It seems that you have barely turned around from learning that Cameron County road crews or safety officers have wrecked a truck before you find out that they have wrecked another.
This time, it was a 2010 county truck in the use of a Precinct 2 colonia crew that apparently (and we say apparently because there are several stories making the rounds) caught on fire and was totaled after workers tried to douse the smoke or flames.

Well, after they were unable to open the hood, someone under intrepid foreman Santana Vallejo got the bright idea of using a bucket backhoe (I'm not making this up!) to try to open the hood. Instead, they predictably trashed the vehicle and failed to stop the vehicle from burning or actually made it worse.
The result was that the vehicle was totaled and declared a total loss.
When the insurance adjusters got a peek at the mess, they refused to pay for the damage inflicted by the surgical use of the backhoe on the vehicle. Now, the destroyed truck is available for sightseers at the San Benito county barn in Pct. 3.
A word to the wise. If you get your keys locked in your car and there is a county crew with heavy equipment in the vicinity, do not call them for help or be prepared to pick up the pieces with a crane with a magnet.
Bola de pendejos, that what we we get for the wages paid,or better yet, mas pendejos.
Come on be nice, we all know that the mex-i-can mentality simply calls for a bigger hammer to fix just about anything. something like the Duck Tape being used to huss up all the corruption being discovered, the mex-i-can always finds a good use for what ever is handy.
This is to October 3n 2012 10:30am
You seem like a racist bastard who is quick to criticize mexicans. Well let me tell you somthing you racist gringo, at least the mexicans use duct take or try to fix things the mexican way. Not like you pendejo gringos to do your hard work for cheap labor cuz you cheap ass gringos hate to pay for work done. I am not saying that what these county employees did with this truck did was smart, but at least they tried to do something and not like to fucken gringos that dont eat so they wont have to shit and waste their money on toilet tissue cuz to you gringos thats a waste of money. Pendejo......
Relax dude, its called humor!
Don't tell me you were the operating the brush truck or was it your idea?
Waste money on toilet tissue come on you know the Bargain Book arrives every Wed. Save some money dude.
When they order you to fix the truck dont forget your hammer or duck tape.
LOL this really made my day, LMAO only at the county can they think of opening the hood with a backhoe. WOW and then expect the insurance to cover the total vehicle, PCT 2 empployees, hey ernie GREAT CREW or should i say SCREW UP?
does cheech and chong work here? sure looks like it. or were the county employees high on wacky tabacky? vallejo? no? cream of the crop
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