By Juan Montoya
Is it true that the owners of a van struck from behind by a car owned by State Rep. Rene Oliveira last November while it was traveling along the frontage road near Charley Clark Nissan auto dealership have been stiffed by the politico becase hough the car was uninsured at the time of the collision?
Reports from sources close to the victims of the Nov. 9, 2011 crash indicate that the two people in the 1999 Ford Windstar was struck from behind at a high rate of speed by a 2009 Chrysler PT cruiser operated by one Guadalupe Molina, identified as an employee at the UTB-TSC media department, have not been compensated for damages to their vehicle or for the medical treatment they required as a result of the injuries they sustained.
When officers arrived at the accident scene, they found the van with heavy damage to the rear parked in the grassy area between the expressway far right lane and the frontage road in front of the Nissan dealership.
A woman passenger complained that she was hurting as a result of the impact, but did not require ambulance transport. After ascertaining that the passengers in the van were not seriously hurt, officers walked over to the Chrysler and found an the driver was uncooperative and refusing to emerge from the car merely stating that she "knew her rights."
After getting her license information, officers bodily removed her from the wrecked car which had traveled over the curb, knocked down a fenced at the dealership and almost struck a demonstration car on a ramp inside the car dealer's.
A check of the vehicle's VIN indicated that the car belonged to State rep. Rene Oliveira, who was not in the vehicle. Additionally, on the box corresponding to "proof of financial responsibility" (auto insurance) the "no" box is crossed out. Apparently, it was not insured at the time of the accident.
After getting her license information, officers bodily removed her from the wrecked car which had traveled over the curb, knocked down a fenced at the dealership and almost struck a demonstration car on a ramp inside the car dealer's.
A check of the vehicle's VIN indicated that the car belonged to State rep. Rene Oliveira, who was not in the vehicle. Additionally, on the box corresponding to "proof of financial responsibility" (auto insurance) the "no" box is crossed out. Apparently, it was not insured at the time of the accident.
Efforts to contact the woman who was driving the van at the time of the accident have been unsuccessful.
However, sources say that her van remains totalled from the collision and that she now has medical bills that she cannot pay.
"The best thing that she can do is to hire legal help from outside South Texas," said a local attorney. "You will find that many local lawyers will shy away from filing against Oliveira because of his political position and influence."
Meanwhile, people close to the victims are hoping that Oliveira or his legal representatives will step forward and assume their responsibility so they won't be force to incur further costs pursuing a legal remedy.
"They should do the right thing for these people," said a relative.
Rene is a slug and leaves a trail of slime (from his sweaty armpits maybe) wherever he slithers. It is a joke to assume he was NOT in the vehicle at the time of the accident. Reports indicate him at Chedder's, sweaty and disheaviled just after the accident. Most believe he was driving and left the scene. And, it seems the politicians (Melissa Zamora and Dicky Longoria) likely offered him professional snake courtesy to cover up his role. Rene Oliviera is a self-serving slug, who eyes (if not more) every woman in his plane of sight. Like Able Limas, the other politicos in the area cover up Rene's shit to protect the Dumbokratic Party and its corrupt culture.
as everyone knows rene o was in the car either driving or as a passenger,Rene no te agas rl pendejo, you were there, i saw you when u came into chedars bien cagado. Police, investigators just go to cheadars and get a copy of their securty tape ofr cd, and you will see Rene was there. Right Rene?
El Rey de la CACA
Hay Rene i know about everything you've done. I can't believe you are an elected official. Snorting COKE, drinking and driving, bribery and everything else you can think off that will make you the money, another FAT BASTARD!!!!!
You are just as bad as the CROOKED RAT Tony Izaguirre f**k both of you.
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