A few years ago in a previous lifetime when I was a road and bridge precinct supervisor for Cameron County, we had just won the position for Precinct 1 commissioner in a heated election by a mere nine votes after a runoff election.
The battle in the trenches was vicious, with supporters of our candidate and supporters of former Judge Ray Ramon fighting over every vote. It came to a recount after the runoff and our candidate Lucino Rosenbaum Jr. won that by a mere six votes.
With passions running high, Rosenbaum was sworn into office and took over the warehouse behind the then-Rancho Alegre Cafe on 14th Street. When we took ove rthe offices, the place was in shambles and had to be remodeled almost from scratch. Nonetheless, the commissioner started his two-term tenure there.
About two months into the job we came to the office on a Monday at about 7 a.m., and Rosie, the secretary of the office, a woman normally tough as nails and as good an office manager as you would want running a crew of laborers, truck driver and heavy equipment operators met me at the office door. Normally a guera with freckles, she was now white, her face drained of color.
"What's the matter?," I asked her noticing her demeanor.
"Look at the commissioner's office door," she pointed.
I went inside past the coffee pot, and then leaned into the corridor.
There was a small raised row of dirt stretched like a boundary along the bottom of the door. There was also a weird odor coming from the dirt.
"Son brujerias," she said. "It's probably cemetery dirt that someone came in here over the weekend and put there."
Although the building was old (it had an asbestos tile roof), there was no sign of forced entry or broken doors or windows. Whoever had come in had a way to get inside the gates and doors. The workers said the person who came in probably didn't need a key. They insinuated it had to be a witch or some other demonic thing that could walk through walls.

About an hour later he showed up and said that someone (me) should take the dirt and place it all in a plastic bag without touching it and then throw it into a body of water while saying an incantation to the effect of "Go back where you came from and return the curse to the person who put it there."
I talked to the supervisor and told him that if that's what he wanted to do to have one of the workers do it out in the precinct somewhere. I grabbed a broom and dustpan and swept the area clean and handed them the bag because no one would come near it. Later, I heard that they had done as the commissioner had been advised by the "woman who knew."
I recount this story because I learned that someone did something similar to Melissa Castro, the local community activist who has worked with children and has tried to invigorate the downtown Market Square area with community events, crafts and music. She is also somewhat religious in her Internet commentary. In other words, one of the good guys.
Melissa posted in her Facebook site that someone driving a car stopped by her house and threw a poor sacrificed chicken (or some type of poultry) onto her front yard. The luckless bird is pictured above. Melissa described the car as looking like the one she posted on her page.
"Miren lo que acaban de dejar en la puerta de mi casa," she wrote. "Pobre gente no saben que el mal que intentan hacer se les regresa. Que Dios los perdone."
It was very similar to what happened to us at the county warehouse in the mid-1980s and it brought back memories of that event.
In talking with some people, everyone seems to know something about hexes and brujerias. The dirt that was deposited in our office was probably collected by someone from a cemetery at midnight and then deposited at the office with a curse they tell me. The chicken that was thrown in Melissa's door was part of a ritual also, they said.
It's interesting to me that in the 21st Century we still have these lingering belief systems that still strike a chord in local residents. Is it true? Probably not. But their effectiveness proabably depends on the target. Judging by Melissa's response, it probably won't make much of a difference. Still, it wouldn;t do any harm to cross yourself Melissa. Just in case, you know.
I agree with Melissa:
"Pobre gente no saben que el mal que intentan hacer se les regresa. Que Dios los perdone."
OMG I shouldn't have roasted that turkey someone left at my doorstep.
gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble
Being a "Shaman Amazonico", conocedor de la magia negra, blanca y polka dotted, I will offer my services and do a limpia for her. All I have to do is cleanse her with my personal ritual, it consists of passing my dos huevos peludos over her while she lays nude on her bed.
Thank you, need to take me, it will be my pleasure to do her this small service.
Meclovio, el hermano bastardo de MACLOVIO.
Superstitions like this reflect the elevated level of ignorance in the community. Using the "Boogie Man" to intimidate can only be used on someone who is so dumb they believe in the "Boogie Man". That's most of Brownsville, unfortunately.
Hell the "Boogie Man" is not one not two pero "son los 3 hombres, Boogie Men de Brownsville .....
Yes all 3 son de la misma the same mother . .
los tres "Boggie Men" son # 1 Ernie
Hernandez # 2 Arturo Nelson y # 3
Tony Martinez . . .
We need a pinche witch soup to get
these to go to live with their
papa . . . the devil himself ! !
She probably did it herself so pendejos like you, with nothing better to do, can post this trash.
Puras pendejadas de gente chismosa y amargada.
A child of God will not entice people to hate just to get more "likes" on facebook.Her audience must not be that great to have to resort to such tactics.
Just suck it up and stop getting people to hate"Child of God"
Get your house in harmony and stop getting the public involved.
Puro pedo!!!!!!!
Maybe we should consult Tony Zavaleta....the "expert" in everything; according to him.
Who ever said Brownsville is ignorant is probably ignorant.
hahahahaha y para que le van a servir a Melissa tus dos huevos peludos y aguados??? en estos casos lo unico que sirve ES LA VERGA PAPITO!!!!!! Los huevos tuyos ni para el comienzo, ademas tu verga ya no sirve Maclovio!!! ella lo que quiere es un pajaro vivo NO MUERTO COMO LA GALLINITA QUE ESTAMOS VIENDO!!!
The Atkinson's, the Kardenas Klan, Juliet Garcia, Fred Rusteburg, Tony Martinez, the Neanderthal Dan Sanchez et al, seem to be willing to "dictate" , but not communicate with the public here. Woe is me.
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