The group that started out as a self-styled grassroots organization to effect "Brownsville Change" has now given up all pretense of community activism and cozied up to the Ernie Hernandez vote-harvesting political machine, often riding the coattails of legitimate community groups unabashedly hustling the unwary for personal profit.
Brownsville Cheezmeh, led by Austin-based Erasmo Castro through his proxy sister Linda Castro Dragustinovis, of Los Fresnos, has gone through many different metamorpheses. When it first appeared on the scene, it acquired its website from advertising specialist Gilbert Velasquez and his son, who donated their labor and designed the page under the condition that it remain true to its stated goals of bettering the community through progressive activism and remain politically impartial.

When they said he could have it if he paid them for their work – about $3,000 – he refused and they pulled the plug on the site. Undaunted, Castro and his dwindling supporters resorted to a Facebook page from which they now operate. And, as it has become evident to those who first latched on to the group in hopes of finding an advoctae for change that the core group around the Castros were more intersted in self-enrichment rather than contributing materially to the community at large, they left the organization in droves.
At one time, the Firefighters and Paramedics Union formed part of the group, as did local activists and motorcycle club enthusiasts who teamed with them to fight against Fly Frontera, a charter airline that was trying to get cash incentives from the city's economic development agencies and the Public Utilities Board. That effort as the apex of the group's visibility. From there on, a series of differences between Castro and local activists have shrunk the Cheezmeh adherents to a small black-shirted group that has taken to coattailing their efforts behind political candidates and legitimate charities.

However, he does give fair notice that "if your objective is to be an asshole or a whiny bitch" this goup may not be the best place for you. If honey donesn't work, well, there's always vinegar, we guess. Go figure.
This season they will again be visible at the Third Annual Posada de Los NiƱos, and collect funds through their website just as they did during the Pink Ribbon Month. A small contingent – notably buxom Linda and friends – also established a presence at the Washington Park Lighting festivities. Adn expect to see them also with the BISD At-Risk Kids activities.
To the uninitiated, all this sounds like worthy endeavors. But when followers try to question Castro on the final destination of the proceeds from their fundraising efforts, the Head Queso minces no words. He, and he alone, will decide what happens to the money, he has said on previous occasions. Whoever doesn't like it, well, a string of obscenities followed.

This year they are raising funds to host their annual Christmas Party. The site for the merrymaking?
Would you believe 1634 San Marcelo, the home of none other than Erin Hernandez Garcia, the daughter of Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez whose wife Norma operates the most blatant vote-harvesting political machine in southeast Cameron County?
Shedding their community-betterment garb, they openly supported Erin's candidacy for Justice of the Peace 2-2 even though ample evidence existed that she and her family were brazenly committing massive voter abuse on the elderly and mentally impaired clients of local adult day-care facilities and centers.
The list of luckless candidates who fell for the Cheezmeh siren song grows longer after each election. Someone recently posted the scorecard on the candidates they have supported and it's not a Who's Who of winners. In fact, except for Jessica Kalifa-Tetreau, theirs has been a losing track record.
Among those supported by the group and ending on the losing side were, Terry Vinson for Sheriff,
Alex Dominguez for State Representative, Carlos Masso for DA. Chuck Mattingly for DA, Tad Hasse for TSC, Robert Uresti for TSC, Dennis Blanchard for District 34, Jessica Bradshaw for District 34 (which they now dispute), Donald Clupper for BISD, and Linda Gill for BISD.
Only Erin Hernandez Garcia, whose campaign was tainted by proven massive voter fraud came out on the winning side, though the stench of fraud still emanates from the polls.
The pity of it is that legitimate candidates who run with the best intentions will be the object of their pithy scorn and might reconsider running to represent the city residents on the various boards. To have Erasmo, an Austin resident, and Linda, who lives in Los Fresnos, place themselves as arbitrators of the political direction of this city amounts to nothing more than a travesty in representative government.
"Jessica Bradshaw for District 34 (which they now dispute)"
Maybe you should prove that they did. Because I never saw that they did. Y chingao Juanito, you supported Hasse too.
Pic taken on Ash Wednesday? How religious of them.
Maybe candidates should pay Cheezmeh NOT to support them.
Can't stand those corrupted people. Are they also the same people who run a church. If so now we know why one of their followers is such a con artist but acts as if she is so nice so she can snatch her cousin husband. The guy is an idiot for falling under the spell of that woman acting as if she cared for her cousin just to keep her man. Is this a nice woman no, but the Castro's taught her and she learned really fast. Her time will come and so will his for being cochinos and liars. But the two are always at church with their teachinhs. Both of you need to learn and pray not to be such ugly people before you preach. By the way I also heard the Castro's got the fake woman a fake diploma to work at a school. How true that is do not put it past them. A..... will take your money and run N.... just like she left her husband for you she will do it to you for being a baboso.
Jessica would have been the better choice for our newly formed district. I was unaware BC endorsed JPB. Cheezmeh has its agenda, you have yours. Cheezmeh provides communication amongst current and former Brownsvillites that never existed before. Like your site, Cheezmeh informs Brownsville residents with different slants on what is going on in local politics that we would otherwise be unaware of. A lot of the other stuff they post is for entertainment. Laughter is the best medicine. Where else would I go to find the best tacos in town, what time the parade starts or find out real opinions about local services ? I look forward to reading both your sites. Just live and let live.
Shut up Jessic. You lost. Get lost. Sore loser.
Jessica is a ding-bat!!!!!!
1-9.......One victory out of NINE attempts to back someone into office.
Maybe politics are just not y'alls thing. I'd advise sticking to "local pet-grooming" suggestions and "where to find the best tortillas and raspa stands in town", because it's plainly evident for all to see your "political compass" is about as right and accurate as a time piece that lies in in a couple of hundred pieces scattered across a desert.
Good luck with that y'all, maybe pick up a book or find a new hobby, cause politics is clearly not something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. 1-9 haha !!
December 10, 2012 1:46 PM Anonymous, and the English language is something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. haha!!
(English language is something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. haha!!)
picture of the three fat pigs.
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