While the University of Texas System regents continue to hem and haw about where exactly in the Brownsville area they will place their "21st Century Educational Institution," "Educational Village," or "knowledge community" within their “ Framework for Advancing Excellence,” the oil-and-gas wealthy institution continues to suck the lifeblood of the local community college district.
The upcoming 2012-2013 Texas Southmost College budget that will in all likelihood be approved by the trustees this coming week will include a "transfer of some $51.427 million from the district to the UT System.
In last year's budget, this contractual "transfer" amounted to $52.194 million.
However, even though this may seem like a steep price to pay for the burn orange cow skull logo, it does not include the financial aid monies received by TSC students, and that amount adds additional millions more to its coffers at the expense of local residents.
This annual "transfer" allowed for UTB President Juliet Garcia to get a "merit" award of $32,272 in 2011 in addition to her $304,179 salary.
"Imagine Juliet going up to Austin and asking for more funds from a legislator who is probably an attorney making maybe $100,000 or so a year," said a TSC instructor. "The median income for a family in Cameron County is $$26,155. To have someone receive a bonus of more than that amount is almost criminal."
Under a new adopted by the UT System incentive plan, campus administrators will be evaluated on certain goals set by the Board of Regents. They would be graded on a system based on the percentage of growth or savings they meet which would be stacked up against their performance goals for the calculation of their payout.
Under this system, short-term goals that could be considered under the new plan include evidence of system-wide cost savings, growth in research and philanthropic funding. Unfortunately for Juliet, the long-term performance goal would be four-year graduation rates, and that goal is weighted more heavily.
There is no denying that the cutbacks anticipated by the UTB-TSC separation will result in a downsizing of salaries for some, but in the past, a candidate for trustee said the board must look out for the greater good.
"A professor can get a $80,000 teaching job elsewhere," he said. "But a poor student may lose the only opportunity to get a trade or a certification. I was elected to look out for the greater good."
"Mirror, mirror on the wall!" Julieta is not the fairest one of all, as she once thought, but why is she able to keep her position at such an incrediable salary and bonuses? Does She makes more than the President of the United States?
How can she lead a university from far away? She is never in her office or seen around campus for days.
The study used was already shown that it was misinterpreted. Because of the reporting of TSC and UTB to two different reports. Who was the TSC staff mentioned, did you also talked to a UTB staff? lets wait till both institutions separate and see what was better for the community, a new partnership or the split. Lets see which of the institutions helps more this community. Lets hope that TSC doesn't default and the taxing district is left with abandoned buildings.
They should arrest her ala Sandusky, she's been raping Brownsville students for years...
God deliver us!
//does the TSC board not know that the state reimburses less for remedial classes that for regular classes. The problem really lies with the system the high schools have to work under----just teach the test and pass um on!
It costs more than $65 million to serve tsc students....a $13 million annual loss to utb. Why do you think they want out?
ya se acabo la lana, enough raping the citizens of brownsville, time to retire julie la bruja
@ Anonymous said...
It costs more than $65 million to serve tsc students....a $13 million annual loss to utb. Why do you think they want out?
If it costs $65 million to service TSC students and TSC transfers $51 million and there is an income of another $25 million in financial aid money from TSC students that is an overcharging for TSC and its students of $11 million annually to subsidize the UTB programs. The community doesn't even get a Thank you, just more TSC bashing.
I am a TSC supporter and feel Brownsville truly needs a first rate Community College, far more in fact that it needs Harvard on the Rio Grande.
That said, if Tercero and the TSC Board don't get with the program very quickly, their school is going down the tubes. Faculty and Administrators that TSC will need are leaving as fast as they can, due to the uncertain employment future. Those left will be those who can't get a job elswhere, not a good thing.
TSC bonds have suffered a ratings reduction due mainly to fact that TSC Board/Tercero has not done their homework on potential enrollment and having a written transition plan. Things are starting to look very grim for the future of TSC.
Brownsville needs TSC, but whether it will get it or not is questionable at this time. More and more it is looking that TSC board members are long on cojones, but short on brains. For starters, they don't seem to understand that a College Board does not operate like the BISD school board does.
UT System has shoved Juliet Garcia onto the sidelines because she has proven to be incompetent to manage the transition. She is way over her head.
We don't have a TSC System to shove the Board into the sidelines as well. Pity, because they are way over their heads as well. Hope will never substitute for brains and planning.
One has to wonder if the UT Regents are connected to the real world.
Giving bonuses to UT System admimistrators to increase their graduation rates will only result in making it easier to graduate.
The whole process of obtaining a degree will be "dumbed down" resulting in a piece of paper that isn't worth much more than to wipe your ass with. It is not worth a whole lot more than that now.
Julieta ya se acabo la chiche time to retire girlfriend and get out while you can baby
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