We understand that despite the badly-worded agenda item that was pulled from the agenda last time before it went for consideration by the the board of the Brownsville Independent School District, the backers of the United Brownsville shadow government will again try to get $25,000 from the district in "membership" fees when the board comes back from vacation.
With Superintendent Carl Montoya and board president Enrique Escobedo on the 27-member UB board, IBC president Fred Rusteberg and his minions feel they have a lock on the annual "membership" dues.
But now people are asking what City of Brownsville commissioner Melissa Zamora asked UB's president Mike Gonzalez when he went before the city commission asking for their 25,000 membership money: "What is it exactly that you do?"
And indeed, besides blowing smoke up the keisters of local boards and governmental entities to get them to cough up their $25,000 in annual dues, there is scant work product to examine that has emanated from this questionable organization.

It states that the Gates awarded Brownsville the grant " not because they saw a community with alarming social/educational indicators – we have that, but those challenges that can be found throughout Texas and the U.S. – but rather because they saw a community that was ready to take action for change.
"They saw this readiness demonstrated in the depth of our community-wide partnerships and the collaboration of the Imagine Brownsville Comprehensive Plan."
Excuse me?
If we remember correctly, that plan was put together to submit to Congress for grant money. The plan never sailed through because the two congressional sponsors who promised to push for it were defeated in their next campaign. So, what to do with a plan that had cost the city more than $1 million and ended up not producing what its proponents (former Mayor Eddie Treviño, manipulator par excellence Carlos Marin, Rusteberg, et al) had promised?
Instead of fading off into the sunset and the dustbin of historical boondoggles, Imagine Brownsville was morphed into United Brownsville and used as a mechanism to siphon off funds from local cash-strapped entities like the BISD, the city, PUB, BEDC, GBIC, the Port of Brownsville, etc.
With its all-star cast of local heavy hitters, the local boards and elected officials proved pliant to the entreaties of the local idols.
The slogans came in fast and heavy: Better Block, building communitiesWORKSHOP, and now, ALLIN.
It kind of reminds us of the sloganeering by UTB's Juliet Garcia when she came up with the "community university," "partnership," etc. Now it's something called the University of the Americas.
But the Regents showed their true colors when they decided that since the local yokels of Brownsville did not see fit to turn over all the assets of their community college (TSC) to be swallowed lock, stock and barrel by the UT System, the administrative headquarters would be located in Hidalgo County instead of in Brownsville.
It's not like the TSC taxpayers weren't kicking in their share. During the last TSC budget, the community college turned over $55 million in a transfer to the UTB, as per the partnership agreement signed in 1991. A conservative estimate (and we have a public information request before the UT System of the specific sum) of the TSC contribution to this abusive partnership is that the local community has turned over close to $1 billion to the UT System to keep UTB afloat.
That's right, a billion, with a "B."

"The Gates Foundation was willing to bet on Brownsville," the ALLIN website states. "Are we?"
They then walk you through the depressing statistics that made Brownsville eligible for the Gates grant to begin with.
"As you read this, 34 percent of Brownsville households live in poverty, compared to 11 percent for the U.S. Our, median income is $30,454, compared to $50,046 for the nation. U.S.
Improving these and other negative community indicators will not be the result of any one big decision, but will happen because of thousands of students, parents, educators, and employers aligning their efforts under a shared agenda around education."
And what can the "Brownsville Partners for Postsecondary Success" do to achieve this goal?
Well, if you're a student you can follow these guidelines: Explore career options, prepare for college early, take responsibility for your future, attend school every day, participate in school and community events, etc., etc., etc,
This requires paying someone to tell our students this?
Now, if you're a parent, ALLIN also has a few words of advise for you. Ready?
First and foremost, file your taxes early (what?), make sure your children go to school everyday, attend school open houses regularly, spread the word to other parents, encourage daily study time, motivate your child to explore career options, etc., etc., etc.
Teachers, you can also be ALLIN if you: Raise your standards, be rigorous, continue your own education, take students to college campuses, mentor your students and reach out to parents, etc., etc., etc..
Are these people serious? This approach is an insult to those parents, students and teachers who labor day in and day out to pay their bills and property taxes to keep the schools running. Surely this isn''t the advice they are seeking from the self-appointed guardian of academia called United Brownsville at $25,000 a pop.

She can wow the crowds with her 17 percent graduation rate over six years, the 50 percent loss of the freshman class each year, the inability to even rank in national college assessments, and the highest tuition and fee schedule of all the community colleges in Texas. Oh, yeah, she's got plans for ALLIN, alright.

Will blood turn out to be thicker than mud? Will Enrique's desire to be ALLIN with the Big Dogs overcome his allegiance to family? Or will Enrique hinge his support for the handout on a condition that Martinez call off the dogs on his little bro's company?
And what about trustee Minerva Peña who is always whining about the "poor kids" that will be left without resources to further their educational career whenever someone proposes something new expenditure for the district? Why isn't she making a fuss about her "poor kids" who will be deprived of $25,000 so the board can give it to millionaires like Rusteberg and his cronies?
Things, as Alice used to say, are getting curiouser and curiouser..."
Who is going to pay for ALL-IN when the Gates money runs out?
There should be some oversight for United Brownsville since this is public money. Is there any oversight? Is there any plan of accountablity.....or do they expect to use the Kardenas Klan and Juliet Garcia plan and not provide accountability to anyone...especially those who donate. If anyone files a Freedom of Information Act request, United Brownsville should be required to account for this money....and since this is a public organization, they should be accountable for all expenditures. Are they???? Juliet had a "President's Fund" and it was used at her discretion and there has never been mention of accountability or how it was spent. United Brownsville seems more like a private or secret organization than a public entity.
Failure to inform the public is just another autocratic act by public officials who perceive themselves as "special" and smarter than the public. We need accountability and an agenda for United Brownsville. Most entities have budget planning to define goals and programs. Does United Brownsville have a budget or even any goals that justify use of public funds???? The Brownsville Herald is a pawn to Juliet and the members of this "secret" klan called United Brownsville. The Herald will never investigate this issue....the Herald is not about to bite the hand that feeds it; thus no journalistic investigation.
taxpayers of course, who else? taxpayers always have money to those taxes or else lose your house, yikes
Everyone should visit the "United Brownsville" website and look at the general "plan". The outline indicates that Brownsville is the poorest city in the RGV; has the lowest education achievement in the RGV; has the highest unemployment in the RGV. For the most part it indicates that Juliet Garcia (UTB) and Irv Downing (UTB) and Fred Rusteburg (IBC but a pawn for Juliet Garcia) make up the active board. It presents the dismal economic situation in Brownsville and the awful educational achievment....but few or no solutions. Since the "plan" was developed, we have really lost big with the future re-location of the center of the UT System to Hidalgo Co. Juliet expects us to follow her leadership for progress, while her "control" of the university is being eroded. How can we trust this triad to make the city move forward, while the one entity they managed (UTB) will have a dimished role.
Juan if inded this is such a GREAT project or deal for the brownsville area as these clowns claim then how come its not run on private dollars and private donations that should be made by juleta, freddy and the whole golden gang that makes big bucks? answer me that please why does the poor i meand the poor taxpayers have to pay fo rthis shit?
Ya basta, c0mmissioners. When are you going to require UB to make meetings public, provide accountability, and have commissioner representation on board?
Put pressure on the BISD board members. Chance for them to prove they are there "for the kids". We're watching! We demand accountability!!!
Keep voting for democrats!!!!!! I cannot believe you people keep voting for MIERDA!!!!!!!!
thieves nothignbut thievies here and people know it, nothing here but a taxpayer run machine and those in charge making BIG BUCKS. PERIOD
I have lived in Brownsville for four years and l have yet to meet anyone here who knows exactly what United Brownsville does or stands for. This is the most humongous hoodwinking of Brownsville citizen taxpayers I have ever seen. How this entity has continued to spend our hard earned monies with such nebulous plans and no accountability is incomprehensible. Until someone files some legal papers with proof of theft or corruption, it will contine to exist. But alas!...they have all the money and can get the best creative accountants and expensive lawyers.
As there has been no real industrial development taking place in Brownsville, while McAllen blows us away, it's time to fire everyone in this town connected with "economic developement", and start over.
Where is the accountability for all these compadres?
melisa pregunto 'QUE ES LO QUE UDS HACEN' y el pendejo no supo que contestar,ya es hora de parar todas estas mamadas.y acabr con todos estos gastos pendejos, sr alcalde hagale un favor a la cuidad y corra a todos los corruptos que estan trabajando en la cuidad.
folks hate to say or put it this way but this is just money for these clowns to peel their chorizo and get a paycheck every 2 weeks, nothing more, nothing less, they dont creat anything but SHIT. Dont we allready have a couple of EDC's and chanmber of commerce and then a vistors buruea? plenty of duplication, and they know it, but how do can we stop a runaway train? good question? are they registered with the state as a non profit? and if they use taxpayers moneys which is running this train, then are they using the opnee meetings acts and the freedom of information acts? Juan maybe you should look into this? just my opinion
The legality of all these scams is what gets them in trouble. Puro chupar de estos leeches
Melissa zamaora keep asking what does unted brownsville do for $25K? we already have same dulpication of services by chamber, edc'S etc etc etc? puro chorizo estos guys juntos con la bruja de juleta
hey no more bad talking about united brownsville, my question is where can i get an job application for one of these mamon jobs and where is your office so i turn it in to? do i need a degree? el monkey?
melisa sigale chingando y pregunte que es lo que se ha logrado con esta mamada, y por favor aganle auditoria a la cd de brownsville porque debe de haber mucha 'CACA'pero con auditores externos para que no los puedan arreglar ni cabler y el viejo gonzalez.
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