Tuesday, September 18, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Now we know why after process servers for the Yolanda Begum voter fraud lawsuit against Erin Hernandez Garcia served close to 100 subpoenas to potential witnesses, less than 20 showed up at the Cameron Conty Courthouse.
Some of those subpoenaed witnesses now have told us that politiqueras associated with the Erin Hernandez campaign knocked on their doors and told them that despite the warnings on the documents served them, they need not show up at courts as it directed them under penalty of law.
At least one Cameron Park resident said he ran off the politiquera and told her he had gotten in enough trouble listening to her before when he canst his ballot by mail and she took his and his mother's ballot with her promising to mail it for him.
Afterwards, the woman's name did not appear on the mail envelope. A man's name appeared instead.
The Texas Election Code is very specific on whose name must appear on the mail-in envelope. If anyone handled it, or if anyone assisted the voter, his or her name must appear on either the application or the mail-in envelope.
"I told her that the last time I listened to her it had resulted in me getting subpoenaed by the court because there were irregularities with my mail-in vote," he said. "I told her I was going to go and I was there at 9 a.m."
The voter then said that the woman then went down the street with a list to knock on doors and to give them the same message: that they didn't have to appear in court.
On the other side of town, at the Brownsville Housing Authority High Rise, some of the subpoenaed witnesses say that politiqueras such as Herminia Becerra and Tomasita Chavez also tried to dissuade them from appearing in court. A Begum supporter snapped a picture of super politiquera Becerra at the high rise at right.
There are at least two witnesses who said that Chavez went as far as taking the subpoenas from those who had been served and telling them not to go.
When witnesses arrived at the courthouse, they were met by other politiqueras who discouraged them from entering. Inside, Begum supporters who had taken coffee and pastries for the mostly elderly witnesses were separated from them even though they were going to testify on Begum's behalf by court bailiffs, specifically, a female bailiff at the door.
It was later learned that the same bailiff had met the Begum team members who were knocking on doors to find potential wrongdoing by Hernandez's campaign workers and ran them off from her personal residence.
"We were looking into whether someone had voted twice at that address and she got very belligerent and ran us off," said a worker. "We were surprised to find her at the courthouse."
That same bailiff told witnesses they had to leave when the court recessed from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. and kept a couple separated from Begum's supporters by keeping them in a separate office away from them.
"All of Ernie Hernandez's people were there," said one. "Even Raul Salazar, his precinct assistant administrator was standing by the grand jury door. It was all rigged to intimidate the witnesses who did appear despite their discouraging them from going."
And so, just as they did in the first voter fraud trial against Ernie Hernandez in his runoff race against Ruben Peña two years ago, the Hernandez political machine blatantly subverted not only the election, but also the judicial process in the quest to impose a system of patronage and political domination in violation of all applicable laws.
And while some may say that the visiting judge's dictum that not enough time was left to hear the merits of the case and would interfere with the printing of the ballots, the fact remains that enough evidence would have been presented by the Begum legal team to prove – once again – that massive voter fraud was perpetrated in the runoff election that resulted in a victory for Erin Hernandez.


Anonymous said...

Corruption continues and the corruptors seem convinced that the Cameron County political and judicial systems are on their side. So, Erin Garcia and her "Daddy" feel comfortable that no one is going to do anything to them for their corruptiion. It is part of the culture of Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Cameron County public officials are ignorant, dishonest and corrupt.

They are placed in these position by people who seem to want things they way they are. I see no reason to blame the crooks for being crooks. I see lots of reason to blame the people who put them there and keep them there.

The people of Cameron County get what they want, deserve and vote for.

Anonymous said...

Why are the crooks always the last ones to see it coming? LOL can't wait to see the expression on Ernie's face when his wife and daughter are in jail

Anonymous said...

Montoya, again? What is it that Ernie "Snake" Hernandez have on people in Cameron County? Why wasn't something done? Roger Ortiz is nothing more than a DWTS piece of shit! He should have been fired with that Casco situation in the last election. Obviously that Indicted DA will not do anything because he is a crook like that "Snake." The worse part about it, is that IF the DA did something? What credibility will the investigation have since the DA has suspicious special operations investigators working for him? ITs bad enough that we are on the map for the DA's fuck up but now the people will see that politics is still and always be corrupted in Cameron County!

Anonymous said...

"I see lots of reason to blame the people who put them there and keep them there.

The people of Cameron County get what they want, deserve and vote for."

WRONG. The crooks put themselves in office by stuffing our ballot boxes. They need several hundred votes every election to overturn the will of the real voters of Cameron county. where do they get these extra votes? comatose people voting, forged signatures, Alzheimers and homeless people stuffed in a van to vote for the promise of a free plate of chicken. and not a few illegal immigrants votes thrown in too!

Anonymous said...

el corrupto inc no place but my cameron county, we dont deserve it we require it. lol

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you need to look up the meaning of dictum. You are not even close as to its proper application. Also, did you really say this? "Begum supporters who had taken coffee and pastries for the mostly elderly witnesses"

So you are telling us Begum was handing out food and coffee to witnesses? This is called witness tampering. Erin won by cheating, we all know that. But Begum is just a fool with no respect for the law.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Saenz will address this when hes in office.

Anonymous said...

"September 18, 2012 6:51 PM"

Who invited the grammar Nazi? Get the hell out of here and edit the Brownsville Herald. you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see how they welcome you with open arms.

Anonymous said...

Cr that stupid person that said Begum was tampering wth the witnesses by offering coffee and pastries, i was there trying to make them feel as comfortable as possible, some of them were diabetics, others artrhitic, just being cmpasionate, but that woman bailif that voted twice we now know who she voted twice for, she celebrTed with Erin when the case was dismiss for lack of time, her name is Elizabeth Parra, she behaved like a Nai with ll this people. She had no authority to tell them to leave the court or to separate them from us the Begum team. In Ruben Pena's trial against Ernie Sylvia Perez Garza told the witnesses they could leave, history repeted itself now with Elizabeth Parra.

Anonymous said...

Who is going al Bote for double Voting? La Lizzy Parra Avitia.
That is a federal Ofense, and she
should know better. Al Vote por Babosa

Anonymous said...

They also give out free games. I never go to the valleyball games but I went to Hanna's and Los Fresnos last night and wow those hanna girls can play but the referee allowed the Los Fresnos girls to Carry they ball several times without penalty and without shame called all sorts of wrong calls so that Los Fresnos could win. Guess what? I found out that Brownsville's worst politiquera's grand daughter is supposedly the star player for Los Frenos and they also get alot of coverage because the father used to or maybe still works for the Brownsville Herald. The referee (an ugly short female) should be banned since she can be bought out easily. She was so proud of making the wrong calls and maybe the reason she did it is because she is in love with the ugly jota Wood. After the game Wood gave the referee a love pat on the back, thanking her for the calls. Hanna you played a good game but too bad it was taken away from you because of politics but to me and other people even some from Los Fresnos, who were there know you were the real winners. My favorite part of the game was when number 20 from Hanna, knocked down the Politiquera's granddaughter, 3 times in a row, and all three she fall right on her ass.
