In a new twist that underscores the machinations behind the scenes to steer clients to preferred local attorneys, the mother and wife of a Mexican national shot to death by a Border Patrol agent on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande say they were pressured to sign on as a clients by the Mexican Consulate in Brownsville who led her to believe she had no option but to hire local attorney Ed Stapleton.
In the original complaint filed in July, Ernestina Cazares Santillan, mother of slain Mexican national Juan Pablo Perez Santillan, and Amada Carolina Martinez, his widow, and her two grandchildren sued Marc G. Rosenthal and his Austin law office, Rosenthal & Watson, in federal court.
However, in the mew complaint, both the mother and her daughter-in-law claim that the complaint filed Brownsville by attorney David Willis, of Willis and Matthews, P.C., was made without their authorization, Further, she states that Willis in the complaint "made substantive misleading statements" and asks the court to issue an order dismissing the complaint. The superceding lawsuit filed Monday follows a federal complaint that Cazares filed through Stapleton and Willis and Matthews P.C. against the United States in July.
Cazares says the Mexican Consulate in Brownsville put her in touch with attorney Stapleton, who on July 10, agreed to represent her and her daughter-in-law, Amada Martinez Morales, in a lawsuit against the United States.
The mother of the slain man said she was led to believe that she had "no option" but to sing on a paper that Stapleton produced. She said she did not know what the paper stated and that the alleged consulate agent translated between them because Sapleton did not speak Spanish. In her affidavit, Ernestina Cazares Santillan said Stapleton made her believe that he was the legal representative of the Mexican Consulate in Brownsville.
However, Amada Martinez Morales – the wife of the slain man – said in her affidavit that she had never signed any document with Stapleton or the law firm of Willis and Matthews P.C. and had already acquired the services of Rosethal and Watson through contacts with acquaintances in the Matamoros municipal government offices.
Additionally, she said that on July 18, her mother-in-law and herself met representatives of the Rosenthal and Watson law firm and agreed to have them represent their case in federal court.
After that occurred, the women charged that officials of the Mexican Consul in Brownsville and agents of the Ministerio Publico of Matamoros (Public Safety) had the women appear before them in the city offices in Matamoros and urged them not to sign on with Rosenthal and accused him and his firm of committing crimes and generally counseled them to sign with Stapleton.
according to the women, Mexican Consul Rodolfo Quilantan Arenas was present at the meeting and Stapleton spoke with them through translator on a speaker phone.
"They told me he was a thief, that he stole money from his clients and that he is a thief," the statement reads. "All these people scared me so bad about Rosenthal (that) I felt doubt...I didn't trust him no more."
At a subsequent meeting in the Ministerio Publico, the women were both made to sign an agreement to have Stapleton represent them.
"Once they finished preparing those documents and without reading them or understanding the reason of this, we both signed the documents because they ordered us to."
When the women had someone translate the documents prepared in English that they had both signed, they say that the documents "misrepresented out feelings" and "were full of lies."
On July 25, the women authorized Rosenthal's office to deliver a letter to Stapleton and to the court to leave them alone and not contact them. They also accused Stapleton of using the office of the Mexican Consul in Brownsville to approach them and win their trust.
On Aug. 2, the women filed a criminal complaint against Stapleton in Matamoros and asked for an injunction against him or his representatives from contacting them regarding legal representation in their case against the Border Patrol.
Ufff...her first mistake was to sign and not read documents before signature, 2nd..she should have asked for a copy of what she signed and the same day she should have made a report in the US of the incident, the people in the ministerio publico are worthless, they don't care about anyones life and they make allot of mistakes while documenting the incidents, in these cases it's always good to have an Attorney, other wise, they will document what they want instead of the real facts, and if there is money under the table for them, (which has to be a good quantity), they will do what money tells them to do or if its someone important, for her to fix all the statement and the facts is going to cost her allot of money and time, and this is money they don't have, she has no case, because both laws Mexican/American communicate fast, and they know how to play their cards right to get out of trouble or from a big scandal, thats what friends are for and its all about money. :)
Number one, why were they throwing rocks to a border patrol. And number two, if she thinks she is going to make money, better think twice, the lawyers will, but she won't.
Pobres Mexicanos, no aprenden.
i don't follow...
Tipico caso de un pinche gringo valiendose de un puto corrupto consul para chingarse a un indito Mexicano! Chinguen a su Madre gringos y politicos Mexicanos!
What is your source for this information? Do you know if this matter has been brought to the attention of the Texas State Bar?
Well of course the poor family would want Rosenthal to represent them against the U.S. government. No one has the talent, skill, and power to do a better job. Rosenthal represented me against the FEDS and got a big settlement for the way they mistreated me. Look at the way he is kicking their ass in the trumped up criminal case the FEDS have brought against him for the Railroad and Big Corporationions that can't beat him.
August 10, 2012 12:17 AM
In this case it doesnt matter what you tell the Texas State Bar, she fucked up from the start by signing documents she did not read, the signature is there and there is no turning back to the problem, no way you can change things or versions on documents since they have already been filed on both countries, remember..this is a BP and the American Government will do anything to cover their ass from a scandal and since Mexico also works with the frontera, they moved fast and covered everything, there is no case to follow, its over for her and family.
Well of course the poor family would want Rosenthal to represent them against the U.S. government. No one has the talent, skill, and power to do a better job. Rosenthal represented me against the FEDS and got a big settlement for the way they mistreated me. Look at the way he is kicking their ass in the trumped up criminal case the FEDS have brought against him for the Railroad and Big Corporations that can't beat him.
BS, Esto AUN NO TERMINA, en MEXICO esto ya trasendio (DF) y esto por lo menos se le va a poner duro al consulado...por abusivos!
Here is a ignorant woman without enough brains to take care of herself and others smell money. She is spining one way and the other depending on who is talking to here.
What;s the story behind Stapleton? What's the story behind Quilantan? Many Consulados are a total mess, it feels like one is in hell! Stapleton had to be acting on behalf of them only if he was enpowered by them...but...not so fast SeƱor Stapleton, Mexico is a whole new territory, the Santillan Family is not as ignorant as you think.... your turn to explain Stapleton el Raton!
August 10, 2012 2:44 PM
jajaja dispensame pero todos los casos documentados por el ministerio publico Mexicano, PRIMERO SON MANDADOS A LA CIUDAD DE VICTORIA, TAMAULIPAS siendo siempre Ciudadanos Mexicanos, los casos que van para MEXICO, DF son casos que involucran a Ciudadanos Americanos en incidentes del lado Mexicano, esta gente es Mexicana, nada se documento bien desde un principio, y las cosas ya estan sentadas legalmente en ambos paises y archivadas, por mas que hagan pleito para sacar dinero, no lo van a lograr con el Gobvierno Americano y mucho menos cuando un servidor publico Americano estubo involucrado en el incidente, lo siento mucho por esta familia y mi mas sincero pesame para ellos.
IIs it true David Betancourt will run for county judge against Dan Sanchez?
Ahhh y para que todos lo sepan, a el Sr. Quilantan y Sr. Santillan bien que les gusta ser transas y hacerse los muy importantes, pero que creen?? Cuando ellos se van de parranda, les gusta consumir (pase/Blanca Nieves) y su whiskey Buchanans por un lado... lo malo es que consumen el whiskey barato y sencillo de Buchanas 12 yrs, el sabroso es el Whiskey de Blue Label, para el que no sabia de que estos dos son consumidores de la Blanca Nieves, nada mas haganles una prueba y veran que salen positivos.
No, perdoneme amigo pero NO, NO hay mas servidor Publico que el perro agente fronterizo, Stapleton es uno de esos coyotes abogansters que andan a las caidas, El consulado de Mexico es funcionario Mexicano y que chingados anda haciendo del lado Mexicano? Su chamba es en USA y es CUIDAR a LOS MEXICANOS ALLA, NO andar de oportunista! y de acuerdo a datos publicos en Mexicom, esto ya se fue Pa' Victoria con destino al DF, asi que hay que estar al pendienteeeeeee
La Palabra Attorney viene de "ATORAR" ese pinche Stapleton se quiso abrochar a esa pobre family... ahora a ver si se lo atoral a EL! y de pasada al consul Calvoestan, perdon Quilantan
Fuck these people. How about we sue their fucked up joke of a government every time an American gets maimed or harmed just BEING in their trash bag of a country by their corrupt piece of shit uniformed drug lackies. The little shit was fucking with the border patrol, and you cactus foreheaded fucks need to stop sucking up the air here and shitting and pissing in our sewers and get over to Mexico since you love it so much. Dumb fucks.
August 13, 2012 9:46 AM
LOL LOL LOL we did not understand not a word you said piece of shitless Mexican, because only people from Mexican race speak the way you do dumb ass.
Es verdaderamente patetico el Consul Rodolfo Quilantan, en vez de ayudar a los mexicanos ayuda a los abogansters a sacar ventaja de una tragedia. Ya es la hora de que se vaya; lo unico bueno es que en Mexico ya se dieron cuenta de la transa y su cabeza va a rodar
August 14, 2012 6:18 PM
De que su cabeza balla a rodar...quien sabe, los del consul estan bien relacionados con la gente y se tapan unos con otros.
Pues se taparan lo que quieran, pero de que merece que le cuestionen, si lo merece, que verguenza que un Consul muy pipiris nice ande de tracalero! Ahora resulta que anda promoviendo abogados! No mejor promueva que se cuide a los Mexicanos!
Quilantan, le tenemos una chamba en la Ford de McAllen, porque no se quiere ir pa'Mexico verdad? y como no te darian mas chamba en la SRE por tracalero pues a vender carritos pinche consulcito culero, por eso esta de consul en un pueblillo bicicletero como Brownsville, ahi vive pura escoria como el marrano de Stapleton, un aogado tranza y pendejote! anda ahi prestandose a jugar papel de pendejo a nombre de putos pocos huevos que quieren chingarse a quien no pueden! Cloaca de culeros!
A ver, nombres, "Tito" Sagahon, Oscar Balli, un par de homosexuales a los que Marc se cogio y les dio dinero para que les firmaran ese contrato aqui se nota la presencia de Rosetal, sucio de todos lados
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