After a brief hiatus following the break after the July 31 runoff for Cameron County District Attorney, Democratic contender Luis Saenz, a former DA, has come off the blocks with fundraisers, community get together, and a major career-building appearance before fellow prosecutors in Mexico City.
Just yesterday we were at his well-attended Dinner on the Resaca Fundraiser off Alton Gloor Road between Cavazos Road and Dana Avenue. There's no question about it. He's off and running.
His Republican opponent Chuck Mattingly, however, has been nowhere to be seen. Except for a few "I'm With Chuck" signs scattered sparingly throughout town, Chuck has apparently assumed a strategy of keeping a low profile to get elected in November.

Saenz, meanwhile, was again invited by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Embassy to Mexico City the week of September 17 through September 22, 2012 to serve as an instructor in a Chain of Custody Course for Mexican Prosecutors, Investigators and Technical Experts.
The course consisted of 75 students and involved lecturers and the execution of a mock search warrant investigation. Mexico, apparently, is seeking to modernize its system of dispensing justice and requested the that U.S. authorities recommend someone to introduce its justice system personnel to the finer points of prosecution.
"It was an honor to assist the country of Mexico as it seeks to modernize its criminal justice system and to represent Cameron County in such a historic endeavor in Mexico City," Saenz writes on his website.
As the campaign gears up, the fact checkers have told us that at least one claim that Mattingly makes on his website is dubious.
They say that his claim that he has been putting on his web page gives the mistaken impression that Mattingly has been putting criminals away for the better part of 20 years. They point out that when Saenz came into office, he hired Chuck. Saenz lost after just two years and Yolanda De Leon did not hireMattingly to remain on board.
Eight years later, Armando Villalobos beat De Leon and Chuck was on board again.
His claim, they say, that "Since 1996, Chuck has sent criminals to prison..." leaves the false impression that he has been a DA for the better part of two decades. In fact, they say, he was hired by Villalobos in 2004 until now, about eight years plus the two or so he was hired by Luis, and not the 20 years he would like you to believe.
The candidates have survived their parties' primaries but as the last 40 days of the campaign bear down on us, expect this spat to get even hotter.
Luis Saenz no doubt begged and pleaded to get the trip to Mexico City. Luis Saenz has already proven to be a albatross around the neck of this county as DA and we should not forgive his history of womanizing and sexual harrassment in the work place. It is amazing that his wife would not put his foot in his groin for his new campaign. Guess he has her fooled like the other women in his life. Luis Saenz a part of the Gilberto Hinojosa Dumbokratic Party and he wants to get back in office so he can get more money to manage the county injustice system.
where is chuckie? come out chuckie, te van a mandar al poso if you keep playing possum, Run like the wind if you are running or you will dispoint many people. Luis is a slime and everyone knows that, you have a good chane to beeat him, but you need to get into gear and haul ass or you will be the biggest loser come november 2012 dont be a pussy
You still Jealous Carlos Masso? You can’t seem to grasp DEFEAT very well these days. You spent ½ a million dollars in your crooked campaign and chose to aligned yourself with the Hernandez and every 8-liner owner. You have schemed every lie possible to ruin a Great Man by the name of Luis Saenz which the people have chosen to be our next District Attorney over you.
It is no secret that you have now reached out to Chuck Mattingly in hopes he promises you an Assistant District Attorney Job (even though you have never tried one case) to continue to run interference for the illegal gambling parlors, money laundering and all your family members/friends who are involved in illegal activities. It is also rumored Chuck Mattingly is using the services of Brownsville Cheezmeh, Chris Valadez, Rodrigo Moreno, The Hernandez Politiquera Machine and every known thug to try and steal votes from Luis Saenz and the peoples choice.
Make no mistake Luis Saenz represents true justice and was invited not once but twice to Mexico City to train their star Prosecutors to implement the best justice for the victims possible. You on the other hand Carlos have been invited to private parties of fools where drunken deals and enrichment scams have been laid out.
Luis Saenz will be our next District Attorney chosen for his Experience, Integrity, and True Understanding of Justice for the Victims. No lie or twisted comments you write will change who the people have already chosen.
Vote Luis Saenz for District Attorney on November 6, 2012. Early Voting starts October 22, 2012
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