Tuesday, August 28, 2012


By Juan Montoya
For at least five days of the week preceding the July 31 runoff elections, anyone going by the early-voting sites at main courthouse, the Cristo Rey Catholic Church and the Cameron Park Centro Cultural would see vans like the one in the picture on the right stop at the entrances.
Then, in plain sight, the voting judge at these places would ask the driver and the political representative of the candidate he was supporting how many ballots he required.
Inside the van were perhaps a dozen elderly or mentally-incapacitateded voters who could have walked and voted themselves, had their handlers allowed them out of the vehicle.
However, the heelers prevented them from alighting the vans and instead had them vote in the vans.
Before getting there, the politiqueros and politiqueras had provided the elderly voters with pre-marked sample ballots showing who they were to vote for. In at least one case, a police report indicates that partisans of the candidacy of Erin Garcia Hernandez (including her mother Norma and politiquero Amadeo Rodriguez Jr.), had tried to take people to vote from day care centers even when they had been told before hand that it was private property.
In the instance above, a passerby used his iPhone to capture the moment that the election judge handed the ballots to the people inside the van. He later said that he heard the politiqueros and the driver instructing them to vte for the candidates already listed on the pre-marked sample ballots.
And yet, in spite of the hauling in of the elderly and mentally-incapacitated voters by the Hernandez campaign, she only won the walk-in early vote by some 85 votes over a five-day period. It was in the mail-in vote that she amassed a 177-vote lead that was insurmountable, even though her opponent Yolanda Begum beat her on election day.
Cameron County Elections Administrator Roger Ortiz claims that he never saw any of the above-described voter fraud happen. And yet, this picture was taken in the front door of the elections office on Harrison Street, virtually under his nose.
The woman with her back to the camera is a poll watcher for Begum whose protests were ignored, but whose written affidavit will probably be included in the evidence to be submitted in the upcoming lawsuit Begum filed against Hernandez and the county.
Will the court and the county officials do the right thing?
"You can lead a horse to water...."    


Anonymous said...

another sgt schultz moment for cameron county, i see nothing roger ortiz is cool at that and all he want sis to keep his job screw the voters right Roger? nothign but connections at the courthouse one big happy family, aurora luis saenz, tony yzaguirre, joe rivera etc etc etc. We the People allow it. Next time vote them all out

Anonymous said...

This is shocking and sad! Treating these old people like that. Why has nothing been done to stop this???!!

Anonymous said...

Busy busy busy, roger was in his office right in front but he had too much work to look out the window, puro pedo, even a blind man can see the injustice here. no balls como dice la abuelita on the mexican radio 1490 am station no hay huevos. estan escondidos

Anonymous said...

jajajaj pos si nunca han tenido huevos los mendigos!!! no es que los huevos esten escondidos, ES QUE NO TIENEN HUEVOS MI AMOR!!!
