If, as it has been said elsewhere, the stuff rolls downhill, will it just be a matter of time before we see out Cameron County District Attorney's Office roll up its collective sleeves and put the boys and girls in the department to finally squelch the rampant voter-abuse that has plagued our elections?
Or will it take someone from outside the jurisdiction finally deciding that they can't stand the stench emanating from the tail-end of the Rio Grande before something is finally done about it?
This comes about as a result of news emanating from the Hidalgo County District Attorney’s Office that it will assign two investigators to stop what it characterizes as rampant voter assistance in hotly-contested local elections.

Guerra said he’ll pursue criminal charges against the candidates and their campaign workers if they are assisting voters who don’t qualify for help under state law.
Now, that seems like an easy enough formula to attack the same scourge that has plagued our county, most recent manifestation of it during the runoff races of the Democratic Party on July 31. Before that, voter-fraud activists have documented blatant abuses by paid political activists (politiqueros and politiqueras) against elderly and mentally challenged voters during the walk-in early vote and mail-in balloting.
The law, the article goes n to say, allows voters to bring someone into the polls with them if they are physically disabled or illiterate, but critics claim the act is rife with abuse by political bosses seeking to control votes.
Although the statute stipulates who can request assistance and lays out criminal penalties for violators, elections workers are not allowed, in practice, to question whether the voter is actually disabled or can read and mark the ballot.
But the investigators can go after the candidates who fuel the practice by paying operatives to assist voters who don’t need it, putting a “whole cloud on the election,” Guerra said.
“I know some of (the voters) are being coerced. Others are being paid,” Guerra told the reporter for the McAllen Monitor.
"We’re going to take a strong look at the financial mechanisms of the campaign and who is doing what, especially in the hot spots that have been identified previously,” he said.
In the case of Cameron County, our DA Armando Villalobos is currently wounded and fighting off an indictment of his own. So far, during the budget hearings no proposals or budget requests have emanated from the second-floor bunker relating to any incentive to address the issue.
In fact, not even CNN can elicit comments on any matter of public interest, including some explanation of why the DA and his chief prosecutor Chuck Mattingly allowed convicted murderer Amit Livingston to walk out of the courtroom for a 60-day free pass before serving his 23-year sentence.
As you can see, there are more weighty matters on Mando's mind.

To make matters even more "curiouser and curiouser" is the fact that any request for extra help from Mando to investigate voter fraud would also come before Hernandez, who has a vote on county budget issues. Voter-fraud activists have documented in both taped testimony and written affidavits the fact that the campaign team helping his daughter Erin Hernandez Garcia come from 500 votes behind to win by 153 in the runoff committed obvious and blatant voter abuse in both the walk-in and mail-in voting. Among those named in the evidence they gathered is the commissioner's wife – and the candidate's mother – Norma Hernandez.
“When you have corrupt elections, the byproduct can be corrupt politicians,” said state Rep. Aaron Peña, who last year filed legislation aimed at curbing the proliferation of voter assistance.“It’s important that there be larger support for the effort because it’s a cancer eating away at our community.”
Estan oyendo inutiles Rep. Rene Oliveira and Sen, Eddie Lucio?
Guerra said he will support any efforts by state legislators to amend the statutes to give counties more control at curbing abuses. In the interim, he said his investigators can monitor elections where hundreds of people are being assisted.
“We’re not going to reduce anybody’s (voting) rights,” Guerra said. “But we will check all these people out.”
Come on on Mando. Half the work is done for you already. What have you got to lose?
Unfortunately for Cameron County, we have an indicted District Attorney who owes his soul to corrupt politiqueras and is not likely to "inestigate" anything related to voting fraud or political corruption during the last few months of his term. Nor can we expect any investigation of voter fraud of Luis Saenz is elected DA....again he hs part of the problem and benefits from the use of politiqueras. I applaude Rene Guerra for initiating action and hope it is not just an electiion ploy that will fall apart after the elections.
Like you mentioned in the above post; nothing is going to happen. I have read and seen this hatred for Republicans on the blogs and that this corruption is making them look good. Let me tell you, it makes our entire county look bad. It doesn't matter your political affiliation but all this crap is making all of us look like crap. Especially Hispanics. Then we go out and elect crap and they do crappy jobs at their elected positions, so it is no surprise that there is enough crap to go around for everyone down here!
Thankfully, Begum can (probably already has) handed them a voter fraud smoking gun complete with affidavits. everything I've read on rrun rrun, like the Hernandez politiqueras buying blank ballots and forging signatures will make great news headlines before the big Presidential race. is it the final curtain call for Ernie, Norma and Erin's voter fraud crime ring?
How does Ernie hernandez owe $800,000 to the IRS??
WAs the money from all the stolen votes they were selling to dirty candidates over the years???
Interesting. We've got Ruben Cortez running fot State Board of Education because of Hidalgo County. His primary opponent beat him in Nueces and Cameron, but he had such a huge lead there he won. It doesn't smell right.
And PD isnt any better......being led by womanizers with no college degrees......the chief nor his assistants have college degrees...none but one of them (the one who turned out to be a sour tyrant who his employees can't stand) served in the military....standards for the position were lowered to accommodate this new chief.....
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Around here candidates just change the appearance and spelling of their name in hope that people do not remember how corrupt, evil and stupid they are. Don't believe this? Just look at Cata Presas-Garcia, she now goes by "CATY" on her campaign signs in hope that people do not realize they are voting for CATA "La Rata" Presas-Garcia. Just saying..........
Cameron county da a villalobos will not do anything since his days are numbers from now till end of Decemebr, why work? why rock the boat? hey maybe i want to run in the future for dog catcher and i want o have the politiquera on my side.
I have to disagree with the first comment. Luis Saenz DID NOT use politqueras. CARLOS MASSO DID. ERIN HERNANDEZ DID. ABEL GOMEZ DID. The proof is on the elections website. I believe that voter fraud is a disease to Cameron County. We need to rid the town of these people. But pointing the finger in the wrong direction will get us no where. CLASS UP AND CLEAN UP CAMERON COUNTY. The first thing you can do to take stand is BY NOT VOTING FOR ABEL GOMEZ AND ERIN HERNANDEZ!
Look everyone knows that Cortez is being blasted by Cata "La Rata" Presas-Garcia because he did NOT put up with her total B.S.!!!!!!!!!
LOL! The little dark dictator who suffers from Napoleon Complex?
jajajajaj hay Juanito te sacaste un 10 con esta nota!!! me caes muy bien por la imaginacion tan amplia que tienes, eres el mejor reportero y informante que yo conosco de estos blogs!!!! felicidades!!!!
Minerva Pena get a job, we know is you posting here.
Oh, you mean the police lieutenant who was caught cheating on his wife in an appartment that was suppose to be for undercover use, well I guess he did use it for his under the cover use.
The one that left his wonderful wife due to the twins that were a result of his undercover work? Oh the one this chief promoted to commander so he could lead by example. Just asking Robert, kinda over heard a conversation at the Trails End.
Thank you city manager and of course our wonderful Mayor.
Pobre vato......he was either not shown enough love as a child or bullied as a kid
jajajaja lo puto no se les va a quitar a estos policias mensos, pero es que las esposas tienen la culpa por decirles a sus mariditos, dame el checke y sacate de qui, y los pobrecitos van con alguien que les dicen al oido..Hay papi, sacate la verga sabrosa que tienes y olvidate de la odiosa de tu esposa y vamos hacer travesuras juntos. jajajajaja luego....sale un envidioso companero de la policia y le pone el dedo, sacan fotos de carros y docmicilios y los desacreditan...:( ahhh por que todas esa evidencias obtenidas por policias dedos, las usan SOLAMENTE CUANDO LES COMBIENE CHINGARSE A ALGUIEN DEL DEPARTAMENTO. y luego hay andan chillando cuando biene otro por fuera del departamento Y SE LOS CHINGAN BIEN Y BONITO.
October 3, 2012 11:12 AM
Just asking Robert, kinda over heard a conversation at the Trails End.
As we all can see and read....All information comes from the bitches from inside the BPD, nadie esta inventando nada, las mismas putas baratas y mariconas son las que andan chingando a los mismos de adentro con sus comentarios pendejos, y despues la policia y otros andan chingando su madre y hechandole la culpa a otras personas inocentes por tanta fuga de informacion que sale del mismo departamento o levanta falsos de las personas. Pinches viejas mamonas, putas, ravaleras, y mariconas.
By example? Or by force?!!!!
One of those, "my way or the highway" bosses, huh? Do as I say and don't question anything or add your two cents type of guy...I assume?
Aren't those BPD commanders know to have affairs during their duty hours? Someone should police the police and keep an eye on them....they are probably making good money from us taxpayers while fooling around.....but then I guess that lieutenant has to pay for all those kids
October 5, 2012 6:48 PM
lol do you want more?
Let us hear more....this is the only way that we really find out what our PUBLIC SERVANTS are doing.....
October 7, 2012 3:01 PM
Lol...but what more do you want to know??? This behaviour has been going on for many years!!!! I dont know why people act surprised when they find out about shit of the police officers??? this is a natural habit of their careers inside premises, we should let them do what ever the fuck they want, they are also paying taxes and they can do with their life what ever they please, until they get caught and fired from the job, they know better and they know what the consecuences are, bad behaviour is not new to them and we as the comunity are not going to change nothing or anyone, most of police personnel are back stabbers, lyers, cheaters, gays and some corrupted, there is also good officers, pero esos son contados con los dedos de mi mano, the rest are not worth shit at all, but we have to be realistic...we will never change people as the world turns, corruption will always be there and bad people also, BPD is all messed up because of lack of LEADERSHIP, their people will always keep fucking up as long as they keep having a leader that is a complete FUCK UP AND TRASH. DID YOU HEAR THAT ORLANDO RODRIGUEZ???
So sad but true, this seems to be the only way the public hears about what Orlando rodriguez and Cabler are hiding from the public. Hear about the detective that decided to clean his gun in the office? Yep, got up to answer a phone call, left the loaded gun on his desk and along came another detective, picks up the gun and shots a hole thru the wall into the next office!!!!! NO LIE!
Oh sorry, a Commander Elmer, who was never a detective in his life is looking into this. He thinks it was a car back firing or something.
What a bunch of pendejos!
Oh but Chief Rodriguez has ordered no one is to discuss this, sorry, I just a fly on the wall enjoying my beer at the Trails End Saloon!
Lol son tan pendejos que ellos solitos se andan matando, pero en fin, el baboso que hagarro la pistola de arriba del escritorio y que no le pertenecia, NO TENIA POR QUE VERLA AGARRADO!!!! eso le pasa por estupido y a la mejor trato de darle un tiro a idiota del Orlando Rodriguez despistadamente jajajajaj oooooppppppsssss se me escapo un tiro jajajaja. no duden ni tantito que algo raro esta detras de eso y estan distorcionando la realidad por temor a las consecuencias, ufff si a alguien de la comunidad le hubiera pasado eso, ya lo hubieran encerrado por sospechoso de intento de HOMICIDIO!!!!! Vamos a ver que pasa con estos policias y en que queda esta situacion. Haver que medidas va a tomar el Orlando Rodriguez al respecto.
Orlando no nuts Rodriguez. . catchy name
De que se admira el jefesito....se fue con una mujer casada....que dejo as su esposo y familia para andar con el....y el jefe portandose como que es tan bueno....y el Otro asistente de el...tambien casado....se va con la sancha y tienen ninos.. ayi buey!!!! Pero el muy Cristiano y el ejemplo para los policias.. por favor!
You could also use Gaylord.....as in Orlando Gaylord Rodriguez......what a flim flam
Pinche Indio feo y chaparo....
-Elver Gudo
Trails talk says morale is extremely low for uniformed officers...they can't stand the captain that oversees them... They are micromanaged by this guy who event wants to know when they go take a dump...
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