It was like clockwork.
We had just finished posting our take on Brownsville Independent School District trustee Minerva Peña's witless antics on the board when we heard about yet another of her premier stellar performances.
It seems that Minnie, while on the hustings for companion candidate for the board Butch Barbosa, noticed that the New York Deli had allowed one of Barbosa's opponent for Place 5 – incumbent Catarina Presas-Garcia – to place one of her campaign signs inside the restaurant property facing the heavy traffic passing by outside.

The place has become an informal gathering place for professionals for state, city, county and school district employees, including some recent arrivals from the Midwest and Northeast who enjoy the fare served there. Where else in Brownsville could you find such entrees like Boar's Head Deluxe Ham. Oven Roasted Buffalo Chicken, Genoa Italian Salami and Soup Du Jour like Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, Chicken Tortilla, Black Bean, and the old standard Clam Chowder?
The place is also becoming a sports hangout as well with the Deli's acquisition of a beer and wine license.

"Takes him out to look at the Queen, only place that he's ever been, Always shouts out something obscene..."
But there was a catch. Apparently, Minnie wanted to move Presas-Garcia's sign to get the choice spot for hers and Gil would have none of that.
Well' you can imagine the brouhaha that resulted. Peña wasn't the captain of the Porter High School Belles for nothing. She threw a hairy and the results were of general unpleasantness. It got to the point where the local gendarmes almost had to be called before she left in a huff.
Now, those of us who have followed the trials and tribulations of the BISD and its legal nightmares know that the BISD last year settled with Art Rendon – Gil's brother – after he was terminated by the former majority of the BISD board and part of the settlement was that he be rehired by the district. It was one of those cases where Art went to the FBI, Texas Rangers and other investigative bodies with evidence of wrongdoing in the Special Services Department. He was reviled and terminated for his troubles after the district spent 100,000s of dollars in litigation to justify his termination.
When the new board saw the writing on the wall, they cut their losses and settled with him and set about to straighten out the mess he had uncovered.
Art is now the head of transportation and is trying to clean up that mess left there by Jose Hector Chirinos, who by the way, is also running for the BISD board in November.
Well, we live in a small town and have long memories. Guess who voted against the settlement that allowed Art to return to work for the district? You guessed it. Minnie Peña herself.
Now, we have to ask ourselves. Is Peña so witless that she would think that the brother of the person she voted against would welcome her campaign advances with open arms?
Gilbert will probably get mad at us for posting this, but rather than face his icy wrath, we'll wait a decent interval before we venture into the Deli's cozy confines.
"Once there was a way to get back homeward..."
Very nice advertisement that you have posted. I am sure that you will get your free cold beer on your next visit.
Here it's not the "blind leading the blind", it is the ignorant leading the ignorant and BISD surely sets the standard for ignorance. We don't accept ignorance and corruption, we demand it in Brownsville.
The first commentr was wreitten by Minerva (la Cuerva) are one dumb bitch Minerva la cuerva..
What kind of pendeja listens to the Beatles AND STARTS A FIGHT.
Everything is lost on that woman.
Wow, hard to believe she would not find out who owned the business before she made a fool of herself. Family is family.
We all know Christina, Enrique, and Luci were elected to help Cata do the following:
1. Fire Springston, and give the job to some one they could control
2. Dismiss the Healthsmart lawsuit
3. Settle, pay, and he-hire Gonzalez, Juarez, and Rendon
How is this Board majority any better than the last one, if they both have and continue to hurt the District ??
The author of the third comment should not be throwing stones.
Minerva la cuerva,.....that is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!!!
la porter belle?
Are we aware that Zayas, Colunga, Cortez and Aguilar were abusing the BISD Fund Balance (emergency fund)?
Was the emergency (fund)Balance depleted NEARLY 100 MILLIONS from 2007-2010??
Hey Zayas, Aguilar, Cortez and Colunga what happened to all the money that is still un-accounted for?
Who is the idiot that wrote the above at 7:49 pm. He makes it sound like those 4 lined their pockets. None of them look like they are rolling in cash. I am sure BISD's administration can account for every penny spent except the money that was lost at the Aquatic Center when Cata was there, depositing proceeds into her personal account.
"Hey Zayas, Aguilar, Cortez, and Colunga, what happened to all the money"?
Why don't you ask Caty, Christina, Enrique, Luci, PLUS Hector, Pat, and Carlito. Go ahead ask them....
Who took $$$, cash $$$ from the aquatic center? Who?
Can't wait for your article after the Herald Headline story today! Bet your "deep throat" is banging it out.
I am voting for Cata.. Better than the rest of the idiots.
Minerva and Lupe Peña have a bunch of thieves working for them at Peñas Wrecker. they are impounding cars without filing police reports and breaking into them, damaging doors and stealing things from inside the cars.
@ previous poster :
"I am voting for Cata.. Better than the rest of the idiots.".......
Then that makes you the biggest idiot.
10/12 2:44 pm - Love it!
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