The news stories tell us that yesterday, October 9, was the deadline to register to vote in the November 6 general election.
But, hey, you're in Cameron County. The rules that apply to mere mortals don't hold here.
Why do we say that?
Investigations by voter abuse activist members of Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA) and others have uncovered evidence that they are in the process of turning over to the appropriate law enforcement authorities that show that in the July 31 runoff, not only did 50 or more people registered to vote on that same day, but that some of them even voted by mail after registering on the day of the runoff election.
"How," you may ask, "is that possible? After all, isn't it the law that one must register at least 30 days before the election before being allowed to cast a ballot?"
We asked that, too.
However, a list of 50 or more voters who registered on the day of the runoff election – some of who voted by mail-in ballot" has been put together by CAVA and their associates and shows that documentation at the Cameron County Elections Administrators' Office indicates that very fact.

Those are the kind of questions that CAVA and other interested parties want elections office administrator Roger Ortiz and the Cameron County District Attorneys' Office to answer. To that end, they have prepared the evidence for the DA's personnel perusal and possible action.
"Evidently, this points to the existence of someone inside that office that facilitated this to happen," said a CAVA member. "In this case, everything points to manipulation of the applications and issuance of mail-in ballots inside that office. We want to see that they are going to do about this."
What makes matters even more intriguing is that a statistical analysis of the votes in these precincts totals indicate that all of these votes apparently went to candidacy of JP 2-2 candidate Erin H. Garcia and not one to her opponent Yolanda Begum. And interviews indicate that the majority were generated by politiqueras identified with her and her mother Norma and father Ernie Hernandez, commissioner for precinct 2.
The instantaneous registrations and casting of mail-in ballots by those individuals are but the tip of the corruption iceberg that no one seems to want to acknowledge. Just as the new Cameron County Democratic Party chairwoman Sylvia Perez-Garza kept saying during a recent special meeting of the county's election commission, there exist "gray" areas in the system.
Yet, in the face of overwhelming evidence and occurrences of voting coercion of elderly and mentally-impaired voters being hauled in vans from pliant adult day-care centers right on front of election judges and administrators, everyone who could do something chooses instead to turn a blind eye to the facts before them.
"We all know who the politiqueras and politiqueros are," said a member of the public who attended the special elections commissioner meeting. "If they (the members) really wanted to do something about it, they would have done it already. These people won't quit committing voter fraud until someone gets indicted and convicted of this. I guarantee you that if they are squeezed hard enough they will point the fingers at the candidates who paid them to do it. Until that happens, all this is just so that the public will say they are doing something about it."
Voter corruption is just a part of the greater political corruption from the Cameron County Democratic Party and there is no incentive for any elected officials to effect change...because their goal is to get elected and have power. Currently we have Dan Sanchez who wants to become County do so he needs corruption because he is an impersonal imbecile who looks like a throw-back to the Neanderthal period. He has is a cad, dishonest (participant with "Disable Limas" in trips to the Spurs games, et al), and self serving....not caring about the citizens. This attitude of corruption from the Democratic Party has become the political culture of this county. Many say we should just sit back and accept the corruption as part of our Mexican culture of corruption. It helps that we also live in a culture of ignorance and compadrismo....benefits to the Dumbokratic Party. Corruption is aided by the failure of any elected official to exercise moral courage to call attention to the rampant corruption. Roger Ortiz is a puppet of the party and of the corruption. Keeping his job depends on his willingness to compromise himself and to continue to promote election fraud to benefit his party. This corruption is one of the reasons so many of our young people don't come back to the region.....and why those that do, like Dan Sanchez come back to take advantage of the live off the public tit....because he can't make a living outside this corruption.
Sylvia Garza Perez ... just another DemocRAT corrupt piece of shit like Gilberto and her best friend Norma Hernandez! Isn't her aunt Herminia Becerra the self-proclaimed "queen of politiqueras"
Heh, no wonder the Democrats can't raise any money
Let us try to draw the line of DEMOC Rats as it is being used here. The Democratic Party is not to blame for a handful of rats that this community seems to have an impossible time in exterminating from the South Texas political machine. I am a proud Democrat and always will be... I am proud enough to vote for the Republican Justice of the Peace candidate running against that Urine Hernandez Rat. We need to take pride in the Democratic Party and remove the filth from the party at the ballot box or better yet, by the judicial system as CAVA is trying to passionately accomplish. It is only just...justice.
these people are a fraud and a cancer on the Democrat party
It may be too late for justice but it's never too late for the truth
The stank of corruption extends to the VFW Post off of Price where the Lucio machine is embedded like a blood sucking tick. Non-eligible and non-active members are gathered up to vote for Lucio every year for a beer or two and then disappear for the rest of the year. The VFW is a pathetic and corrupt organization that ostracizes legitimate veterans for trying to expose them for all the laws they are breaking. The VFW is a another cancer that does little for the Veterans in the Brownsville community. Not only that, but the VFW sits on land leased from the City for $1 a year, and the Post still can't pay their rent to the crooked IBC collaborators. The City envisioned a Veterans Center, but they got a 14th Street Saloon. Do the commissioners care? Not sure they even know what's going on, or prefer not to look back at the debacle they birthed.
I've said it before, Erasmo and Dan Sanchez were separated at birth. I think they share the same father, Mister snufalufagus.
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