As often happens when novices enter the arena of political elections, Brownsville Independent School District Place 5 candidate Don Clupper is now complaining that a mention we made of him using his picture with his three granddaughters on a widely-distributed campaign flier and calls us racist for pointing out that they were Hispanics.
He then asks us "racist bigots" to leave his family out of this campaign from now on.
Now, the mere fact that we mentioned the obvious – that he is white and his grandchildren Hispanic – does not make us racist bigots as El Señor Donaldo El Clupper suggests. We think he is being awfully thin-skinned to begin with and bandies about the reverse discrimination card a mite too quickly.
We should also point out that among the Montoya family there are spouses and in-laws (as well as outlaws) who are Native American, South African (white), Scottish, Black, and Hispanics of various stripes (Mexico, Ecuador, and El Salvador) as well as just your average run of the mill gueros.
And we are certainly aware that some politicians change their names (or adopt their grandparents' names to sound Hispanic and court that ethnic vote). For example, it wasn't until she ran for Congress that we even knew that Denise Blanchard was a Saenz. And Jessica Bradshaw (aka Robinson) didn't use the name "Puente" until she ran, coincidentally, for the same post.
Perhaps we have become a bit jaded with the antics of some candidates who try to cash in on
their Hispanicness or their association with Hispanic culture when they seek a public office in a predominately Hispanic region such a South Texas. We suspect this won't be the first or last time the issue will come up.
If El Señor Donaldo El Clupper would check our website, he will notice that we have candidates of all stripes on the right side of the blog. There is a white lady (Nancy Mishou, a Libertarian), several Democrats Hispanic males, and even born-again Christians (Raul Lopez and Argelia Miller). We are equal opportunity offenders Donaldo. As long as their money is green they're fine with us.
He's right about the BISD having a curriculum committee, but it's limited to making recommendations as there are already plenty of curriculum specialists on board being hired for a pretty penny. Sylvia Atkinson filled that role before she was shunted off to yet another position. Before that she was in charge of Human Resources.
El Clupper says that he "deeply resents" our mentioning that as a white candidate he had his three Hispanic granddaughters pose with him to adorn the front of his campaign literature. Didn't we just state the obvious? After all, was it the writers of this blog who pasted the picture on his literature and distributed it for the whole city to see? Did we post it on his website for the whole world to see? No, Señor Clupper, it was you.

And, of course, as purveyors of information based on the freedoms provided in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, we reserve the right to write about anyone who is seeking a public position and is asking the electorate to represent them. This includes all facets of the candidacy, even their campaign literature. That's the way the game is played in the big leagues.
El Donaldo just couldn't help himself to make another big leap and assumption that this "second blogsite" that is "know (sic) for selling advertisements to my opponent" Caty Presas-Garcia was being unfair to him. Donaldo, look at the right at the candidates who chose to advertise with us. Do you see an ad for Presas-Garcia there? The fact that we agree with her on a long list of issues facing the BISD like its fiscal restoration after it was gutted by the previous board majority, took on sacred cows like the former AD, doesn't go along with doing business as usual, and established the STAMP program at Veterans Memorial High School doesn't mean that we are "know (sic) for selling advertising space" to her.
In fact, if Caty is reading this, we would not mind one bit if she chose to buy an ad from us. And, if you'll notice Señor Donaldo, your other opponent on Place 5 (Butch Barbosa) has chosen to buy an ad space here. We would dearly love to toss a token Anglo mathematician in the mix. How about it Señor?
Juan, you are guilty of profiling. You don't know the girls are Hispanic....they could be Iranian, Turkish or even gypsies. Not be so quick to profile to make your point.
(Jessica Bradshaw (aka Robinson) didn't use the name "Puente" until she ran, coincidentally, for the same post.)
Juanito, you are still with that? Puente is on her naturalization paper. She speaks better Spanish than you, so does that make her more Hispanic than you? Don't answer that Juanito. I wouldn't want you to eat tacos and drink Joya to overcompensate for your failed brownness.
Thank you!
There goes my vote for "Butch"! If "Butch" does business with you it means he is as bad as "Caty". Thanks Mr. Clupper for giving us an honest choice!
This is one of the main reasons that honest, descent people refrain from throwing their hat into the ring when it comes to filing for an elected position. Immediately, their family is dragged into the scene. Mr. Clupper has always said that he is in the running to make sure that the district follows polices that will enable his grandchildren to get the education that they deserve. What is so strange about them being hispanic? He uses the children to promote a child's education, whatever color they happen to be! Shame on you, Juan
Como dijo la gran politiquera Herminia Becerra, "Que lloron"
When I met Denise, she was Denise Saenz. She is still Denise Saenz. I am voting for Mr. Clupper. How was the Palm Lounge?
"Hispanicness"? Is that even a real word?
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