She is in her 80s.
For the past five years, she has lapsed in an out of remembrance of things she did 15 minutes ago.
Sometimes she can't remember her own relatives. At times, she can't even remember who she is or where she is at.
Her relatives say she is having trouble with El Viejo Aleman (Alzheimner's Disease).
And yet, she is one of the persons who is recorded as having voted by mail-in ballot in the July 31 runoff, an incredible feat for one who doesn't even remember who she is at times.

Her case is but one of scores of cases uncovered during a cursory review of the mail-in ballots from precincts primarily located in the poorest of Brownsville barrios. Predictably, they are from Southmost, Las Prietas and Cameron Park barrios where the most blatant abuse of the mentally-impaired, the eldery, the illiterate and ill voters such as the woman above was perpetrated by politiqueras and politiqueros associated with the Hernandez campaign.
"That's one of the reasons I gave up on the system and don't vote," a neighbor of the woman in question told visitors to her home recently. "That lady doesn't even remember voting. My vote would have neant nothing."
The search for 153 illegal votes continues in the Yolanda Begum campaign in the JP 2-2 runoff race between her and Erin Hernandez. Hernandez was declared the winner by 152 votes. But even before the walok-in early vote and the election day totals were counted, she was already behind by 177 votes after the amil-in votes were counted.
Besides the glaring illegality of people who can't even read signing over their ballots to the politiqueras for them to fill out and mail on their behalf, a number of other discrepancies such as listing some voters as having a "disability" where none exists, signing fake names as having mailed the ballot on behalf of some voters, and not properly filling out the ballot forms and envelopes as stated in the directions.
"Some of these votes should have been disqualified on sight by Elections Department Administrator Roger Ortiz and his employees," said a seasoned elections watcher.
"Instead, they allowed this ballots to be counted. When you combine the totals of the mail-in and the early walk-in vote where they basically kidnapped the elderly from day cares and voted for them in closed vans, the only conclusion you can come to is that elections officials acted in concert with these candidate and their politiqueras to steal the election. That's not only immoral and indefensible, it probably was criminal, too."
To abuse and take advantage of the infirmed is the lowest level of political corruption....yet the Hernandez family takes pride in their corruption and abuse. Too bad, so sad for our community. Yet, the Hernandez family seems to relish in their corruption and have no qualms about abusing the infirmed and ths sick. That is sick politics. Yet, it is the politics of Cameron County.
If this person cannot remember how credible a witness is she. One minutes she wants to vote for Erin next minutes she wants to vote for Yolanda. My question stands.........
Charlie atkinsons new baseball coach at porter and Doug (mary atkinson) tolman principal at I guess moving Dr atkinson was just for show....another year of bs..way to go Saavedra
Los Hernandez ratas dos patas
Sin verguenza
This is what our soldiers died for! piece of shit politiqueras selling votes of the mentally ill to piece of shit candidates like Erin Hernandez!
so much for democracy
Atkinson blogger! Thanks for the update! I knew and told everybody that Atkinson's move was just for show. Charlie gets Porter, Tolman gets Oliveira and Powers is Sp. Services Assistant. Mother is head custodian at the Main Office! Father is where? How is Dr. Saavedra involved? TEA needs to come in and do something about it.
Ponganse los pantalones, school board members, y no se deje mandar por Little Sylvia. What ever happened to Big Sylvia?
Hey Juan, Are you really going to Panchus Pilots Summit?
After doing the exact same thing that ERIN did in order to take people to vote and loosing. YOLAND BEGUM is now trying a new way to win. It's called CRY AND ACUSE OTHERS OF FRAUD UNTILL SOME ONE FEELS SORRY FOR Me. Yolanda is now trying to gain sympathy votes for a possible second round by accusing Erin of doing fraud.
Try getting up before noon you lazy bum.
Juan, why don't you also write about the stuff at BISD, this is beating a dead horse.
This is organized crime and should be federally prosecuted. The filthy Hernandez family, Ernie, Norma and Erin, should rot in prison. Free this county of their corrupt stranglehold before we choke to death on their poison. Three generations of human garbage (Emilio, Ernie & Norma, Erin)eating away at the integrity of our government is enough to kill any city.
The corruption is in our judicial system and now our election system. The Corruption in Camerons County is everywhere...and we have no elected officials willing to fight for ethics and honesty. What a shame.
Three generations of human garbage (Emilio, Ernie & Norma, Erin)eating away at the integrity of our government is enough to kill any city.
Limas, Hernandez, Villalobos
Why Brownsville is always behind Houston, San Antonio, though we have a beach and a university. Corruption, crooks running the show!! Not just in the courts but the elections too, how they get elected in the first place! Why this place is the backwater of texas...
This has gone on TOO LONG!!!
If someone doesn't expose this practices, nothing will ever change!! Buena suerte Pete Avila, Yolanda Begum!! Gracias
No, Begum told everyone even if she won she was turning everything over to the feds. Because, for all of the good candidates out there who win honestly, such as Celeste Sanchez and too many others to name in the past, who won but appear to have lost because of hundreds of fake politquera votes stuffed into the ballot boxes. This is how and why our courts are corrupted with the likes of Abel Limas, why our city never progresses because of compadrismo and deal-cutting under the table, and it needs to stop.
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