Wednesday, December 19, 2012


By Juan Montoya
A former Brownsville Independent School District trustee noticed it right off the mark after this Tuesday's district board agenda was posted.
The item read: 15. Discussion, consideration and possible action to pay United Brownsville annual membership fees to the City of Brownsville in the amount not to exceed $25,000 from budgeted Local Maintenance Funds.
It did not specify which trustee placed the item on the agenda and we have to assume that it was done by Superintendent Carl Montoya at the behest of one of the board members. We also assume that it was board president Enrique Escobedo, who along with Montoya form part of United Brownsville's 27-member board.
The former trustee pointedly asked how it was that the board could vote to pay United Brownsville, a nonprofit, through the City of Brownsville, as the item read.
"Is the district going to pay the city so that they, in turn, can pay United Brownsville the $25,000 in membership fees?," he asked. "What kind of arrangement is that? That is a poorly worded agenda item. It makes no sense."
For whatever reason, and also because there was a number of residents who gave notice to the bigwigs they were there to speak out against the cash-strapped district giving away taxpayer funds to an organization that has done little or nothing to help a teacher intsruct a child to read or to put a book in his hands – the mission of the district – the administration decided to pull the item from the agenda.
Other boards and public entities might ask themselves the same thing. Among those who have plunked their taxpayer-funded $25,000 to the self-appointed United Brownsville board are the City of Brownsville, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, the Brownsville Navigation District, the Brownsville Independent School District, The University of Texas at Brownsville, Texas Southmost College, and the Brownsville Public Utilities Board.
Has United Brownsville brought one ship in at the port, helped lower the rates at PUB, increased the sales taxes, or graduated one TSC or UTB student? Or has it merely used the money to perpetuate itself and its overpaid, underachieving bureaucracy and supporters hiding behind vague generalizations and platitudes of far-off goals?
It probably won't be until the turn of the year in mid-January when the BISD holds another board meeting that the item will come up again for the board's consideration. We've been told that those opposed to giving away our children's money will be keeping their powder dry. 


Anonymous said...

Y marmar y marmar, marmar y marmar puro taxpayers monies anyway the taxpayers dont care? year right, puros mamones at the united brownsville

Anonymous said...

?????? which powder dry??? the cocaine powder??? or the facial cosmetic powder??? OR DID THE IDIOT MEANT TO SAY POWER? GEEZZZZ Y A SI CRITICAN A LOS DEMAS???

Anonymous said...

If you keep your powder dry, you act cautiously so as not to damage your chances.

Anonymous said...

to 4:19pm
Keep your powder dry


Be prepared and save your resources until they are needed.


The allusion is to gunpowder which soldiers had to keep dry in order to be ready to fight when required. This advice reputedly originated with Oliver Cromwell during his campaign in Ireland. In Ballads of Ireland, 1856, Edward Hayes wrote:

"There is a well-authenticated anecdote of Cromwell. On a certain occasion, when his troops were about crossing a river to attack the enemy, he concluded an address, couched in the usual fanatic terms in use among them, with these words - 'put your trust in God; but mind to keep your powder dry'."

19th century citations of the phrase invariably give the full version - trust in God and keep your powder dry. This emphasizes that the keep your powder dry was seen only as an additional insurance. This is made clear in a piece from The Times Literary Supplement, 1908:

"In thus keeping his powder dry the bishop acted most wisely, though he himself ascribes the happy result entirely to observance of the other half of Cromwell's maxim."

See also: the List of Proverbs.

Anonymous said...

Keep your powder dry means don't sweat it, idiota.

Anonymous said...

"keep your powder dry", meanS to make sure that you're not going to come up short in a crisis because you haven't taken care of business ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

We are keeping the powder dry, and the safety pin off.

Lock and Load everyone, because United Brownsville will try to get on the BISD agenda again.

Anonymous said...

this is just flushing money down the toiulet thats all folks, this Unted brownsville chingadera wont do anything for the city or city folks, just for a few token ones who get these nice cushy jobs making chingos de money de la gente pobre, mas impuestos i say

monkey shines said...

United brownsville should be undido brownsville cuz you dont get anything back for your tax dollars being spent, just a waste of taxpayers money my opinion
