Few people in southeastern Cameron County know that Democrat JP candidate Linda Salazar has an opponent.
No, it's not a Republican.

We have Nancy Mishou, a Libertarian candidate, running against Eddie Lucio III, the latest incarnation of corrupt politician dynasties in Cameron County for Texas House of Representatives District 38.
One of the main issues that Dougherty points out is the Salazar policy of issuing court marriages instead of registering them as common-law marriages, a practice that puts money in Linda's pocket, but makes a huge difference in the couple's immigration applications.
Dougherty said that she has had clients that she has sent to register their common law marriage and they came back with Court marriages by Salazar.
When she asked why, they said the girl at the window had told them they HAD to go to the court. She said that this had happened to two or three of her clients.
However, apparently as of August, about a month after this fact was made public, she told them I told them that if they are told they have to go to court, to insist on common law registration, and to let her know if they were denied that. They did not have a problem.
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By convincing couples to get court marriage certificates instead of the common-law variety, Salazar not only gets paid for performing the ceremony, but also delays their immigration process to point zero again as far as residency status.
Dougherty was under the belief that there was someone in the County Clerk's office that was a religious extremist and that was why they were denying her clients their rights.She further said that the victims can file a lawsuit.
Of course, if she wins, she can no longer represent them. But if the victims can identify themselves, they can also make a criminal complaint with the Federal government.
Also weighing in on Salazar's performance as a JP is on-again, off-again blogger Bobby Wightman who said that he had filed a complaint before the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct and had verification that a case number has been assigned to the following complaint against Linda Salazar. Her JP page tells people to hire notaries to help complete lawsuit forms for filing in her court. As most people know – this is illegal.
Wightman aslo said he is working on an investigation as to why the politiqueras pulled so many mail ballots for her when she did not even have an opponent in the Democratic primary.
"On the notary issue," Wightman added, "it could lead to RICO charges against her. My next move is to have the Texas AG open a criminal investigation - we all know (Cameron County District Attorney Armando) Villalobos will do nothing."
Salazar's son, former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Ruben Cortez, by the way, is the Democratic candidate for the Texas School Board of Education. His total of mail-in ballots during the Democratic primary was almost identical to his mother's. Perhaps Wightman's probe could also include him as well.
The Libertarian Party is emerging locally as the party of choice for candidates weary of the Democrats' corruption and leery of the Republicans' .... well that woild be a long list.
What makes you say Eddie Lucio III is corrupt? All due respect Montoya but I've seen first hand how you only support those who pay you for an ad on your website. Talk about corruption, my friends.
Just another Dumbokratic slug....leaving her slime behind her. Since there is no competition in the political races, we end up with these slugs..... A vote for anyone but a Dumbokrat is a brave vote for progress. The Democratic Party and its dregs will lead us into disaster and more corruption. Now that the State Democratic Chair is Gilberto Hinojosa....we know that corruption is part of the party platform.....
Thank you Mr. Montoya. Be it known I have not paid anybody anything for him to write this article. I was curious about my opponents status in the news and saw El Rrun Rrun's post from July 23, 2012. One of the anonymous commenters shared two incidents of people being told they had to go to Ms. Salazar's courtroom to marry, that lead me to comment to Mr. Montoya and he followed up with this post. In this case it appears as though he is doing a public service.
>>What makes you say Eddie Lucio III is corrupt? All due respect Montoya but I've seen first hand how you only support those who pay you for an ad on your website. Talk about corruption, my friends.<<
How about not only refusing to denounce his father's corruption, but putting out his hand for "contributions" from the same people who give to his father's campaign. If that's not enough for you, don't vote, and PLEASE move to Mexico - the PRI is your kind of party, and offers your kind of candidate.
OMG!!! AGAIN WITH THIS FAT BITCH? what is she doing on this blog??? her nasty picture groses me out, she needs to loose that fat.
Eddie Lucio Jr. and Eddie Lucio "The Turd" are both pawns for lobbyists and their campaign funds indicated their support is outside of the area...from big businesses who want them to influence votes. What have either done for this area....nothing. If they bring home the bacon, it all goes to their own accounts. They are hired to influence projects in the RGV for outside businesses who want contracts in the Valley....like the "Bridge to Nowhere" at the Port. They grovel for the Democratic vote, and pop up at local events...only to keep them in a political position to make money by selling us out.
Mr. Montoya calls Eddie Lucio III "the latest incarnation of corrupt political dynasties in Cameron County." Another Lucio family member, Luis Lucio, is the de facto gang leader of the corrupt VFW Post 2035 behind the Hygeia Milk Plant on E. Price. The Post sits on land leased from the City of Brownsville but, instead of being a center for veterans as envisioned in the lease from the City, the Post has a history of being nothing more than a smoke filled saloon, run illegitimately and mostly under the table. Tax fraud, TABC violations, employment or human resource violations, theft, bully tactics, membership fraud, and even drugs are what really goes on there, all under the noses of the Brownsville city commissioners and the citizenry of Brownsville who are letting the Post use their land. To be fair, most of the Post members long ago gave up trying to break up the gang of Lucio and his minions, and now mostly no longer care or want to know what goes on there. Most are stuck with life memberships, however, which helps feed the post with a small stream of cash to supplement the inadequate saloon sales which tend not to be fully reported to the Texas Comptroller. The VFW is supposed to be a self-supporting not-for profit, which would be honorable if they could pull it off. Instead, they can barely pay the mortgage and end up begging for City resources like parking lot paving, which was not part of the deal. The VFW leadership knows about this sorry Post, but it is one of the larger ones in this area, membershipwise, and Lucio and his cronies have been entrenched there so long that all the higher ups are in league with him, and turn a blind eye to obvious failures in management, including Lucio's leadership. I don't discount or disresect any veteran's service to this country, but what VFW Post 2035 has become here in Brownsville is really a dishonor and a shame compared to what most veterans fought for and to the values they hold dear. I urge the City to yank the rug (lease) out from under the imposters.
Jimbo Jimbo Bimbo soliz was a common local jokal making maybe $ 50 k to $ 75k a yea before he was state representative . . .
after 10 years serving the poor people and special guys in Harlingen he ended up with millions
and millions in his pockets . . .
he was a yes man yes man in Austin and yea an attorney who kept an open mind as well as an open wallet . . . .
millions and millions after only 10 years
old man lucio it took him over 25 years in office serving us poor bastards of cameron county before he could buy his million dollar ranch in los fresnos . . .
let's see how lucio jr works his ass off to make it big time in austin . . . .
keep making our special politicians rich while the rest of us voters work 25 to 30 years at the schools, the city and county to retire with $ 1,000 to $ 1,800 a month . . . .
Esto es para que sepan que todos aqui en EU son unos corruptos(as).
Subastan 340 caballos de 'Zetas' en EU
Más de 300 caballos, que según las autoridades habrían sido llevados a Estados Unidos y entrenados como parte de una operación de lavado de dinero del cártel de Los Zetas, serán subastados en Oklahoma City.
Entre los 340 caballos cuarto de milla subastados el jueves en Heritage Place hay crías de algunos de los más destacados sementales de carreras del país.
Las autoridades indicaron que 15 personas, acusadas en el caso, desviaron millones de dólares en ganancias provenientes de la droga a las operaciones de crianza de caballos de carreras en varios estados.
La mayoría de los equinos que fueron incautados provienen de un rancho en Lexington, Oklahoma, que según los fiscales era dirigido por José Treviño Morales, hermano de dos presuntos líderes del cártel mexicano de los Zetas.
La venta de la primera decena de caballos totalizó más de 434 mil dólares el jueves para el Departamento del Tesoro. La subasta seguirá hasta el domingo.
A todos los interesados en comprar caballos finos y de sangre exclusiva 100% pura, favor de comunicarse con (------) o ya saben donde encontrarlos, pero les dan de comer, no los vallan a tener como a los pobres caballos que tienen muchos mas flacos y huesudos aqui en el Valle de Texas!!
Y esto es para que vean lo corrupto que son muchas autoridades.
Bola de Nacos. :)
Para que vean que las autoridades americanas siempre se han veneficiado de los Narcos del Cartel, sin el Narco menudeo estos no son nada. :) Les contare.....
Subastan en 1 mdd ex caballo de Zetas
Dallas, Estados Unidos (2 noviembre 2012).- Uno de los caballos de carreras decomisados en Estados Unidos a Los Zetas fue vendido en un millón de dólares, en el primer día de la subasta montada en Oklahoma para colocar los animales bajo nuevos dueños.
La potra "A Dash Of Sweet Heat" (Una pizca de dulce calor) alcanzó el precio más alto en que se ha vendido hasta ahora un equino de cuarto de milla americano, de acuerdo con el sitio especializado para buscadores de caballos de carreras Stallionesearch.com.
La yegua, de dos años de edad, fue adquirida el jueves por Juliana Hawn Holt, esposa de Peter Holt, dueño del equipo de basquetbol Spurs de San Antonio.
"A Dash Of Sweet Heat" fue uno de los 138 caballos que pertenecían a Los Zetas y fueron vendidos en el primero de los tres días de subasta a beneficio del fisco estadounidense (IRS, por sus siglas en inglés).
La subasta es conducida por Heritage Place, empresa que informó que las transacciones del jueves arrojaron un monto de dos millones 903 mil 800 dólares, de los cuales una tercera parte fue por la venta de "A Dash Of Sweet Heat".
En la subasta, que concluirá el sábado, se planea vender unos 379 caballos de los más de 400 que le fueron decomisados en junio a José Treviño Morales, hermano del líder de Los Zetas, Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, alias "El Z-40", tras una investigación de lavado de dinero mediante la cría y venta de estos animales.
La venta de los caballos ha atraído a compradores de todo el mundo, aun cuando en ella no se subastarán cinco de los mejores ejemplares, debido a que no se ha logrado acordar el monto de las comisiones.
Por causa de tantas cosas como esta la corrupcion no puede terminar por que al final de cuentas, siempre buscan las autoridades algun tipo de beneficio monetario, hechenle cabeza y analizen todo el panorama, por que esta mas claro que el agua que desde un principio las autoridades SIEMPRE HAN ESTADO INBOLUCRADAS en participar en este tipo de actividades ilicitas.
atentamente, su servidora.
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