Sunday, December 23, 2012


It was billed as the party to end all parties, a kind of apocalyptic binge of music and planet alignment extravaganza in Olmito's John Lennon Park.
Lee McNamara was on hand with telescope for the stargazers and the party was was touted as one of the final concerts of the year. Unfortunately for the crowd that waited eagerly for the Valles Flying Machine to perform, the band of brothers was a no-show. Rumors circulated that they were afraid to come out because the world was going to end.
Other bands slated to appear were disappointed when they were unable to perform due to the lack of equipment. The Flying Machine representative, “Joe” had been out earlier in the afternoon to confirm their appearance and their generous gesture of allowing the other musicians use of their equipment.Only one act played. Adam Neece was able to play for the crowd, which had braved quite brisk weather for a chance to see the last concert of the year at John Lennon Memorial Park.
Seenin hte photo above is Adam Neece, who was kicking off his Third Coast Tour, here in Brownsville, Texas. He is slated to gig at Hueso del Frailebefore leaving for a private "soiree" in New Orleans, Lousiana for the last gig of his Tour.
It was with great astonishment that an apparition in the picture above was observed by a local roadie. It seems that at exactly 21 hours 12 minutes on December 21, 2012 that the apparition appeared as Adam Neece was playing. Looking closely at the light on the stage at what appears to be a special effect it was noticed that an image of George Harrison and John Lennon appeared.
On hand at the event was a Paranormal Observation Group called Paranormal Registry and NeoScience Cryptography Group. Their readings during the concert confirmed some type paranormal activity was taking place.
(The picture above was provided by the Paranormal Regsitry and NeoScience Crytography Group shows that the apparition appeared at Galactic Coordinates 21 degrees W and 12 minutes N at
the approximately 21 hours 12 minutes local time on December 21, 2012.)


Anonymous said...

This is typical of Texas Blow, as he is nothing but hot air. Never trust anything this valley blowhard says. He likes to name drop all day about everyone he supposedly knows, but where are these people and how come no one seems to be able to help him out. He's always bitching about money and gigs like he's owed something. There's always some little something that in his eyes is a barrier to whatever he wants. How can you tell that Texas Blow is lying? His lips are moving! This guy is a joke. All that gear and still can't do shit.

Anonymous said...

I know what you are saying. Isn't it funny how this Texas fellow always posts "thing are gonna change blah blah blah no more small gigs blah blah blah you're gonna see blah blah blah" every 6 months every year? It's like a broken record. Then he proceeds to play these shitty gigs. Then begging for people to buy his stuff. What's with the thumbs up in every pic? Is he a tourist?

Anonymous said...

Did you read the latest BULLSHIT from Texas "Blow?" After all this hype about some Austin gig at some typhoid burger shack, now it is cancelled! His line this time was "logistics"! You know, forget the name Texas Blow, after yet another blown gig, he should now be called No-show Joe!

This fat slug is the joke of the RGV.

Anonymous said...

Ha ain't that the truth. He barely scrapes two lowly gigs in a year, and he's a no-show for both of them! Then he's posting shit on his FB about about how women will be naked at his outdoor gigs. You know what, how about YOU showing up to your one INDOOR gig before predicting about naked women showing up the outdoor ones. Then he reposts an old pic for about the hundredth time, then the few times they get "liked", he responds TO EACH ONE just to inflate the comment count. Then responds to his own replies! And like someone above said, I am waiting for his next "things are gonna change this year, no more shitty gigs" proclamation.

I agree, he is a sad joke.

Ritchie said...

Have you read his latest BULL SHIT? The guy is whining about being too poor to buy more guitars, while he sits like Smaug with how many guitars in his room? Apparently he's not working, after quitting that paying job he MOANED for years like a whiny bitch about not having. Remember that shit? But yet somehow, this bloated fucker of a slug never seems to miss a meal! Maybe he'd be better off working at McDonalds, where he can munch on the fries all day.

Anonymous said...

Had to post too about this vatos bull. First he's crying on his video about he has no money. Then he's a no show for his gig, AGAIN!!! How does a person who has no job have no time for a gig? And now how does a dude who has no money have the ability to pay 4+ girls $100 each? Wasn't he just crying he had no money to eat? Then he has to communicate with his supposed stable of dancers and models through a FB post? Why doesn't he just message them directly? Oh that's right, there is no stable of women. Seriously is this dude clueless?

Anonymous said...

You should see what his excuse for no gig is. That he has to fly out for a session at EMI studio. How much more BULL SHIT can this guy shovel?

Anonymous said...

Well he isn't shoveling anything this time. He hasn't posted any pics of his supposed EMI studios session. Normally this lying and crying blowhard of a joker can't resist name dropping, bragging, showing pics, etc of all the people he knows, places he goes to, or things he does. But no pics of EMI, of Abbey Road, of the plane, the airport, nothing. Why? Because there was no EMI session. There was no plane trip. MORE......BULL.......SHIT....

I'm waiting to hear his excuse how all of a sudden there is no dancers at the gigs. Yeah those gigs that supposedly have hundreds of people there. The ones that pay so much, that he is crying on his videos that he has no money to stuff his fat face and is begging for some, but yet he's gonna pull out $400+ each gig just for dancers? He's crying for money yet he has money for a plane trip to England, hotel in England, studio time in England?

Anonymous said...

Yeah here's his BULL SHIT post, in case he deletes it.


Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to figure out how a penniless fat ass who makes videos crying for money somehow is still looking to buy more guitars? And paying for a new paint job? And looking to buy a record player? He cries he has no money for food, but yet he posts all these pics of the places he stuffs his fat face at? I'm still trying to figure out how a supposed poor, starving person can own 30+ guitars, a studio and be fat as fuck? And yet he cries how we're supposed to send him money?

Anonymous said...

That's nothing he was bragging about having owned 700+ guitars. And he's crying for money to buy more? How about this, Texas Blow...


Ask mommy for a bigger allowance, because your are a BIG BABY. Or better yet, get a goddamn job instead of crying and begging for money.

And did you see how he wants $1000 for that cheap Korean made Dime 333? It has an unfixable warped neck, more chips than a Vegas casino, no case and he wants more that it sold for in 1995? Forget about landing among the mushrooms, this clueless space cadet must have ingested too many of them before videoing that! Texas Blow is definitely tripping in a purple haze if he thinks his cheap import is gonna fetch more than a base Strat. What a maroon!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm late to add this, but it still is good. So now he's looking for FIVE(!!!!) bass players. Seriously? To cover the 2 whole gigs a year he does? This on top of the 4+ dancers (who were supposedly gonna get paid at least $100 each) he said he needed too.

So to recap, Texas Blow is gonna shell out at least $450 each gig just for these support people, DESPITE being having no money to eat or buy more guitars. This guy just doesn't seem to stop his obliviousness. You really can't make this up, it is classic.

Laughing RGV Vato said...

Wow, this porcine joker never stops! Here's the latest.

Remember how Texas Blow is constantly crying about having no money for food and guitars and is always begging, berating and cajoling his "fans" for welfare, yet refuses to get a job? And some how he manages to be buying more and more guitars and gorging himself on a practically daily basis (he posts to the Facebook every time he eats!). OK, so you're caught up if you're new to this.

Well now Texas Blow wants this $13K guitar. Only one hitch in this latest desire: he has no money! Surprise, surprise. So instead of doing what everyone else would do in this situation (which is get a god damn job and save up for it), he came up with the novel solution of crowd funding it. That's right, he want you to pay for yet another toy! Despite having an insane amount of guitars already and tons of time (and a studio) to record (since he has no job, remember), apparently the only thing that will ensure his latest album will be done is by YOU buying him a $13K guitar. UN...FUCKING...BELIEVABLE.

I've run into this joker, and he is as Republican as you can get. The dude was all excited for Sarah Palin for VP in 2008! Yet somehow when it comes to himself, he turns into the most entitled welfare wanting hypocrite imaginable. The mind seriously boggles at this guy.

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since we ruminated on Texas Blow, but we will get to it soon. Especially about when he was looking for a "Jedi Fast Worker" to record his songs. Good stuff there, we will pick that shit apart in a later post.

So apparently he's moved to Austin. If you look at the VFM page, all it consists of is him buying gear and where he eats. And doesn't he already have tons of gear to use? But practically nothing about the band! Apparently his formula for musical success is hitting pawn shops and gorging himself at restaurants. And the rest of the "band"? With no reliable bass player and the drummer five hours away in the RGV, how is that gonna work? PREDICTION: by next year, there still have been no gigs played despite being in the live music capitol of Tejas.

Then he somehow tricked that PBS station into hiring him. I wonder how long that will last until they pick up on his standard shtick where he tries to get out of doing work and just spends his time gabbing and goofing off. And that poor woman he tricked into shacking up with. How long will she put up with him dressing like a child, stuffing their apartment with gear and splurging on going out to every eatery in the area? This loudmouth fool makes Joe Isuzu look like a choir boy.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty, pretty late to reporting on this, but better late than never.

So in March 2015, Texas Blow decided to recruit a "Pro Tools Jedi Fastwoker" (his words). The pay was going to be at minimum $55 a DAY (not an 8 hour maximum). Less than what a minimum wage worker gets. The RGV proceeded to promptly hand his ass to him after he ignorantly insulted Charlie Vela, the guy who recorded the Sons Of Texas. He then accused someone of "spying" on his posts. Has no one informed this space cadet that when you post on Facebook, you are screaming to the world?

Then he went on about how he needed two more Jedis as well, since this project was "pretty big". Just to get a sense how full of shit this dude is, let us briefly recap from past BULL SHIT Texas Blow has posted.

1. Remember when he "needed" dancers for his gigs? He supposedly was going to pay these women $100 to simply shake their ass for FOUR hours. But yet a Pro Tools Jedi was going to get a mere $75 DAILY MAXIMUM for their learned skill?

2. Then he was looking for FIVE bass players to know their entire catalog and be ready on a moments notice for gigs? If anyone bit at this bait, they probably are still waiting by the phone for these non-existent gigs.

3. And then there was that Abbey Road session he bragged about. Where are the final mixes from that? Rough mixes? Some pics? Apparently their work wasn't good enough for Texas Blow's standards to post?

So then Texas Blow deleted his post in an effort to hide his supreme idiocy, but not before I copied the webpage. The next post will have the raw text for your amusement.

Anonymous said...



Pro Tools Jedi Fastwoker Needed
$75 — Brownsville, Texas

We need a guy to record our band..we pay 55:00. To 75:00 per day depending on how fast and smooth you can record us....inbox for more info we have all the gear ready to go just Need a Pro Tools Jedi....Fastworker.....thanks. need to finish this album asap album is for my band Valles Flying Machine....thnx guys....

Lee Gonzalez: Daniel Garcia

Matt Montalvo: If you all don't find anyone hmu

Joe Valles: What does H M U mran seen it dont know it ?

Matt Montalvo: Hit me up lol

Mario Gutierrez: Lol...Joe!

Mario Gutierrez: Have many underwear!

Joe Valles: Thnx Matt Montalvo

Matt Montalvo: Yeah man anytime. Just so you know I am a certified audio engineer so I will be able to get everything recorded and I could also do the mix for y'all if y'all would like or you can have somebody else do it its up to you. Just let me know what's up

Joe Valles: Hi Matt. Can youinbox me your number im in Brownsville....

Otoniel Leal: Danny Villarreal

Joe Valles: Thnx Otniel big time smile emoticon smile emoticon smile emoticon

Michael Trevino: Frank Martinez Jr.

Eric Garza: Whose the model

Joe Valles: Eric her name is Alex....she is married and lives in Florida....

Eric Garza: If you need a photographer for models like that I volunteer for free

Joe Valles: Eric I need a Pro Tools thnx

JonPaul: Ramirez Mike Andrew Ortega

Charlie Vela: 55-75 per day is nuts. It seems like you guys care about your sound enough to splurge on vintage amps and guitars, why not offer to hire someone at a decent wage commensurate with the skill-level you're asking for? Pro Tools Jedi's charge more than restaurant industry workers, I promise you. No hate, but that's simply FAR below market value for those skills. Best of luck.

Joe Valles: Charlie Vela Mind your own Business Bro...your putting the shoes of the man I need...i know who you are I have known...for a long long time who you are.....I dont get into your business dont get into mine...please do you know I have vintage GEAR ..have tou ever bothered to talk to me...or do you troll me like alot of other guys do....? Looking for a chance to criticize me or others when something feels wrong to you ? I dont need bad mojo...from anybody....i know what I know I do what I do I dont criticize....I offer what I offer....that is it....there is more to this than meets the eye. I Will decide who. Records me ..and I treat everybody with everybody who reads this my offer still stands....I will not...argue on here or state
anymore...words on the matter....I mind my own business ...I dont insult people..I treat people with respect...and I never troll or spy on anybody...then make blanket or ruff statements.....Charlie Vela keep doing your thing wish you the best of luck....recording my me to decide...for the man or woman who steps up and contacts me that it....I respect this site wish you all the best

Bryan Morales: No always publicly post.........your gear here.....or on other music threads.......good luck.....with recording....

Matt Gonzalez: Don't. ....get.....soo...offended when someone...drops some knowledge.

Anonymous said...



Joshua Lopez: this guy just insulted prob one of the best recording engineers in the valley...bands that he records actually have music career. Sons Of Texas is signed to on of the biggest label around right now and they all started with Charlie..good luck finding that "top notch" engineer for 75 a day

Otoniel Leal: Danny Villarreal

Joe Valles: Guys if your interested in the Pro Tools recording gig...plz inbox me thnx we can talk thnx...

Mark Burton: Mr. Vela gave you free, friendly and accurate advice. Top pro tools guys get like $200-$500 an hour. Around the Valley, the lowest price I've seen was $20 an hour (Purple k studio or something like that). Seriously. If you're on a budget you may just have to do it yourselves. I'm sure ya'll can put together a decent recording to promote the band.

Ron Hall: Yep.. Shooting way too low. You'll get what u pay for....

Ishmael Rios: Lmao $55-75...

Ron Hall: And when did the artist tell the studio engineer what he was paying?? ROFL!

Ron Hall: "How fast and how smooth you record us"????? Wtf!?!

Ron Hall: That's just ignorant...

Ishmael Rios: Joe Valles you should delete this post to avoid further embarrassment.

Joe Valles: No Bro...quite the apposite.....Im gonna Find a Jedi on here ....actually. 3 already contacted me...but because my project is pretty hoping to find a couple more ...Ishmael Rios by the way thnx for the Love and Support I know your Heart is in the Right Place


So there it is, Texas Joe's classic "Pro Tools Jedi Fastwoker" post

Looking at this fool said...

It is amazing how Texas Blow does so little with so much. The guy has multiple guitars, basses, amps, effects, synths, recording devices and yet accomplishes nothing. He could have every room at Abbey Road at his disposal and yet he would probably spend his time scouring pawn shops because somehow the studio wasnt "enough".

Ritchie The Sound Guy said...

Yep this name dropping blowhard is still at it. The FB is supposedly about the band, but still all it does it give news about 1) what he eats, 2) what he buys, 2) what he wants to buy, 3) posting the same old ass pics and 4) crying about money. How about getting a job? Valles Flying Machine? Forget that shit, he needs to change this page to Valles Crying Machine!

And now he's bragging about his supposed "method of madness" with women. More like a method of sadness. Just as sad as posting a pic of cold cereal just to fish for FB likes (which he then replies to individually just to force a notification). Whoop-dee-fucking-doo, so you ate something, do you want a medal for that? How long has this joker been in Austin? And how many people have gotten there after him and accomplished more?

It writes itself said...

"Nameless due to our honour system as musicians"

Do you believe this shit? This fool has name dropped every famous person he can his ENTIRE LIFE, and now he's decided to show restraint? Then this successful person gives him the roadmap, and he immediately dismissed it like that! Apparently the successful rockstar has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, and 54 year old unsuccessful Texas Blow does. Absolutely Classic! Just like when he insulted Charlie Vela. Yeah Texas Blow, because cruising pawn shops and posting food pics is how you become a musical success. Yeah, you keep doing that, because that's worked out pretty well...


Ritchie The Engineer said...

This is classic. Legendary.

Two whole years in Austin. Countless hours spent buying thousands of dollars of gear. Final result for all this expense (mind you, this is the person who recently blew off the advice of an actual successful rockstar).

Three song set at an open mic (which is open to anyone with a pulse), which he calls a "gig".

And the aftermath? Apparently this is his cue to buy yet even more gear!

Ritchie the Sound Guy said...

Two years in Austin. Most of his time has been spent buying thousands of dollars of gear, as well as blowing off the advice from a successful rock star. The final result?

A three song set at an open mic (open to anyone with a pulse) at a bistro, which according to him, is a "gig".

And the aftermath of this? Well apparently that's his cue to buy even MORE gear!

Ritchie The Sound Guy said...

The man has a heart attack. Says it makes him take stock of things. His conclusion?

Buy yet even more gear...since what he has is apparently insufficient.

I have never seen someone with so much, do so little with it.

An actual Austin OG said...

Almost two years later and what's Texas Blow's status?

Still pretending he's a constantly working musician, still accumulating gear non-stop for the one piss-ant gig he does every couple of years, still reposting old pics for the upteenth time, still name dropping every chance he gets, still crying about money, still with shitty technique/tone, still the same old broken record.

We will check back in 2023, but this report will be the same.

Ritchie the Engineer said...

I was going to wait to 2023 but not possible. So 2021 goes by, Texas Blow spends THOUSANDS more acquiring yet even more gear, and what's the fruit of of all this expense?

A quick half hour set at an open mic at a local deli. Yes, open mic, where beginners who hope to gig one day get their feet wet. It's one step above a junior high talent show. Texas Blow presents himself as a working music vet with 40+ of experience, but yet in the music capital of Texas he is barely scraping by ONE open mic "gig" in a year. And spent thousands for the opportunity to provide free music, subject to the deli manager approval.

And you should have seen his take on the large crowd. Texas Blow is under the deluded impression they were there for his off kilter "music". Here's a protip, Texas Blow: they were there to eat and drink.

Hardly the triumphant conquering of Austin which Texas Blow keeps on spewing about, for YEARS! Pretty sad when your music "business" is contingent on the whims of someone who's main concern is making sure there's enough pastrami for the hungry patrons.

Ritchie The Engineer said...

The release of Extreme's new single "Rise" reminded me of when I got woke and started realizing Texas Blow was full of shit. During his stint in Los Angeles he bragged and name dropped about how he knew George Lynch, Nuno Bettencourt, Warren DeMartini, etc., and would hang with them and help with their gear. I wasn't there, so I just took it at that.

So one day Extreme rolls into my town (with Alice in Chains opening - Layne Staley wore a bonnet...WTF?) and played one of the local clubs. Great show: $3 tickets (yeah, I was surprised at the price even then, but the local rock station subsidized it), great view, and Extreme was the tightest band I have seen yet to this day.

Anyway, so after the show my GF and I walk around the parking lot to their bus and the band is outside chatting with people. I get to talk a bit with Nuno, so I bring up Texas Blow and if he knows him. Nuno looks at me with a "who the fuck are you even talking about?" look. At that point the utter embarrassment of sounding like an absolute dweeb/rube came over me, so I just slunk away.

So yeah, at that point the utter bull shit Texas Blow would constantly spew was quite evident to me, and never took stock in anything he said anymore.
