Ruben Cortez, one of the former trustees who were the main reason for the current majority on the board of the Brownwville Independent School District to settle two major lawsuits and cut its losses, is trying to make it seem like settling them was the last thing he wanted.
But BISD board attorney Arturo Michel's statements explaining the decision offer some clues to why the $1.5 million settlement was necessary for the district.
The reasoning is going to take several steps.
First, the district might have won or lost the lawsuits filed by former Superintendent Hector Gonzales and Juarez, but if the plaintiffs won, it could have cost much more than the settlement.
As it was, Gonzales got $800,000 and an deputy superintendent's job including attorneys fees for the better part of three years. Ditto for Juarez, with $700,000, a job and attorney's fees.
In the end, Juarez refused and went to the FBI with evidence – including tape recordings – of the p[lan to fire him and Gonzales unless they toed the majority's line.
Federal judge Andrew Hanen agreed that the evidence presented by Juarez's attorneys indicated that there was a factual basis for the lawsuit and he refused to grant qualified immunity to the four trustees. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals not only upheld his order, but refused to rehear the appeal filed by the district's attorneys.
But there is more.
The lawsuit insurance the district carries is paying part of the settlement. But it would not pay anything if the district went to trial and lost the lawsuits. That increases the monetary difference the district would pay – much much more – if it took a chance on the lawsuits and lost.
So why wouldn't the insurance pay?
This is the interesting part. Because the insurance doesn't cover the district when school board members break the law, or act outside the duties of the job. It doesn't cover the district when the likes of Cortez, Zayas, Colunga, Aguilar, and even former trustee Otis Powers are found to have conspired to manipulate the school district into firing its superintendent and financial officer.
These actions alone have already cost the district taxpayers at least a million dollars on this when you consider the cost of firing Gonzales added in.
Of course, the last thing that Cortez wants now is a settlement that will point out his role in the costly fiasco he generated by trying to protect his benefactor Cavazos now that he is in the running against a Republican in the race for the District 2 position in the Texas State School Board of Education.
But is it any wonder the settlement was the best way out to limit the district's losses before the legal costs and damage penalties that would have affected the BISD's bottom line necessary to operate the district?
Of course, the last thing that Cortez wants now is a settlement that will point out his role in the costly fiasco he generated by trying to protect his benefactor Cavazos now that he is in the running against a Republican in the race for the District 2 position in the Texas State School Board of Education.
How much $$$ does the legal fees (BISD ATTYS + GONZALES ATTYS + JUAREZ ATTYS) represent?
Didn't TEA have a day in this matter? Wasn't the firing justified by a neutral TEA designated moderator?
Just a way for BISD to try to get this issue off their plate before the next election. It is easy for them, it is not their money. Just a bunch of slugs serving other officials in Cameron County. The losers are our kids and the tax payers.
Those involved in this fiasco should be made to pay the attorney's fees. Afterall, they have money that was passed under the table, don't they?
As if Juarez never lies, just ask the housing staff & Board. This guy so full of himself and paranoid. Aparte se hecho a la Chairwoman Bea Lopez y la fea paid him with a huge raise
Otis Powers? Oh no not Otis Powers, he's so handsome.
The fact that Colunga and Aguilar abstained on the settlement vote proves what you are saying, Juan. Good job.
Story sounds familiar....CPG conspiring with HR and her internal auditor friend to threaten an administrator she would be fired.... Sounds like harassment and bullying of employees.... Maybe new policy will help Bisd rid itself CPG once and for all.... We have to admit she's pretty stupid thinking educators will vote her in. But what can you expect from someone who was high- fiving Luci and Christina in their victory dance to the tune of 1.5 milluon
DOES ruben cortez KNOW what HE is GETTING into IF he WINS in NOVEMBER ? ?
is HIS wife EMPLOYED with BISD ? ?
reas below:
"San Antonio Express,August 22,2012
How will the public, educators and Texas Education Agency staff know when Perez (State Board of Education Member) is speaking as an elected official or as an SAISD employee? (or Cortez's wife who works for BISD)
How will Perez handle the requirement that SBOE members recuse themselves from discussions and votes on issue “in which they have a material interest” (like a school district salary, for instance)? (or Cortez's wife who works for BISD)
How will she be able to do her job once she's out of office, since former SBOE members can't discuss public school business with or influence SBOE members and TEA staff for two years? (is cortez able to do without lobby money?)
“It struck me that there is some really poor judgment going on all parties concerning,” Soto said in an interview. “There are so many questions that this raises.”
Perez, who came from relative anonymity to topple incumbent Soto and snag the Democratic nomination in a May after virtually no campaigning, could not be reached for comment. She is considered likely to win the District 3 seat in the heavily Democratic district despite a Republican opponent.
(sounds like ruben cortez)
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August 24, 2012 9:10 PM Get over yourself. The information you printed is just a bunch of BS from sore losers.
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