brownsville taxpayers like a turnip you will get no money to bale UTB. Let UT pay for a new campus, and that's that.
Anon of August 18, 2012 2:07 PM
I concur, what you describe is what communist do.....CONTROL.
Many profesors at UTB/TSC agree that there will not be enough time for TSC to get accreditation. They havent hired any profesors or staff. Rumor has it that TSC is going to default.
The Herald is about as unbiased as national media is in the political campaign. Only in Brownsville, UTB is the golden child that can do no wrong regardless of how much the local community is plundered while local needs are ignored.
Es un pendejo!!! no parece ES. Carrying water for juliet.
No workie vato . No matter what the paper says. Trustees are UNITED and working together to protect the institution they serve. What a concept.
It would be smart for UT to stay close to downtown. tsc will be bankrupt in 5 years and UT will be able to get all that property for very little. A crap school like tsc can not compete with other great schools in the upper valley like STC, TSTC, and UTPA. The students in brownsville should hop on their burros and take a short ride up the valley for a better education than what tsc has to offer with their remedial ESL (what I should have learned in high school) classes. Why are we not talking about the very many jobs lost by kiko rendon and the other idiots that run Tamalie Tech ?
Since I am from brownsville I forgot to add jajajja jjjaaahhh jaja whatever the fuck that is.
The Mayors son, Trey is buddies with Juliets son and daughter, and surprise surprise, they are St. joe pricks. Wouldn't all these backroom dealings amount to conspiricy? Shouldn't somebody call the Fed's? They are already investigating Trey for his asociation with Abel Limas.
nonymous said...
Many profesors at UTB/TSC agree that there will not be enough time for TSC to get accreditation. They havent hired any profesors or staff. Rumor has it that TSC is going to default.
RUMORS, THAT IS ALL IT IS. So like Juliet to control the rumor mill. Let us not forget TSC has to get accredited but so does UTB.
Most of the faculty who have thus far survived the ongoing purges at UTB/TSC are UTB loyalists who never conceded the value of the Board's refusal to simply continue selling out the community as past Board's have. But don't forget, there are many faculty on campus (and former faculty off campus) who are well aware of just how UTB exploited our community and almost destroyed our community college to no good end. Viva TSC! As for UT, Sic Semper Tyranus!
Come on Brownsville, Harlingin, La Feria, San Benito - NOW IS YOUR
CHANCE TO send to UT Austin . . .
a message to move the campus to
Lol pinches dientes de mula maicera de rancho americano...chingados
You are from Brownsville? Did you grow up under a rock?
Jajajaja is Spanish for Hahahaha in English. Consider yourself informed.
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