Tuesday, December 18, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Just as Cameron County sources confirmed that 357th District Judge Leonel Alejandro had submitted his resignation to the commissioners court last Friday, the rumor mill kicked into high gear today with stories that the now former judge had been seen in the company of federal agents who had picked him up at his home.
Even though all versions stopped short of actually saying that Alejandro had been arrested or had been listed on any kind of sealed indictment, a handful of sources close to the federal courthouse confirmed that he had indeed been talking to federal officials.
"He did resign. His office is totally empty," said a local attorney who had a case before him. "Everything is gone."
Speculation ran rampant for the reason that investigators might have wanted to talk with the former judge Some said it was over the fact he had been named in relation to a case involving the dealings between disgraced and convicted former 404th District Judge Abel Limas and convicted local attorney Ray Marchan.
Others said it was over the case involving his role as the owner of Port Fabricators, a firm that was implicated in hiring illegal workers on a contract that the U.S. Department of Defense had with AmFels to outfit platforms with defense missles.
A local attorney said  that she had spoken with Alejandro as late as 6:13 p.m. and that he had spoken to them from his home.We should point out that the FBI and federal and Texas Attorney General investigators over the cases stemming from the Limas affair. Federal Judge Andrew Hanen instructed the U.S Attorney's office to turn over all the names of attorneys and local judges to state authorities and the Texas State Bar to allow them to determine if their actions merited further prosecution.
With rumors of at least three other sealed indictments of local jurists and lawyers in the air, we can expect more speculation to ripple through the already skittish legal community.


Anonymous said...

Los Federales have more than three.

Anonymous said...

Y la girlfriend babydoll? me la pasas?

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that Aurora de la Garza continues to be a part of the federal investigation. Aurora is as corrupt as anyone in the Limas affair....and her corruption probably goes back since she arrived in the courthouse.

Former county employee said...

Is it a secret that a client of Ernesto Gamez has been parading himself in public and in the media? Those are tactics that he has pulled in the courtrooms of Cameron County. Anyone in the legal system knows that Ernesto Gamez tries cases like he is on Law and Order, Perry Mason, Shark, etc..... For Gamez to tell the court that his client is exercising his First Amendment is outright lie! Those are tactics that are too familiar to the legal system in CC. Now, he got his way and got the trial moved to SA. Well, you short piece of an excuse for a lawyer! Bexar County jurors won't put up with your tactics! Anyway, it only takes one guilty verdict out of the counts against your client to convict! So, you pendejo! You messed up!

Frankie Villa said...

Puro fedralyhood est todo, falling down like dominos, i knew it was a matter of time before other bigger trees or fishs would fall or get fried, pura catan, Thank God, hope this might help cclen up the county verda Luis Saenz?

alanizy said...

Ha! It was just a matter of time before they* all got caught! So much corruption!!!

Anonymous said...

More indictments coming up?

Is it true they have talked to Rick and he mentioned Minerva and Ruben?

wethepeople said...

How do the good people at AmFels walk free?? On the SAME DAY that Port Fabricators was in the news about their problem, AmFels / UTB was receiving a check for over half million dollars from the Chair of the Texas Workfarce Commission. BTW, at that time the HR man at AmFels, (a foreign based company), was an officer of the local workforce board. Tell me it's not ALL connected.
I won't even mention the Solomon Ortiz / AmFels / Port connection.

Anonymous said...

So if alejandro resigns does that mean he wouldnt face charges? mira que chingon salio este cabrito.

Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB! This judge needed to be arrested!

Anonymous said...

Why don't they look into the ad litem attorneys appointed ???? They get paid more than the attorneys represent the clients!!! For hardly any work!!!
Did you say kickback???

Anonymous said...

ya bailo este chango tambien, good riddance, hope his loses his law license and gets some time in the pokey where he belongs, and NO you cant take your girlfriend with you alejandro.she stays behind.

frankie villa said...

Loose lips, sink ships

Anonymous said...

To the person who brought up attorney ad litems in this section; what the hell are you talking about?!? This section is about Judge Alejandro which has NOTHING* to do with the ad litems! Attorney ad litems represent children & go based on what the children say & evidence they find involving the children's well-being .......you must be going through a custody battle & sounds like Judge Alejandro was the judge for your case or maybe your children were removed?! Dude, don't compare apples & oranges; two different things!
