It's been more than a year since the alleged illegal Civil Service hiring of Roberto Cadriel by Cameron County has been under investigation by county investigators and there still seems to be little progress made in the case.
And it's been months now since city health inspector Willie Gonzales shot and paralyzed a man and left a woman wounded in the parking lot of a popular nightclub here.
To date, not only has the city police not filed any charges or arrested Gonzales, but it has remained mum on the case. In fact, the city has not even acknowledged the city official was involved.
Contrast this to the time that city officers shot and killed a student at Cummings Middle School. That same day Cabler showed up a press conference displaying a picture of the pellet gun said to be carried by the teenager.

But that is only the tip of the iceberg.
In order to amass a $8,000 to $10,000 heist over time, it is only logical to assume that the indications of the pilfering were evident to her superiors, including De la Garza, way before the resignation occurred.
Why wasn't it discovered before?
Or was it discovered and then allowed to go on while suitable "arrangement" was found ?
These questions are circulating around the county and many are wondering whether Melinda G. Gonzalez's boss – after she had discovered the extent of the theft – herself attempted to sweep the scandal under the rug to save the DA's office, and her own reputation, the embarrassment of airing the issue to the public.
Gonzalez resigned on July 27, reported to the sheriff on the 30th and then was booked before Magistrate Luis Saenz on August 6. What happened in the meantime?
There are even some reports that affidavits exist in both the Aurora de la Garza office embezzlement case that indicate some efforts were made to keep the matter quiet, as well as in the Cadriel hiring scandal that some international bridge employees may have been told Hernandez wanted his brother-in-law hired.
We are now in October.
And now, as we move on to the November 6 elections, will the lame-duck Cameron County District Attorney suddenly spring into action and make his office accessible and available to the reams of evidence that has been gathered allegedly showing that the campaign worker of Democratic JP 2-2 candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia committed massive voter fraud to eke out a win over contender Yolanda Begum?
Word has it that the evidence is already waiting for the DA's office to make a decision on the case.

Melinda Gilman Gonzales' stepdad Peter and her mom are both employed by the DA's office. Willie Gonzales is the son of former longtime city secretary Lydia Gonzales, a close ally of City Manager Charlie Cabler.
The city has just acquired a new police chief, Orlando Rodriguez, who for the most part has proven to be less than dynamic in his role as the top law enforcement official in Browntown.
Are these men running interference for the son of their old acquaintance?
We have learned that the victim of the nightclub shooting has already acquired the services of an attorney and that it will only be a matter of time before the papers are filed in court. Will the city officials' apparent recalcitrance to even acknowledge the shooting could translate into a healthy settlement for the victims at the expense of the city?
With DA Armando Villalobos' term coming to an end in January and his trial for bribery and racketeering scheduled for April 2013, we suspect things will be put on hold at that office. But in the case of the Brownsville shooter, what's the excuse?
Hay no huevos! The Dumbokratic Party seeks to protect its control of corruption in local government and that means going in to slow motion mode...hoping all the poor citizens will forget or get distracted. It is not good for the Party to move on these issues before elections. As they did in the Rene Oliviera drunk driving event earlier in the year....the Party will be in denial until after the that case the primary. And the Brownsville Herald is complicit with the Dumbokratic Party and just doesn't report bad news that might effect their bottom line. As has been mentioned before, this is made worse because we have no elected officials who have the morale courage (huevos) to try to effect change.
What do you expect of a place where the chief prosecutor is under Federal indictment for racketeering?
What do you expect of a place where judges are going to prison or under suspecion for racketeering?
What do you expect of a place where lawyers are bribing judges, clerks and the like for favors?
What do you expect of a place where votes are bought and sold by people seeking judicial office?
To use the word "justice" in the same sentence with "Brownsville" or "Cameron Country" is in it self a form of injustice. Justice is a joke with this gaggle of crooks in charge of the system.
The shooter at Tucan place was done by a city employee who was on his own time, so why would the city worry about a settlement. Did they fire the guy? Corruption on hold? When has it even been active?
The reason the city would be liable pendejo is because they are covering it up!....
There have been no arrests on the case because they are protecting the piece of shit Willie IDIOTA!
Also Pending: Que paso cuando Cabler se empedo y atropello a una persona? Were there any consequences or was it swept under the rug?
So, if our local DA chooses not to prosecute or pursue charges against the "Influyentes", we are screwed?
Must be nice to have money or be connected. Me, I'm just un pobre campesino, who would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law If I were to spit my gum on the sidewalk.
I can just imagine the charges, littering, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, littering, daring to talk back to the police, resisting arrest, interfering with police business, disrespecting authority, walking while being poor.
Why would the City be responsible to settle the case with the shooter ?
Unfortunately Montoya, you're right! Justice is on hold in the Cameron County District Attorney office. The ADA's don't want to do something that might come back and haunt them as a political favor? Armando Villalobos hasn't been seen in the office during working hours. The last time that he was seen was at a meeting with his office where he cried about being innocent? If the taxpayers of Cameron County can't see that these individuals involved in criminal activities are friends of Armando Villalobos and other high political officials or rich money? Rene Oliviera is telling his clients that if he gets paid so much money, he can guarantee that their case will go away? What a cocky sucking SOB! Trying to snake money out of clients with a promise that he can't keep! You have no pull in the office anymore Rene! Armando is under Indictment! Mr. Saenz, please bring back the integrity and professionalism back to the CCDA! PLEASE!
To end the corruption VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN every position . . .
send the message . . .
Commissioners need help from the Texas Rangers . . .
BISD needs help from the TEA and Texas Rangers . . .
VOTE REPUBLICAN VOTE REPUBLICAN for every position . . .
I am the 3rd blogger above and I made a mistake and used the word corruption instead of justice. When has justice ever been active in Cameron County. Someone should research the cases that have been brought to court in the last 20 or 30 years and see how the high impact cases were dismissed or found not guilt or not even tried. Go back as far as the car dealer that was murdered, Zayas who was driving on the wrong side of the street. The police women who shot a student in the back, the guy who stole money from the old dying victims and on and on!
The idiot above is abviously Willie,.... It doesn't matter that you we on your own time Willie.....the fact that your mommy called in favors for your sorry ass is the point MENSO! Who did she call? Cabler? Police chief? You shot 2 people Willie.... They called you and told you your girlfriend was with another guy and you got your gun.... Drove over there and shot them both.... That is premeditated attempted murder. The guy is laying paralyzed in a hospital. He has an attourney. Let us see who stands up for you when the shit hits the fan.... And it's coming faster than you think tacuache!
city has deep pockets, city employee does not, so while the police dept and city of brownsville do not act and/or fumble the ball, the victim hires an attorney and fires away in court. Cha Ching. I just hit and won the lottery jackpot. End of story. Good day.
Ese pinche puto procurador disque de justicia,
Ese pinche rata,
Ese no vale verde!!
Ese pinche valle se undira entre cocodrilos, entre pantanos, sumergidos entre toda su puta mierda, todos ardan, tragen, deleitense, hijos de puta. Ernie HIEDE Hernandez a mierda y su clonada la HIJA de HIEDE HERNANDEZ y su esposa, ladrona, todos los votos para ella, mira que hija de su chingadamadre
Da asco ese pinche condado. La gente apendejada, viven en un delirio. Ah pero, crece el cancer a diario ahi, entre su gente, entre el calor, entre tanta pendejada, entre tanto agente de policia estupido, procuradores, comisionados, oficiales, comandantes, esas manitas cabrones, los estamos vigilando a diario, ratas apestosas.
Proximamente, el valle sera un pantano lleno de drenaje, hongos, como el basurero de la carretera 511.
On the Border, by the Sea or
On the Basurero, by the Swamp
Keep up the great news, magnificent work Juanito, just get out of Browntown when the bullets start firing. May I suggest out of Texas?
I believe the Willie incident will be the downfall of the city manager and the new police chief. They are trying real hard to keep this covered up here at city hall,... But it is eminent to come out. It is already out! Just a matter of time before the axe falls. I hears that a national news outlet is looking at the story. City manager and police chief covering up two attempted premeditated murders,.... Would make a great movie que no?
People who commit a crime usually do not go down for it,...remember O.J.? They usually go down for some other crime usually much less flagrant, this case Aurora covering up for her employee. She will go down.
Which one of you idiots is pushing Luis Saenz? Credible reports have him trying to cover up the District Clerk thefts for his mom-in-law, Aurora de la Garza! The reference to affidavits in this story is about just that. Saenz will never clean up the DA's office for anyone but his friends.
You want change in Cameron? VOTE REPUBLICAN!! VOTE MATTINGLY FOR DA!!
Ya basta con estos ladrones! Sin verguenzas!! Necesitamos acabar con todas las ratas de la cuidad, empezando con Cabler, Ernie Hernandez and company!
sr.montoya usted si que tiene huevos por denunciar lo de willy glz, no como el herald0 saco la nota y no volvio hablar del caso . ahora es cuando los comisionados y el alcalde nesesitan meterle huevos y correr a todos los chuecos de esta ciudad. no es possible sue esto sig a y que la gente que due electa no haga nada. continue ud con seta pagina lo felicito.
Hell, a vote for Mattingly is a vote for corruption. He has been lining his pockets for the past year with taxpayer's money and he hasn't worked a day to earn it.
Good. Now that you know your place in life; shut up!
How can anyone vote for Mattingly? Amazing!! I can understand voting for a Rep. against Erin but Mattingly is Armandos right hand man! Its rumored he's been interviewed in the Limas corruption, and he wasthe lead ADA in the Livingston case. That is corruption at it's finest. He can't blame that on Villalobos, if he thought it was wrong, Just like Livingstons' lawyer thought it was, he should've gone to the Feds. Instead the Feds are probably going after him. How can Saenz bury something if Villalobos is still DA? This is still more of Villalobos covering shit up! IDIOTS, there is a time and place to not vote straight ticket. Erin and Chuck are the ideal candidates for that choice!!!
Anonymous 10/10 @ 8:41 AM: "ADA" means "ASSISTANT District Attorney." Mattingly was an ASSISTANT, not in charge. Be realistic; not even you would speak up in the middst of a negotiation being conducted by your boss. Very VERY few would. That's just human nature. Instead, you make notes, bide your time, and take over if ever given the opportunity. Well, Mattingly's opportunity has arrived! Granted, for those who can't think for themselves (Saenz' suporters), sullying Mattingly with Livingston sounds good, but not factual.
Are the people who stand by, watch and hold the coats of corrupt people just as corrupt? Not being charge with a crime does not mean a person is moral or worthy of being elected to public office. Not that it matters much in Cameron County Texas.
mayor, comisioners is time to act. with this evidence you all need to take action to finish and fire all these people that are protecting this guy willy, we the people of brownsville demand action, and mr montoya keep this alive, by the way el tal willy is working at the office in the health dept. he is playing with the computer all day he is not working in the fild.
luis va a ganar y va a seguir lo mismo, willy no le pasa nada porque lo estan protejiendo la jente corrupta eso va a seguir, sr montoya dijeron que iban hacer una auditoria del sports complex y no se ha hecho nada, si le escarban ahi va a salir mucha caca, creo que la dra zavaleta ordeno esta auditoria seria bueno preguntar que fue lo que paso, porque justificar 37 millones esta cabron.
Y tu quien eres para andar halando pendeja? Si eres la misma que se anda metiendo hasta en el fundio de los policias.Ni hables porque eres peor cagada que todas las ratas de las que mencionas. Pinche mugre que se quire hacer muy recta. Ya todos seven quien eres y nadie te respeta y tus palabras no valen nada. Si te crees tan inteligente y lo sabes todo a nadien le important pinche RATA rabiosa
The Mayor seems to act as if the sun rises and falls at his request!Where are you when the people need you to clean up the mess we are in. Grow a pair and Get rid of those not qualified to run our departments.
If the shooter in this case would have been some non-political brat he or she would have been arrested, booked and tried by now.
So long as Cabler calls Chief No Nuts Rodriguez to hold the wheels of justice back, this crap will continue. The mayor, commision and Cabler wanted a puppet and got one. Keep screwing around and I pray you find yourself behind bars. Our public deserves better, start voicing yourselves, if they dont listen rest assured GOD does.
Rodriguez is just a tool.....they DIDN'T WANT A REAL CHIEF....they wanted a puppet they could control ...that's why they hired him.... The rules of the department are only enforced when its convenient to them and laws are used in there favor as needed
Yes, an god is also listening to all of you idiots who do not know what you are talking about. Who in their right mind would pray for someone to be put in jail. Sorry, buddy, you are a sick person if you think GOD is malicious like you. Asshole. Become a Jahova Witness, then you can do what ever you want without remorse, that is how they work.
Seems like u are the asshole for feeling the way you do towards Jahova Witness. Guess your shit doesnt stink. You must be a city hall rodriguez puppet. "All you idiots", you know as well as all us idiots that the only truth being printed and exposed is being done here! Talk your crap to those who kiss your holy butt!
You must be one to react that way, therefore, that makes you a fake, mamones, butt kisses, a nucious, you don,t believe in government but how about the welfare check received by your majority. How about the government jobs held. Should have your own colony like the Amish. They do not go around trying to brainwash people. All the Jahovas I know are crooked and they try to convince they are good people. They are the ones that do their dirty deeds and think they can get away with it because they think their shit don't stink. They are fucking bullies.
Sorry I meant testiculos de Jehovah.
October 12, 2012 8:10 AM
Shut the fuck up!!!! all you Jehova witnesses are the worst mother fuckers we have in this world, because you guys are just the same as some of these pieces of trash, you say and you do at your convenience, so shut the fuck up!!!!
Thank you, well said. Thank goodness some of us are not easily brained washed. I have worked with a Jahova Witness and man, they are the worst!!!!!!!
Thats why I hate to be around them any time, I cant stant them being so fake and just plain lyers, they are bad people and only care for themselves, thinking they can brain wash the whole world and turn them into their religion, bunch of pathetic people man!!! I am proud to ba a Catholic and I love my Religion.
Willie Wonka is back at work... thank you Chief and City Manager..
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