If he was anything, the elderly resident of the high rise operated by the Brownsville Housing Authority it was jovially frank.
One of perhaps 30 seniors who were induced by politiqueras in the hire of the Erin Gracia Hernandez campaign to vote by mail in the July 31 JP 2-2 runoff race, he recalls laughingly that when politiquera Tomasita Chavez shows up with a half-dozen tamales in front of his door, it must be time to vote.

It's not exactly a biblical pottage of lentils, but they serve the same purpose, apparently.
"What would you call that?" he asks, laughing at the interviewer. "Is it selling the vote? Of course, it is."
Whether it's the promise of a half-dozen tamales, a plate of barbecued chicken, or an occasional gift of Mexican sweet bread, the cadre of the Hernandez political machine have refined voter fraud to an exquisite art. The relationships established with these elderly over the course of a few decades allow them the entry each election season. To the voters, who must meet economically disadvantaged qualification parameters to be able to live there, a half-dozen tamales, a plate of chicken and two or three pieces of pastry are a welcome addition to their daily diet.
Then, the salesmanship of the politiqueras takes over.
"They say why do you bother to go out into the hot sun and vote in person when you can just do it by mail?" said the man. "Then they say that they will do it for you so you won't have to bother. 'Just sign the envelope and we'll take care of it.'"
Extensive interviews of many of the elderly who voted in the runoff election indicates to members of the Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA) the existence an extensive network of political operatives who work in conjunction to harvest votes for the highest bidder. In the case of the July 31st election, the pre-marked ballots that these operatives were handing out included Erin Hernandez, Carlos Masso, Abel Gomez, and even Denise Blanchard, in the race for the Democratic Party nomination for the new Congressional District 34.
Hernandez's victory over Yolanda Begum for JP 2-2 triggered a lawsuit that was dismissed by a visiting judge on a time technicality without any deliberation over the massive voter fraud alleged by Begum's attorneys. Apparently, the judge heeded the testimony of Cameron County's Election Administrator Roger Ortiz who said that he would not have enough time to print the November general election ballots if Hernandez was to lose and she appealed the decision.
Almost lost in the shuffle was the lawsuit filed by Pete Avila, the Pct. 2 Constable defeated by challenger Abel Gomez. Avila filed a lawsuit mirroring Begum's that has yet to be heard. Representing Avila is local attorney Juan Jose Martinez. Gomez contracted the services of legal eagle Ernesto Gamez.
Still, it is doubtful to many that Avila's lawsuit will have a different outcome than Begum's, though it's hard to determine what Martinez's argument will be.
Regardless of the outcome in that litigation, the voters who cast their ballots with Tomasita will never know, or perhaps care.
"Quien sabe por quien votamos," said the jovial man. "If we got tamales and she took the vote, what's that called? Is it selling your vote? What would you call it?
So what is the difference between what they do and what the PRI did in Mexico? The river!!! That is it; and the same as the PRI, the local "machine" says it is NOT fraud. What would happen if these "Senior citizens" sign an affidavit declaring the "Tamales story"?
90% of the residents that live in those apt complexes are from matamoros and other parts of Mex. and those people can't vote, and most are illegally living here and some use those units to recive ssi in otherwords they use only the address and they only go there to pick up the checks...Don't belive me check it out! Do a servey call amigos del valley and other companies that do this type of business...
What filth!
So THAT'S how Erin H. Garcia won... trading tamales for mail in ballots
no one likes her or her family. Only using total fraud could someone like that top a run off.
Only in Brownsville, poor man
The high rise building where this takes place is owned by the City or Cameron County?
Eveyone knows Erin is a cheater just like her dad but WTF
TAMALES for votes!?!lol
Masso, Gomez, Blanchard and Erin H. Garcia: proudly supported by Brownsville Cheezme
hope the feds crack down before the election ala Mando Villaobos
Dirty DumbocRATAS!!!
What would I call it? I call it elder abuse. Taking advantage of the elderly for personal gain, what else could it be? This is not only illegal, but immoral as well. Those that defend and benefit from these activities are immoral as well.
So what is the difference between what they do and what the PRI did in Mexico? The river!!! That is it
agreed, this place is being run like we're Mexico
The difference is that this isn''t Mexico....asshole.
Is the election over? There are still political signs plastered all over Brownsville. Take them down already!
What is the difference in what the politequeras do with the tamales and what alot of you bloggers do for money? Just bring in those votes----RIGHT?
For years these politiqueras have been getting paid for votes. Free used cars, a free roof for their house, behind closed door deals when family is in trouble. Now is the time to put them in jail along with the people using them. They are and will always be an embarrasment to us all. Great job disclosing so much yet lets see what is done to them.
Politiqueras are part vampire,...they never die!
So many laws were broken here it's hard to know where to start... hijole!
I weep for Brownsville...
Surely the feds or some other agency will step in and take Erin H. Garcia off the ballot? What a disgrace
guarachero, puro rancho!
high rise or villa del sol is owned by the Brownsville housing autrhority
They also get free games. I never go to the volleyball games but I went to Hanna's and Los Fresnos last night and wow those Hanna girls can play but the referee allowed the Los Fresnos girls Carry the ball several times, called all sorts of wrong calls so Los Fresnos could win guess what I found out the Polotigueras Grandhaughter is the star player for Los Fresnos and they get special coverage cause the father works for the Herald. The referee should be banned since she can be bought easily. She was so proud making the wrong calls and maybe she was alsoin love with the ugly jota Wood. after the game the coach gave the referee a loving Pat on the back. Hanna you played a good game but to bad it was taken away from you because of politics but to me and other people who were there know you were the real winners.
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