In Charro Days 1995, 17 short years ago, the operation of a new weekly alternative newspaper was in full gear.
It was called Crossroads and featured as its publisher the late Texas State Rep. Henry Sanchez, originally from San Benito and married to Maria Luisa Tijerina, originally from the Premont Tijerinas. They lived with their kids on Levee Street in Brownsville.
Henry, who could have rested on his laurels of 12 years in the Legislature when he left it, instead dove into local politics.
He helped local candidates like Mario Villarreal and Dan Reyna get elected to the board of directors of the Brownsville Navigation District, helped Gilberto Hinojosa in his fledgling campaign for county judge after Tony Garza left office to become Gov. George W. Bush's Secretaty of State, and charged the windmills in his quest to prevent Texas Southmost College from entering a "partnership" agreement with the University of Texas System.

At that time Henry led a lonely crusade against the behemoth political and financial interests arrayed behind Mary Rose Cardenas, Juliet Garcia, Michael Putegant and Rep. Rene Oliveira and Senator Eddie Lucio Jr.
Having these forces arrayed against us and his newspaper made selling advertisements very difficult. He discovered that when he got to a potential client, they had already been discouraged by supporters of the Cardenas-Garcia clan.
That didn't faze him. He and Maria Luisa delivered the rolled up Crossroads from his baby-blue Cadillac, often drawing shrill protests from some of Juliet's neighbors.
He fumed when the Legislature passed special legislation to allow Juliet and her husband to purchase the president's home in the Rio Viejo section (25 Jacaranda). They borrowed the $175,000 to purchase the home for that price despite the fact that taxpayers had paid for hundreds of thousands of dollars in improvements before Garcia bought the house. The lender was none else than Fred Rusteberg, president of IBC, the mover and shaker behind the scenes locally.
"Was this a reward for excluding the UT-Brownsville campus from participating for funding in the Permanent University Fund that funnels billions to the other UT and A&M campuses around Texas?," asked Henry.
And he railed and told everyone within earshot that Garcia, Putegnat, Lucio, Oliveira, Cardenas and others there at the "partnership" origins were content to go along and continue to use TSC as a cash cow by keeping that taxing entity accumulating debt to build the facilities that now bear the prestigious UT logo.
Non one listened to him. Now, 20 years later after the "partnership" was formed, conservative estimates place the community college's contribution to UTB as close to $1 billion (you read right Billion, with a B), and all the dire warnings that Henry was issuing back then have come true.
I remember all this because at that time by better half was pregnant with our first born. That Charro Days, Henry, his Houston developer friend Floyd Dellinger, and myself, drove to South Padre Island from the Sombrero Fest to wind down a bit from the day's festivities and chores.
Henry was ebullient. His information campaign against the "partnership" was bearing fruit. People were asking questions.
That night was to be his last among us. A ruptured aorta took him as he sat on an easy chair in the kitchen of his family's condominium and we lost him.
That Fall, in September 27 (17 years ago today), Jose Enrique was born. His name was Jose, for a brother of mine who died young in Houston, and Enrique for Henry, my friend and publisher of the Crossroads.
To his credit, Kike, as we call him, is an outstanding student and an upright young man. Henry would have been proud of his namesake.
It is said that only a fool gets paid in full in his lifetime. In Henry's case, his views on the partnership have been vindicated 100 times over. I don't know where Kike will decide to go to college after he is done with high school. But it would be poetic justice if he could start his college career at TSC once it's a free-standing community college again and perhaps transfer to UT-B when it is also a free-standing four-year degree granting institution.
It took us 20 years to realize your vision, Henry, but it is said that the wheels of the gods grind slowly.
And a Happy Birthday to you, too, Kike.
Great story, & Happy Birthday, Kike!
And thats the way it is in Brownsville, thanks to the taxpayers of brownsville UTB used the locals to gain afoothold here and with a very small investment. Puro robo robo robo
As a tribute to Henry and his speaking the truth . . . on the partnership .. .
OF juliet, the tsc board who sold out the voters of tsc, our senator lucio and state rep oliveria . ..
so the Voters will never forget what
these people did costing $ 1 Billion . . .
perhaps . . headless bodies hanging from someone's private property . . . . .
10 acres of hwy 281 across from the
golden palace of $ 70 million called veterans high . . .
or on hwy 48 . . . near the port who lost $ 21 million
or across the old courthouse where
some $ 25 million was wasted . .
on and on only in brownsville, texas . .
All is Great in brownsville, UTB robbed us the taxpayers blindly led by all those in power including juliet and gang cuz in the long run they made lots of money themselves too. What is so Great here that thank God its all taxpayers money. Opps thats me and you and everyone else. but dont matter come every election time we get our little plate of food, maybe a free beer and keep voting for the same elected politicos who screw us over and over and over and over, la misma cancino. otro round rigo.
El gran robo and people get away with it no wonder the folks are poor all the time, all these taxing entities no mas chingando like social security checks, 10 poeple recive a check and 2 people work to put in money for the system, when can you win? NEVER ratas de dos papas, right paquita?
I recently found out that Henry Sanchez was my 1st Cousin and son on my aunt Concepcion Martinez Sanchez. My dad Enrique Martinez moved the family from Donna, Texas in 1946 and we never knew about my Dad's family until I recently went to Ancestry to check after my DNA said we have been in SE Texas since 1750. I know nothing of my aunt or my grandparents who lived in San Benito I only found out 4 months ago that my Dad had 3 sisters. I would like to contact my Texas family and I saw the long list of family on Ricardo Sanchez's obituary so, I know their are about 16 still able to respond my email is, FB, :cell 573-953-8995 we live in New York & Florida
Roberto Martinez
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