Not quite ready-for-prime-time Brownsville Fire Chief Lenny Perez says he is ready to nab the dastardly arsonists who he says may have set three fires within one mile of each other in the span of five days in Brownsville.
The first was at 575 West Jefferson where a vacant home was torched Dec. 20.
The second was the old Parra Grocery that happened just two days before. The Parra Grocery store was said to be of historical significance, but perhaps the restrictions on restoration and renovation proved too costly for potential buyers and it was cheaper to put a match to it. Who knows?
The latest, this Sunday morning, destroyed another vacant house in the 1700 block of West Adams Street.
“We have some leads and are following up on those,” Perez told the local daily. "Right now, they are hitting vacant homes, which threaten next-door neighbors. … The thing we are worried about is if they are hitting vacant homes now, what if they go to houses with people?” Perez said. “And that concerns us. What if they turn their attention to any home?"
“We want people to keep vigilant,” Perez said. “If you see someone go into an abandoned building, call the police department so we can go investigate and hopefully we’ll stop this.”
It would be reassuring to hear a fire chief utter those words of concern, but knowing Lenny as we know Lenny, the chief's utterings amount to self-serving speeches that really do nothing to address the problem.
Take for example, the chronic fires at Wilkinson Brothers Recycling Company on 3145 E. 14th St. Neighbors say the fires seem to start suspiciously at about 1 or 2 a.m. when there's no one around, and that the stuff that goes up in flames always seems to consist of foam and molding from cars and other appliances. When the trash pile gets too high behind the recycling yard, it's almost a sure bet that a fire will start one night that will prove too hot or toxic for firefighters to get too close to it and they let it burn. Thick, acrid clouds of toxic fumes choked the night skies and and droplets of chemicals rained down upon the neighboring subdivisions.
"If I wanted to save on landfill charges or on the labor to get rid of the trash, that's the way I would do it," said a neighbor during the most recent blaze. "Notice that nothing of value like copper or aluminum ever gets destroyed, just the trash."
But Lenny, who thrives on good press, can put on his toughest mean look and get int he news columns expressing his concern about the matter.

"I was given my proclamation from the congressman by my supervisor after I arrived from a call for a cardiac arrest," said one of the firefighters. "The chief told the commissioners that they couldn't find me. He was the one who had me assigned to duty that night."
Lenny's forte seems to be the self-appointed union buster with innumerable discipline actions against those he deems a threat to his position or whose knowledge of the profession makes him feel insecure. In almost every instance, his disciplinary acts against the firefighters backfires and are overturned by the civil commission boards. But that doesn't detain Lenny. He is happy having the city's contract lawyers rack up the hours trying to give those pesky union firefighters their just rewards for being so cheeky.
The saddest consequence of his grandstanding happened last year when he ordered the ladder truck and crew at Station Six near the intersection at Price Road and Old Port Isabel to go to Vela Elementary on Paredes by Cameron Park for Fire Safety Week. Instead of sending an inspector to instruct the students on fire safety, the whole crew and ladder truck were sent.
While they were there, a fire call came in from an apartment complex on Coffeeport Road less than a mile from the station. Unable (or unwilling) to interrupt the fire crew, the call went out to another station on distant Old Alice Road to handle the call. However, the length of time that it took them to reach the fire proved to have been the deciding factor that caused a boy to die in an apartment.
We know the city was sued and given the facts, probably settled for a large sum of money with the parents of the unlucky child.
Did Lenny learn a lesson from his folly?
For starters, why not start on a no-brainer arson like the one at the recycling yard on 14th Street?
If and when an arsonist is caught setting fires, it will probably be because of public vigilance and not because of the pronouncements by what we have now passing as a professional fire chief.
Hey just an idea here ?
Instead of having the several hundred firemen washing and washing and exercising and waiting for the next
fire to start . . .
now that we have had . . . what
5 or 7 fires set at abandoned buildings . . .
go park your cars and sit and sit and sit and sit and sit and sit . .
and wait for the arson . . .
we already know he is going to only abandoned buildings . . .
better than sitting and sitting and sitting and sitting at the firehouses . . ..
Him and Cabler swap spit in the shower. Toughest mean look...that guy is a pussy. Everybody knows these guys probably gave heroin crack money to this so called arsonist. I wonder if him and Cabler practice their mean look before they leave the house everyday. BTW, onta mi Pinche Cables? He has kept himself out of the spot lights ever since the crooked da was caught.
Is Lenny puro pedo?
No doubt but that Lenny Perez is a twin to Guillermo on the late night Jimmy Kimmel show. The question is, which is the most effective comic???? As a conspiracy theorist, we need to look into these fires from the standpoint of city development or finding a new home for Juliet Garcia and UTB. Maybe Peter Goodman is behind the fires. Property owners refuse to take action, so this may be just another "revitalization" technique. Still, it will not get folks to go downtown....
Lenny DIDN'T want to send an investigator to one of the fires.....told the men to leave it "for the morning"....his men were irate to say the least. one was finally sent.....not that the fire investigators are worth it, they are ALWAYS falling back on PD to work the investigations.....they have no real experience!
The city should hire security to guard trash piles and abandoned houses!
To 2:21pm I'm so sorry that you couldn't pass the test to become a fireman,but try again instead of bitching.
Thanks to the Good Lord I have no need for that occupation.....however, our tax dollars are being wasted
If they would, I'm sure Cabler would give the contract to his buddy Escobedo..... Just like the security contracts at all the other city properties....Ratas! Atleast cover it a little bit.
wilkinsons iron and metal need to send police out there in the wee hours of the night, cuz thats when the employees come back and torch the stuff, then all these toxic fumes chock the neighborhood and city o tceq dont do a thing.
If the fire at Parra's Grocery store was under investigation, why were they allowed to "clear" the evidence the very next day. I say bring in NCIS to investigate everything and everyone in this corrupt town of corrupt elected officials!
Has the Fire Marshal's position been filled yet?
For those that have nothing better to do than dump on those that go out there and do the job for you. If u think those firefighters are just sitting down all day then why don't u go and suit up with them when things go bad. if u have so much courage to run your mouths but not enough to stand up for the few that do the right thing. and if u have no need for the occupation, I hope your family isn't struck with a tragedy like losing your home to a fire. let's see who puts it out dumbass. food for thought: attitude reflects leadership
I am neither for or against the fire chief. what I don't appreciate is the disrespect shown to those who serve our community. its one thing to be dissatisfied with their performance but to degrade and mock it when we are safely asleep at home while they answer calls at any given time seems disrespectful. if anyone is unhappy with how things are done then why not keep quiet, sign up for the test, and go out there and fight just as they do. and FYI, all those firefighters who " sit and sit" don't just answer fire calls. they also answer medical calls. because they are also paramedics. let me throw out some math for you. brownsville has a call volume of approx 30000 fire and medical calls per year. break that down into haw many calls that is per day. and divide that by 9(number of stations). now consider that Brownsville has grown tremendously. yet Harlingen, we can all agree is a much smaller town, has 8 stations. ummmmm...I think they may be short staffed...
Hey there rocket scientist.... Did you ever consider that the evidence had been picked up before they allowed to clean up to begin????
whoa there my little hot tamale! No one said there was no need for fire fighters. The need is there.....what I was referring to is the comment suggesting of a disgruntled failed fire candidate (946am) Complaining. I personally do not want to be a fire fighter or have the need to be one as I have been blessed with a great far as some waste in tax dollars, we all know there is plenty of that in any city entity.
"Attitude reflects leadership" dumbass? So since you have a shitty leader/chief, then your personal work output will be shitty? What a sorry way to live.....
The idea that firefighters sit around and wait for fires is ignorant at best. The primary call volume this department gets are EMS related as the the department is the SOLE life saving provider in town.
Chief Lenny is a JOKE ... This idiot has no idea what it is to lead a group of Fire Fighters that on any given day would risk their own lives for absolute strangers. Lenny is so long overdue to be replaced that he only serves as a reminder as to how incompetant our City Commission is for keeping him around. UNA BOLA DE IDIOTAS TODOS...
NCIS? Stop watching tv, dumbass. Ignorance is our worst enemy.
It's probably the union...part of the negotiation....thanks spell checker!
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