Some are calling it the Friday Massacre, while others say that the new Cameron County District Attorney is simply cleaning house and getting his team in place.

The blood and tears ran down the corridors of the second story of the Cameron County Courthouse's judicial wing. Eyewitnesses told of DA employees crying in the hallways after getting the news that – contrary to their expectations – they were told that their services were no longer required.
One of the most notable casualties was Chuck Mattingly who was the Republican contender for DA this past November.
Mattingly had been hired, and then rehired, by indicted DA Armando Villalobos who had let the chief assistant counsel go for not showing up to work as the campaign for the office heated up and he faced Saenz.
Also not rehired were 10 investigators, most of them from the Villalobos Special Operations Group.
Among those not rehired were 15 secretaries, including Office Manager, Michelle Garcia.
I think that it is a good start to clean up the Hot Mess left by Villalobos.
Great news Luis Mr. D/A.
The voters of Cameron County are sick and tired of the same old CRAP !
Take your time in handling the hot cases and special files but deal with them as the law requires.
We will again join you in the streets on any corner of any town here in Cameron County to help you SWEEP THE CRIMINALS OUT OF TOWN !
Start with sending a message to each elected Officeholder !
CRIME LIKE BEFORE corruption like before is over and you have our support from here at the island ! !
Michell was a sexual predator at the DA's office. Harrased and made life impossible to many young girls and young male prosecutors who did not succumb to her sexual advances. Good Riddance Bitch
Is Luis Saenz going to be another Villalobos? looking the other way while the corruption runs rampant? did he already made deals with Ernie Hernandez? is he going to hire the person he told us was a crooked criminal? Masso? we have been disappointed time after time when we put our trust in our elected officials, is Saezn going to be another disappointment?
So the rumors heard around town are probably correct. He already has his friends and family ready to be hired. One being an ex police commander, same one who was not qualified to be a commander, but knows how to but kiss to get his positions. Chaos is his middle name. He is an asshole who knows how to manupilate other assholes. Looks like it will not be any different after all. Good luck Mr. Saenz, you are going to need it with that man on board.
We hear that all from the Villalobos office will be able to re-apply for their positions in the Saenz administration. While this is inconvenient for those currently in the DA's office, it is a positve action to purge those who "served" Villalobos and not the public. It is a positive action by Saenz, but we can only hope this has substance and is not just a "show" for the media before rehiring Villalobos' staff. We have had some shoddy work from the DA's office during the Villalobos administration and the office needs change.
Were these layoffs justifiable or was it just politics so saenz can bring in all of his commpadres? Will there be lawsuist filed for wrongful termination? Who will bear the bill for the unemployment benefits, hey somebody has to pay? Luis Saenz can you answer those questions? I hope you did the right thing.
There are other county offices that need purging. We don't know if Saenz will improve the DA office with "his" staff...we can only hope that we don't just see another example of "cronyism" from the Dumbokrats. Very often in government a statement of "reorganization" merely means moving things around to give the impression of change....but in reality nothing changes. The Dumbokrats brought Luis to this dance and we can expect him to stay with who "brung" him....meaning no real change.
That is the elected officials right and good that he got rid of Michelle Garcia and her related clan or associates. Mr. Saenz has that power per se since the DA employees are not protected by civil service, thanks to the idiots being our State legislators in Austin. Rumor is that he kept Maria De Ford and Joe Lopez which is a big mistake and hope he will not find that out the hard way? Those two are the biggest ass kissers, backstabbers and liars in the county! He did break up the nepotism within the office, which was overdo. I feel for a few of those who got released but that is the name of the game in government where the elected official has that right to terminate at will. Let's hope that this is a sign of integrity and respect returning to the DA office? Since, Armando Villalobos sold his office for favoritism and some pocket change?
It is a good start, if the new DA doesn't replace them with pals and primos.
Which one?,Commander Bolita?
The Terminator-Luis saenz
congratulations Luis...there are a few that were not fired that have no business working with the DA.. be careful of those who have no morals and no loyalty ..who give out confidential inforamtion.. a drug test would be recommended
When you work for an office like the DAs office, your job is only guaranteed under current administration. Once someone new gets elected, your job is no longer guaranteed. All employees are told this on their first day of work.
Reply for December 15, 2012 @ 6:41 pm. Ex commander please, might be the same one but he is more of a BIG GREASE BALL.
Luis a drug test would be great, starting with you, do you still do coke?
And the conspiracy theories's comments like this that make me sad for Brownsville. The man has not even taken office or said anything about drug test and here we go with the stupid ridiculous comments from the uneducated. The man does not even drink. Wise up before you cowardly hide behind a computer and type.
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