Every time he runs for office, Otis Powers repeats his mantra of "Character, Proven Leader, Integrity."
His signs are always emblazoned with the Stars and Stripes even though he never served in the military. To his dismay, this time around he is going up against an opponent in Argelia Miller who spent 20 years in the Air Force and is about as red-white-and-blue as they come.
It's like trying to be more Catholic than the Pope, and even that is going to be difficult because Mrs. Miller will often quote Scripture from memory.

But let's take him at his word that he has these attributes he hawks on his signs and compare them to words that emanated from his own lips. These quotes are taken from a tape admitted into evidence in federal court in a case charging that he was involved in a conspiracy with the former board majority (Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga) to fire former superintendent Hector Gonzales by having former BISD Chief Financial Officer Tony Juarez file a bogus grievance against him.
In this first snippet, Powers tells Juarez how he's "talked to all of them" (board members Rick Zayas, Joe Colunga Rolando Aguilar, etc.) about having Juarez file a bogus grievance against Gonzales to give the others a justification for firing him.
In this second one, Powers is talking to Colunga over the phone about having his attorney Mark Sossi file a lawsuit and serve trustee Caty Presas-Garcia with a lawsuit during a board meeting. Powers said that after Presas-Garcia was served, she wouldn't be thinking about Colunga anymore when she went into executive session.
In the third one, Powers is on the phone with Joe Colunga and is heard to tell him of how he received advice from former blogger Bobby Wightman to sue Presas-Garcia for alleged offenses relating to privacy FERPA guidelines.
It is said that religion and patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. In Otis' case, it appears to be double-barreled.
Juan, we both know you have your facts wrong - The only time I recommended anyone sue Presas-garcia over FERPA was as to Colunga. You know this because you were sued by Colunga as it related to the release of his son's record. On what basis could Powers have to sue Presas-Garcia for FERPA violations.
All of these lies just digging the hole deeper - and for what - Presas-Garcia will win with 45-50% of the vote. She has the female advantage and Clupper is pulling votes from Barbosa. Clupper will be lucky to hit 20% - This election was sealed the day Clupper announced against Presas-Garcia
We should call this the "Sue District" Everybody and their grandmother that wants money, just looks for an undotted "i" and sues the district and they win. Why bring religion into the election? Church and state separation is still there! I wonder if Miller or Powers could quote the BISD policies as well as they think they can quote the Bible. That is the question? What will any of you candidates do to better the education of our children and future leaders?
So you are saying Montoya was not sued as it related to Colunga's disabled son. Tell us, what would have been the basis for Powers to sue on FERPA? - nothing - it was Colunga's son whose information was released. had Colunga protected his son, like any real father would have, we would not be in this mess. Colunga can easily be charged as guilty in the public eye for the totality of the mess. had he simply filed the FERPA complaint - BISD would not now be out nearly $20 million dollars
Bobby you have your facts wrong, Colunga ONLY protected his son all the years til 2 yrs ago, these last 2 years he never did anything for ANY of the special needs students. He abused and milked the district for 100 millions for 12 or 14 years. He is why the district is a mess now and not to mention the million dollar contracts he kept giving his compadre Johnny Cavazos. Don't play dumb.
If Eva Arambula is MarinArambula's sister?
They why would Enrique Escobedo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?
Is it because Martin Arambula had already voted at the Port to give Enrique Escobedo the 3million plus security system contract to Enrique and his Brother?
Eva Arambula-Woodfin
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator
The 10 Million dollar question is:
Are Minerva, Chirinos, and Powers voted cashing in on a favor for a latter date?
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