With Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez and a majority of the city commission poised to give lucrative real estate deals totalling in the millions of dollars to clients represented by his law partner, a $12,500 gift in cash to the oil-and-gas wealthy UT System to show their "solidarity and commitment" to its plans to build a health center in South Texas, will their generosity extend to the rank-and-file city workers without the protection of collective bargaining?

It wasn't until our post appeared that we got information from the city's Human Resources Department hat these workers got a 3 percent raise two years ago, and that the last one before that was in 2005, seven years ago.
Since then, everything has been going up.

The amendments proposed by Longoria and Villarreal would add $623,091 to the 2013 budget of $20,769,699 and bring it up to 21,392,790.
In the same meeting, the second reading of the 2013 issue of Certificates of Obligation calls for approval of $13.06 million in Certificates of Obligation.
Foremost among these is the $2.3 million tabbed for the purchase of the Casa del Nylon on 1304 E. Madison and the adjoining building and property next door at 655 E. 14th Street. The $2.3 million price tag for the 52,586 square feet listed on the CO issue amounts to about $44 a foot, an extravagant amount given real estate prices in the surrounding neighborhood.
That sale was negotiated for the seller by none other than the mayor's law partner Horacio Barrera. In that same issue, a monthly rental of land next to the Cueto Building which houses the mayor's city office and the offices of United Brownsville for parking is included at a hefty $2,500. Over the three-year rental agreement, the city will pay a total of $90,000 to rent the land.

Included in the United Brownsville budget is the director's $78,000 salary plus benefits.
During the PUB-City of Brownsville Special Meeting, the members will in all likelihood approve the utility's proposal to adopt upwards rate hikes that will see city residents pay a 36 percent increase in electric rates over the next three years, a 20 percent increase in water rates over the same period, and a 6 percent hike in waste water costs over two years.
Under the proposed plan before the two bodies, electric rates alone will go up by 14 percent by October 2013 and another 22 percent by October 2016.
The three-percent rate hike for low-paid employees is probably an item that Martinez, who seems to consider himself the Santa Claus of Brownsville with his largess to the UT System, UTB, IBC and just about everyone else, does not want to see on the agenda.
Yet, in item 12 of the same agenda, Hizzoner calls for the city to "donate" $12,500 to the Francisco Cigarroa Scholarship Endowment Fund to get in the good graces of the UT System and encourage them to build their health center. With the spending binge of the UT System under Juliet Garcia, that would probably pay for a top-of-the-line parking space for the Chancellor.
With the mayor and his majority in an apparent giving mood, will their holiday cheer extend to the lowest-paid city employees who keep the city running as Villarreal and Longoria are proposing?
Need Vaseline or Butter, este tony nos esta empinando a todos los taxpayers?
Why can't Mayor and Commissioners donate their own money?
It seems Enrique at BISD is trying to do the same (donate to city and county) the BISD bldgs. an BISD land.
Does Enrique want his job to do the remodeling and construction of the items donated to city and county??
Speaking of the Mayor, Who is "ALL IN", and what are they "IN" for? Oh yeah, who is paying the bill? TV billboards, printed material, staff, etc.
Is there any kind of forma city "plan" that outlines the goals of these property purchases or how the properties will be used?? No plan that has been made public, that we know of. Looks like the Fascist leadership is spreading in Brownsville. There is Juliet Garcia, the dictator of UTB; now Tony Martinez seems to be the latest Fascist on scene, supported by Carlos Marin, Horacio Barrera, Fred Rusteburg. Doesn't Tony, et al, know Brownsville has a "weak mayor" system of government and it takes a majority of the city commission to take action and the Mayoral function is purely "honorary". Tony has hired Juliet's daughter to run his restaurant, Juliet hired Campriano's daughter for a job she wasn't qualified for at UTB; Campriano hired Juliet's son or son-in-law for a job for which he had no experience....it's political incest at the top. Brownsville continues to swirl down the drain and Tony is going to make sure all the tax dollars go down the hole too. Sad state of affairs in Browntown.
We would think that the fact that Tony's law partner is negotiating the purchase of Casa de Nylon would be a conflict of interest. Seems like Horacio is getting a lot of political business these days. Will the public care? Does the public even know what a constitutes a "conflict of interest"? My guess is the public just doesn't care and Tony and his cronies are taking advantage of the local ignorance.
For Dec. 11, 5:34pm
Campirano has Juliet's son-in-law on the port payroll. He is married to Juliet's daughter that runs Tony's restaurant. Juliet's son works for Su Clinica Familar which is run by Carlos Marin's wife. Juliet's Son's wife is the department chair at, of all places, the modern languages department at UTB. Put that in your pipe and smoke it--very intoxicating.
My family has a UTB endowment fund; will the city donate to that fund???? It seems that for the city to donate to an endowment for Cigarora is out of line, is a conflict of interest and proves that Tony is locked in with Queen Juliet Garcia. Juliet is only looking out for herself and hopes this "offering" might help her chances to be the Queen of the new UT RGV school. Any proposal Juliet makes is to promote herself....not to serve Brownsville or the RGV. Brownsville can't compete with the upper valley in financial "gifts" to influence the new university. Brownsville is a welfare city, while the McAllen community is willing to spend money to make money.
The citizens of the city and county are as aware of the conduct of this rats' nest as it's possible to be without the help of a real newspaper. It's up to the district attorney's office to prosecute conflict of interest. The outgoing DA is indicted for racketeering and the incoming DA is not going to do anything to stop the corrupt practices throughout each echelon of local government. We're screwed. Again.
FYI it is against the law to use taxpayers monies as a donation, Guess the Mayor didnt attend law classes on that day they were teachign that subject, you cannot use taxpayers monies for a donation such as the one they are proposing to do or have approved, that is agianst the law. Check the law books im surprised the city attorney didnt mention it or say anything about it either, my guess? wants to keep his job roo. but once again check the law books.
All in is the Bill and Melinda Gates grant that Tracy Lickett got. It is, of course, a United Brownsville project. They have a photo gallery and with Fred "Kraut" Rusteburg shoulder to shoulder with Julieta and Julieta's stooge Ruth "Raggity Ann" Ragland.
If Dec 11 '12, 6:17 pm's statement is true (that "Juliet's Son's wife is the department chair at, of all places, the modern languages department at UTB") then Queen Julieta crossed over a state criminal statute drawing a line that prohibits nepotism. What's it take for someone to take action on Queen Julieta's many abuses?
9:15 Once again kissing Ed big browns ass.
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