"The court finds that the statements are relevant so long as they make it more or less likely that the defendants were involved in a conspiracy to coerce employees into filing grievances against each other..."
“Juarez describes his report (to the FBI) as one that ’concerned matters of public concern,' not of personal interest. There was a great public concern regarding the treatment of the superintendent and the expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money toward the district’s Stop Loss insurance.”
Order by Southern Federal District Court Judge Andrew Hanen upheld by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
By Juan Montoya
For the better part of two years, the Brownsville Independent School District has been spending millions of dollars defending itself from lawsuits by former superintendent Hector Gonzales chief financial officer Tony Juarez.
The defendants in the cases, including the district, were Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Joe Colunga and Rolando Aguilar. Even before the expenditures on the actual case, this majority had paid Nic Navarro, a Harlingen attorney, almost $400,000 to dig up enough justification for firing Gonzales.
Then, even after Zayas and Cortez were rejected by the voters in 2010, the distict continued to pay for their defense. When the Juarez case reached the federal courts, Hanen rejected their claim of qualified immunity from the lawsuit, meaning that they would not be granted immunity and were personally liable for illegal acts committed while they were trustees of the district.
The district paid for their appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans where Hanen's order was upheld. Their re-appeal was not even granted a rehearing.

But now we have the Zayas-Cortez megaphone named Gary Long of the Brownsville Herald writing today's banner headline story and quoting none other than trustee Minerva Peña – up for reelection – where she says "In my heart I cannot take money from the kids to settle the lawsuits."
Peña, the ultimate Tin Man on the board of trustees, could find "in her heart" to continue defending the two former trustees (Zayas and Cortez) and the current ones (Colunga and Aguilar) at district expense despite the findings by the federal judge and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that there was a factual dispute about their violations of the law in the termination of the two men.
And her sensitive little heart did not skip a beat when the former majority fired the two men for not going along with their illegal conspiracy to rig the districts lucrative ($40 million) Stop-Loss insurance contract and steer it toward their political benefactor, the late Johnny Cavazos.
There were no palpitations in her ventricles when she voted to hire financial advisers Estrada, Hinojosa & Company again this year after the firm failed the district miserably in past bond issues. Remember this?
Estrada and Hinojosa were primarily responsible for convincing the trustees and the administration to issue $25.9 million in Qualified School Construction Bonds (QSCB) under the federal Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA)in 2010 .
Board members and even former Superintendent Brett Springston were told at the time that the state would consider the entire debt service with federal tax credits which would make the bond "free money."
The board authorized the issuance Dec. 7, 2010...and the bonds were sold Dec. 22. A little over two weeks later, on Jan. 6, 2011, Estrada Hinojosa & Company were contacted by the Texas Education Agency and they were told the debt service schedules submitted with the four applications were incorrect because they did not deduct the federal subsidy from the debt service requirement on the bonds.
So, instead of a minimal payment, or none at all as they had been promised, the board members were told that the district's local share will be approximately $507,068 a year which over the 18-year term of the bonds will cost the district $9,127,216 to retire. So much for "free money."
The net profit for the "consultants" for that slight-of-hand? Close to $3.5 million.
So hey, Minnie, paying $700,000 to keep the district from incurring millions in losses in the future if the four defendant-trustees lost their cases in court – as they were sure to do – hurts your little heart? Do you think you know more than a federal judge and a panel of senior federal judges on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals?
How about your two fellow trustees Aguilar and Colunga also voting not to approve the BISD paying the settlement and cutting its losses while defending them as co-conspirators? The fact that they voted not to pay the settlement when they were defendants in the lawsuit doesn't make your heartbeat flutter with doubt as to the propriety in doing that just a bit?
The Tin Man has nothing on you, Minnie.
You may not have it "in your heart" to stop the bleeding of the district's money into the pockets of lawyers, but you can turn a blind eye to documented injustices committed in the name of the BISD and throw money at people who have indebted the district to the tune of millions for years to come and your heart won't skip a beat, will it?
I can't find it in my heart to vote for her. Or in my wallet.
The district spent more money trying to dig up dirt and defending those bozos than they are paying Gonzales and Juarez. Johnny Cavazos controlled the insurance department for years, if you didn't go along with him you were either harassed or fired and there has been controversy because of him for many years. So now everybody has to tightened their belts, students will have to do with less, teachers will have more out of pocket expenses for their classrooms, and employees could have had better benefits. The only real winners are the four bozos that didn't,t have to use any of their own money to pay for breaking the law!
This article has information that was probably leaked out by one of the board members that you favor, Juan. She only tells one side of the story and leaves out things that are evident to all of us in the public. If Minerva says it is blue, she is going to argue that it is red. Shame on your Porter Graduates and you are wanting another one from Porter to join you. Can we expect more lies like this?
Cata paid for this story with money from Quintanilla.
Minnie is a PENDEJA !
Pena is part of the problem at BISD. She along with Cata should go and i dont think that Clupper or Butch Barbosa are any better than what we have. It is slim pickings,...poor children and poor Brownsville.
If Minnie is Pendeja, then what are La Rata, Luci and Christina? In my opinion, thieves!!!!
Can't wait for your next story paid for by Cata. You must be set for life, or at least have beer money in your pocket, thanks to her. Your articles are so one-sided and obviously fed by her (but certainly not her writing because she certainly isn't well educated or very articulate)that they are laughable. You should find a new benefactor.
I agree! Mrs. Peña may not be brilliant, but she is not a thief! What do you want? A thief or an average person?
@Anonymous, 9-21-12 @ 8:54 P.M.
That ugly bitch in Minerva Pena, the retired DPS officer may not be a thief? But, she is a supporter and publicly speaks for predators (while still employed with DPS) who are convicted of preying on young females! She is not an average person, she is a DUMBASS!!!
September 21, 2012 8:54 PM
What do you want? A thief or an average person?
Damnnnnnn.....neither one baby!!!! to much drama, too much insults, thats why I hate being a public figure!!! :(
The 9/20/12 5:44 pm comment sounds like none other that Cata La Rata. Why you ask? Because she is always accusing people of doing the exact same thing she does. She spend $200,000.00 to hire the forensic Auditor to get dirt on certain BISD employees that she hated, due to their association or friendships with the people she hates. Which by the way includes anyone who does not give her money or kiss her ass. Where oh where did CATA's Parents go so WRONG in raising her. CATA is so,so, so EVIL, CORRUPT, HATEFUL, MENTALLY UNSTABLE, A FAKE and the BIGGEST STORY TELLER IN BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS. TRISTE! TRISTE! TRISTE!
La "rata ERES tu" Minerva! How much did Estrada Hinojosa give you to vote them back in after they ripped of the district PENDEJA? Pedro may DPS... Ha ha.... That is what is laughable dumb ass...
MInerva is the whore for Estrada Hinojosa. She thinks she is as straight as they come,...ha ha...eres rata Minnie!
Minierda is not Caty posting here.
It is a shame the kind of leadership wwe have with Minnie Peña on the school board. People think that she has many friends because of her pony league days.... Truth be said most of us that witnessed her antics dislike her tremendously. She loves to hear herself talk and the pet name we parents have for her was la chachalaca. She has the tact of a bull in a china cabinet. I hope people caught on to her sharade and vote her out and good riddance!
9/25 9:22 AM - the one who loves to hear herself talk is Cata la Rata...watch any board meeting videos????
Post 9:22 a.m. you must be the people who got caught trying to cheat on the all-star team selections. When you got busted you got angry at everyone at the Pony League. I remember when your team was asked to do things right or find another place to play. Knowing you guys you would rather leave a league than play by the rules. We wonder why we have people who cheat, steal and lie? Well, Sorry to say that it starts with the parents asking their children to lie and they grow up and continue the practice.
To the Sept 20 @ 5:54PM
Which "bozos" are you referring to, the previous, or the current ones?
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