Well, the reign of incompetence and malingering at Cameron County Public Works under Supervisor Louis Ara has finally come to an end.
Ara, who worked under overpaid County Administrator Pete Sepulveda and his Boy Friday David Garcia finally put too many straws on the camel's back and was forced to resign.
How did Ara err? Shall we count the ways?
He staffed his crews with City of Brownsville rejects like Santana Vallejo who still oversees an outfit filled with compadres of compadres, camaradas of camaradas, and other in-laws and outlaws that make former commissioner Edna Tamayo cringe every time some new antic is revealed to the public.
Vallejo himself was let go by the City of Brownsville after discrepancies in materials began to show up and city administrators found out that some of the material was being used by a company associated with the sidewalk program employees to perform work on private properties for self-gain.

After every incident, the safety officer is given yet another vehicle only to get involved in some other mishap. Do these people lead charmed existences?

Then a former county commissioner steps in to put in a good word with the sheriff department investigators and the Cameron County DA and allow them to get off on a technicality and the case just sort of goes away. The accused are then allowed to return to work and avenge themselves with the county workers who made the report to law enforcement.
We have missing tons of caliche disappearing from the Oklahoma Road county barn and when the Precinct 1 supervisor tries to make a report after he returns from his week's vacation, he is told to forget it.
We have an administrative assistant to one of the county commissioners ordering thousands of dollars in road oil, only to find that it wasn't oil that he wanted to buy, after all, but road emulsion. When the oil is mixed with water, you get a gooey mess that has to be disposed of since it's useless. We'll forget about that, too.
You have the PW crews sent to Carmen Road to lay a rural-grade paving job only to do it so badly that in less than a year the crews have to go out there and do the job over again, costing thousands of dollars in material, man-hours and machinery. And neither Sepulveda nor Garcia say a word. If the big bosses don't complain, why should Ara and Vallejo?
You have an employee made to go into a trench in Cameron Park, only for the sides of the trench to collapse and injure him. Did anyone tell the foreman in charge that the rules call for protective structures to be used for that kind of work? Now the county's insurance is made to pay for these administrative failures.

But that's not all.
Such are the personal relationships inside the Public Works Department that at least two employees are popped for DWI and drug possession by local law enforcement and then soon after that find their way back to work. In one case, after an accident, one of them refuses to take the drug test after an accident with the vehicle which he was operating and resigns instead.
Personnel policies being what they are, we will probably never find out why Ara left. But if the examples above are any indication, there are probably many many more instances of scandal and waste of public funds going on at Public Works and the colonia programs funded by the federal government than we will ever know.
Yet another example of mismanagement by Cameron County officials. Not a word from the County Judge...we must assume he doesn't care of is more concerned about his future job with the State of Texas. All this is at tax payers expense....yet no official have the balls to take action. That's the way it goes in Cameron County.....corruption through and through.
Santana Vallejo is a crook. He was arrested and let go by the county only to have John Wood go to bat for him and bring him back. He was a crook at the city and he is a crook at the county and he continues to be a crook. Arrest him already!
lets check brownsville public works director , he gives a lot of work to his brother and the city manager approves all this. there is a lot of stealing and nobody is doing nothing.
Thanks for keeping us informed , we the watch dogs take notice!
I believe in free speech but come on give us all a break. I hate to break it to you all but your opinion of Mr. Ara is very much unfounded and very degrading for the position that he was in. Did you all ever bother to get to know the man? What he stands for? Come on… the incidences that are described in this blog are all based on a one sided view of events. Did anyone bother to speak with Mr. Ara? I can guarantee that no one did because if they had then they would have known that Mr. Ara was between a rock and a hard place. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. He had to make the best of a bad situation the only way he could. Do you honestly believe that the people that Mr Ara reported to didn’t make all the decisions concerning hiring, firing, suspensions, road projects? I’m pretty sure that those “people above” Mr Ara didn’t let him do anything that they themselves didn’t push for first. Mr. Ara just happened to be the public face that everyone saw. There are only two reasons why I believe Mr. Ara would have resigned from a job that he loved. He was either asked to do something by a supervisor that clearly went against his work ethics or he was offered a better paying job.. My guess would be the first..
nov 2 comment. no manches si lo corrieron fue por rata o inepto y si no fue por eso, entonces fue poer pendejo.
lol... u all dont get it do you.He wasnt fired he RESIGNED/QUIT. If I'm not mistaken the position that Mr Ara held was a Civil Servant Job. But if you go online now you see that the position is opened for people to apply for but guess what its NOT A CIVIL SERVANT POSITION anymore..Could it be because those bastards doing the hiring (administrators and county commissioners) feel that they can intimidate and pressure the new person that is hired to do exactly as they say without putting a fight.I feel sorry for who ever gets hired because those bastards will have him or her over a barrel.
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